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Dark Holy Elf

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Posts posted by Dark Holy Elf

  1. It's worth noting that they aren't canon, though, since they made a sequel where everyone comes back, so nobody could have died in FE1.

    It's not quite that simple, because the characters unique to the FE11 gaidens (Horace, etc.) also return in FE12, so clearly recruiting them is canon, just killing off your PCs to get them isn't. Which doesn't really make much sense, but RPGs pretty commonly assume you can have your cake and eat it too so I shouldn't be too surprised.

  2. i think we both know the answer to why this argument blew out of proportion, sadly.

    with that said, is it weird for me to like both micaiah and corrin? granted most of my like of corrin is that i was pretty sheltered as well growing up, so i've kinda been there, not exactly, but i've had the same basic feeling of not knowing what the world was like.

    by the end of the day, i say micaiah is a better handled character, but i i actually don't hate either one.

    For what it's worth I basically agree. Corrin could certainly be better and I agree with some of the criticisms levelled against her, but there are still some interesting things worth discussing about the character, which is more than I can say for many video game main characters, including FE ones.

    Micaiah's the best, and reading this whole conversation has raised my opinion on her. Easily one of the most nuanced major FE characters, in a series which sorely lacks it.

  3. As long as I'm dreaming I'd like to see FE bring in one or more of the writers from the Suikoden series. Suikoden has a lot in common with FE: large cast, war stories, politics, etc., but Suikodens have generally been much better-written IMHO. Suikoden's writing with FE's gameplay would be some sort of dream game for me.

    I think Xenogears is pretty great (writing-wise), especially for the time, but I like pretty much nothing Takahashi has done since. Xenosaga is just a mess IMO, Xenoblade was... okay, kinda paint-by-numbers I thought. Haven't played X, may not bother since I didn't enjoy Xenoblade's gameplay.

  4. As a unit, Titania is amazing. Oscar is quite good. Kieran's also decent enough, his bases are strong enough that you can use him as Part 4 filler. Geoffrey's useful for two maps but then is junk when he returns, Makalov is kinda like Kieran with notably worse bases, Renning is fine on paper but I've never used him, and the other two... are terrible. At least Fiona's a fun project if you actually get her to the payoff (earth affinity! Canto! 34 speed cap!). Astrid's main use is if you want to see someone suck with the Double Bow.

    As characters, Kieran is definitely my favourite; I do love his zany personality.

    Design-wise, I like Titania. Badass-looking older female character, sign me up. I like Geoffrey a lot as well, hard to put my finger on why.

  5. Micaiah fan #losing track here, best lord.

    I think Nohr!Corrin is a bit overhated but she is certainly somewhat problematic. The game could certainly do with examining some of her choices more and being more honest about them. While I'm less bothered than many that the game doesn't judge her harshly (I'm quite capable of judging characters myself, thanks), we do lose out a lot of analysis the game could do, akin to the Micaiah scene quoted in the OP.

    The situation Micaiah is in also feels less contrived (you can poo-poo the specifics of the Blood Contract, but all you really need to know is that Pelleas is under Begnion's thumb, which is certainly realistic regardless of method), which also helps. RD was, of course, a better-written game than Fates, and indeed was the best-written game in the series and the only reason I haven't changed my "favourite game" tag on this site. <.<

  6. If weight returns, IMO it should be simplified. Don't have weight be based on Con and certainly not based on Str. Much as I like the Tellius games, Str as effective Con is a disaster. Early on it gives Str double importance (unless you're a mage), and Str is not a stat which needed help. Later on you get enough Str that weight becomes completely pointless, so heavy weapons (Hammers, etc.) go from unreasonably heavy early on to having no drawback at all later.

    In other words, I'd rather see them just have weight as a set penalty. They already flirted with it in this game with steel and javelins/hand axes/etc., not to mention the speed penalties/boosts of beaststones and dragonstones.

    I do miss GBA Con a little because it's another way to distinguish between PCs, but in a world of skills it's not really necessary any more (you could always make a personal or class skill that lets a unit use heavier weapons at reduced/no penalty).

    Regardless, while I agree that there are always some balance kinks to work out (hidden weapons could indeed be a bit worse, for all that I find them balanced in practice mostly because none of the units with them are OP like Camilla or Ryoma or Xander), I think getting rid of weapon durability is a great change. Quite apart from any questions of balance, which I think work out in the new system's favour (rarity is not an interesting way to balance out silver or brave weapons IMO), it means less time spent managing your inventory and tracking down shops which almost every previous FE except Radiant Dawn made kind of annoying in one way or another.

  7. I'll give Fates this, at least all three stories are better than Xenosaga's.

    But then cleaning the toilet is better than Xenosaga.

    You, you are my new friend.

    I could rant about how Xenosaga's story does far worse things than Fire Emblem ever dreams of but that would be a pretty colossal derail. The short version is that me:Xenosaga III::Thane:Conquest. :p

    To return to the main thread of the conversation, I don't think playing Conquest on Normal is unreasonable at all, especially if you don't live and breath Fire Emblem. I've seen some of my more casual FE fan friends play Conquest Normal and find it adequately challenging. It still maintains a lot of its bite, at least on Classic. (Normal Casual is pushing it more, but still might be appropriate for some people.) That said, I do generally second the idea that it's better to err on the side of starting on the more challenging mode, and adjusting down if you find it more challenging than you like.

  8. I heard a lot of people talking about how Revelation was the definitive story and the 'best' route but I found the story incredibly bland and bare bones. Revelation answers questions you didn't care about and provides a villain you didn't ask for.

    I disagree about the villain; Birthright and Conquest both make it clear there's some force behind the evil you see, and if Revelation hadn't existed for you to deal with it, it would have been in a sequel instead (much like "the dark god" featured in Radiant Dawn... kinda!). I'm okay, in principle at least, with possessed Garon and Takumi as final bosses but they shouldn't be the final opponent in the narrative.

    But I agree otherwise, Revelation is a bland and boring story. If that's what the fanbase actually "wants" then all I can do is shake my head in disappointment. I get the appeal of being able to use the full huge cast of characters but it feels comparable to the appeal of a crossover game like Smash Bros., and I think the route is actually the worst of the three otherwise plotwise, just because it has almost nothing interesting to say.

    (Of course I similarly think that, say, FE11-12 are worse than Fates for plot due to having nothing interesting to say, so I dunno.)

    On the "evil" Empire side you have this Queen who does nothing, but then her two generals run the show behind the scenes and are shown to be generally competent people, and nothing has suggested that they're evil

    Oh you poor bastard.

    (But yeah RH does have a pretty good plot. It just isn't due to anyone involved in the current Granorg leadership.)

  9. I haven't had enough time of late to both read and respond to this thread, so now that it's basically done I'll say that even as someone who enjoyed the plot more than the average person in this thread, this was a fun read. So thanks~

    If you didn't play all of Birthright, try playing it until the end or at least of videos of it's story. The ending feels much more fufiling. Also, Birthright's endgame also have an afterlife scene, but it's so much better used.
    It felt like Corrin was finally growing up, leaving his past behind.
    Actually, it felt like a coming of age event, from a child to an adult.
    Maybe I shouldn't be asking this in this thread, but for those that played both routes, which "afterlife" scene was better?

    Both afterlife scenes are really silly and I can't say I liked either (nor, generally, do I enjoy these eleventh hour "OMG THE FINAL BOSS IS SO IMPOSSSSSIBLE j/k we win" scenes that RPGs seem to love to cram in). Birthright's wins by default because your connection to Xander and Elise is much closer than your connection to Ryoma and especially Takumi, though.

  10. I like him quite well, he is one of my favourite Awakening chracters for sure. I like how willing the game is to poke fun at him, yet he also has a certain amount of confidence and charisma, and we see him grow into his role as a leader. He's not super deep, but he is one of my favourite lords. It's him or Micaiah most likely.

    I often feel like I'm in the minority for preferring him so clearly to Robin, whom I found a bit of a player fanservice character without much personality past that.

  11. Jakob by a lot.

    Felicia is one of the few characters I dislike in the game. She's incompetent, but not in a way which is ever used to further her own character since her own feelings on this are never explored that I've seen. (Maybe in one of her supports?) Instead, it feels like her incompetence is played in a way that comes off as weird and pandery. Maybe that's just me reading the wrong things into it.

    Jakob on the other hand has style (those crit quotes), and I kinda like the idea of someone who at first appears to be a straight-up cool dude but actually is a bit of an asshole to people who aren't his boss. Because those people certainly exist in real life and presenting him through the eyes of "the boss" figure is an interesting twist on the idea.

    As a unit, probably Jakob as well, though I feel like I should do a MCorrin run first to actually get a sense of how Felicia performs in the earlygame.

  12. Is Staff Savant ever used outside of Iago? It's certainly fine in his hands; they wanted to make him both a staff user and have S rank tomes (and not reward you for turtling out his staff uses). Major FE antagonists often have some sort of cap or weapon rank cheating (e.g. Limstella exceeding the HP/Def/Res caps for Sage) which this just seemed a variation on.

  13. I HATE that chapter in Conquest that has all of those ninjas with Grisly Wound. It's like get out of here, you're not even the right species for that.

    Just think, they could have replaced Grisly Wound with Savage Blow, which would have been potentially even worse!

    You do see quite a number of enemies not just with Grisly Wound, but also with the Evenhanded and Odd Shaped skills. I just like to imagine those enemies are NPCs with kitsune or wolfskin blood.

  14. I don't really think Awakening does much of anything better than Fates (including story/characters). Awakening is fine; it has some flaws but overall was still a good FE and was a huge step up from the DS remakes which did a lot to put me and many other players off the series. But it still had some big flaws such as its broken pairup system and ninja reinforcements, and by and large all those flaws are fixed in Fates, and then Fates went a step further and had a bunch of big design improvements I wasn't even anticipating, like how well put together its maps and enemy formations are.

  15. I quickly got into the habit of just moving the cursor over every enemy in a group before engaging them. I dunno about you but I certainly learned the symbol for Lunge and Counter quickly! Actually, I learned Counter from Awakening... *grumbles* And I liked how you could just click on any icons you didn't recognise; good use of the touchscreen IMO.

    To me it feels very flavourful that poison strike and debuffs still work upon doing 0 damage (you can quibble with missing). The ninja may not damage you directly, but he weakens you for future combat. If you could just null ninjas with a big ol' tank it'd defeat much of their point IMO. And from a gameplay perspective I'm fine with some of these still working even if you dodge, because they don't want to overpower dodge-tanking.


    -I'm fine with enemies having creative skill combos. You as the player can create them too! I mean, I don't really like Counter much in general, but I'll admit it fits beautifully on an archer (it possibly should've been an archer skill in the first place...).

    -I definitely think that bosses needed those 1-2 weapons they have. As well as any other immobile enemies like staff-using priestesses. I don't actually recall many moving enemies with them, though they did exist. Since "0 move" is a nerf player units never have, I'm fine with giving them an artificially good weapon to compensate.

    -Enemies and players are not the same, and both do have some advantages the others don't have. Enemies get the aforementioned 1-2 weapons and have an arguably easier time getting cross-class skills (particularly bosses; Hinoka has access to both Mercenary and Cavalier/Knight along with her cheaty Winged Shield apparently?). But players have things like a songstress, tonics, and supports (never mind the better intelligence and far more dragon vein use). The point isn't to make both sides "equal" anyway, it's to create a fun single-player experience.

  16. Seems kinda odd that axes get the biggest bonus to hit, considering they're typically the least accurate weapon type. It makes all the weapon types seem kinda samey after bonuses.

    Even after the bonuses, axes still have less hit but more power than swords, for instance (generally). This is actually less extreme than it was in Shadow Dragon, where axes got nothing but hit boosts. I like it quite well, myself, since it ensures that axe users don't get totally hosed on accuracy and/or sword users don't have overkill accuracy.

    Also, I like how it functions with the weapon triangle: a swordmaster who obtains WTA over a B+ rank axe-user drops their hit a bunch, helping them dodge, while a tanky lance-user (general, paladin, etc.) who obtains WTA over a sword-user lowers their damage. It allows classes to play their role better with WTA, which is appealing to me.

    So, according to that Spanish FE site (using Google Translate), S-rank bonuses (not sure if they include bonuses from lower ranks or if it's just S-rank-only bonuses) are the following:

    -Swords and Shurikens: +4 MT, +5 HIT

    -Lances, Bows, Tomes, Stones: +3 MT, +10 HIT

    -Axes: +2 MT, +15 HIT

    -Staves: +3 HP added to healing staves; +10 HIT to status staves

    The site translation, if I'm reading correctly, states that the bonuses may not be verified. Bonuses are nullified if in a WTD.

    Those are the total bonuses compared to no rank. Also, while I'd want to doublecheck, I'm pretty sure shuriken should be with lances/bows/etc., not with swords.

  17. Elincia's the one most likely to do damage with staff counterattacks, due to actually being a true hybrid unit instead of a mage. Mist might be able to manage some kinda okay ones after promotion too. Of course they still do very poor damage compared to any other weapon.

  18. It's +1 damage and +5 Hit compared to A rank.

    Weapon rank bonuses to Atk and Hit are as follows:
    For swords: +1 Atk at C, +2 Atk at B, +3 Atk at A, +4 Atk/+5 Hit at S
    For axes: +5 Hit at C, +10 Hit at B, +1 Atk/+10 Hit at A, +2 Atk/+15 Hit at S
    For staves: +1 healing at C, +1 healing/+5 Hit at B, +2 healing/+5 Hit at A, +3 healing/+10 Hit at S
    Everything else: +1 Atk at C, +1 Atk/+5 Hit at B, +2 Atk/+5 Hit at A, +3 Atk/+10 Hit at S

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