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Dark Holy Elf

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Posts posted by Dark Holy Elf

  1. Typo, I can never remember how her name is spelled. Though now I wish I could claim it was a pun...

    RD mage strength is generally just nonsensical, they'll never be weighed down by anything anyway (especially since they get huge promotion bonuses to strength). Ilyana's overkill strength growth means nothing except that I guess she caps a bit faster and thus becomes slightly better at using Bonus Exp then.

  2. Orochi does remind me of Illyana and Radiant Dawn mages in general, stat-wise, in that both have poor speed and physical durability (though, most mages have the latter). Yeah, Orochi has more Magic and Illyana is a bit more durable, but in practice they're quite similarly mediocre.

  3. Hm, I actually found Subaki useful and usable out of the box in Revelation, partially because Fuga's map makes flight so valuable. But he could still use a push, especially since his long-term potential is currently pretty bad.

    While on the subject of sky knights, I thought Hinoka was still outstanding in Revelation (she was only a couple levels behind my main team, and is still Hinoka), and thus buffing her would only be something you'd want to do if you want to make her even better due to the fact that she's a royal.

  4. Not to mention that Fates doesn't have an equivalent for Lyon to pick up the slack in the villain department.

    Or how much better Valter is than Hans.

    (I think Fates has some advantages in writing like a PC cast I care about more but in terms of villain cast and worldbuilding and writing consistency Sacred Stones wins very easily.)

  5. I actually didn't even know there were different HP caps in this game; I've never hit an HP cap with a single PC. Low HP emblem indeed.
    Otherwise, we've seen varying HP/Luck caps before ever since FE10 at the very least, and FE10 is easily the FE where caps matter the most, at least that I've played.

    Caps are generally cared about far more than they deserve either way (at least for normal gameplay, I don't care about PvP or link arena or whatever). They affect only a very small proportion of the game, and usually not that much even then.

  6. I'm pretty happy with paying $100 for Fire Emblem if it has this much content. I've already gotten more out of Fates than all but a very, very small number of games I've purchased over the past few years, so in terms of dollars per hour I have no cause to complain. And I suspect the two versions was a pretty big success in terms of marketing to the two different "types" of FE players. I'm less sure about Revelation, the reception to that feels more lukewarm, though I suppose it does have maximum shipping opportunities for those into that.

    They can do whatever for the next game, I don't really care. I just really want to see the design philosophies of Conquest make their way into the next FE, whether it's one game mode or one game version or just the game in general.

  7. Actually, in Conquest, Garon's like "i NEED TO TALK TO THE ANANKOS MUWAHAHAHA" and Hans and Iago both find this rather jarring but just shrug it off. The royal sibs overhear this kind of thing happening and are like "w u t." but do nothing about it. Garon acts very weird after the initial 6 chapters on any given route, my dude. He even does stock evil laughs. Its really bad.

    It is.

    But at least he isn't actively trying to resurrect Satan, which is what Vigarde is doing, and if Seth realises it and Grado's clergy realises it, Grado's generals should too. Additionally, it's implied that Hoshido and Nohr had an existing conflict, which Garon merely escalates, while Vigarde creates an entirely new conflict, stabbing Grado's close allies in the back. I honestly think Vigarde is considerably worse (although since Garon is much more important than Vigarde, he hurts Fates more), but at worst they're comparable. Saying that Vigarde deserves Selena's loyalty more than Garon deserves Xander's doesn't fly at all to me.

    I'm sympathetic to the arguments that Selena is painted as tragic and Xander isn't, though I don't personally agree. I interpreted Xander as misguided and tragic, in both routes (not Revelation, though. Blah at Revelation, it barely tries anything with its cast at all). And I don't really need a game to tell me what to think of its characters; I can form my own opinions on their morality.

  8. I love Senri Kita's work and it'd be a high bar for any game of the series to surpass RD's art in my eyes, and Kozaki hasn't done it.

    That said I've warmed up to him. I felt that his faces had a bit of sameness to them in Awakning, but that his work in Fates has improved. Both games have some issues with armour design, from toilet bowl cavaliers to crotch/butt openings in armour, although at least you don't see the latter in the primary in-game artwork, which I'd love to see the games move away from. But overall I'm pretty happy.

  9. The Sacred Stones are only useful for sealing Formortiis in them, and as far as Vigarde's generals know the Sacred Stone of Grado (the one that actually holds Formortiis's soul) is still intact. They're also symbols of the other nations' authority through their lineage, and so breaking them as part of their conquest of other nations makes sense. Even the people who are trying to stop him don't seem all that concerned with how he's breaking the Sacred Stones, and it's only in a vague superstitious way instead of a "oh crap he's going to summon a demon god and kill us all" way until it's revealed that's what Lyon's plan is. Garon, meanwhile, swings from "loving, caring father and reasonable ruler" to "brutal, oppressive tyrant who gleefully murders anyone who opposes him, treats his kids like crap and kills civilians with impunity" almost immediately.

    (Leif, I'm really sorry for derailing the thread away from your analyses so much.)

    Destroying the sacred stones is very clearly painted as a sinister action by the game. The game implies that it's well-known that the sacred stones ward off the Demon King and evil in general (Seth knows, and he's no scholar). And Vigarde does plenty of horrible things a la Garon, namely putting Valter (convicted of rape and other war crimes) in charge of an army, having Natasha's master killed, etc. Again, he's very clearly either insane, or somehow corrupted by evil, at least as much as Garon. It's just less in your face as a player because you aren't playing as Glen/Selena/Duessel.

    (And yeah, Leif, I'll also knock this off if it bothers you.)

  10. I don't think Garon acts as blatantly possessed as Vigarde does, at least outside Revelation. Vigarde openly states that his goal is to destroy the sacred stones, which is known to lead to terrible, terrible things. In other words, Vigarde is very clearly completely insane at worst. Garon, by contast, just wants to invade Hoshido and put down rebellions, which is far more sensible.

    Xander is additionally helped by the fact that Garon is his dad, to whome he clearly feels great filial piety. This is a far stronger bond than the one between Selena and Vigarde (where she kinda has some weird crush on him IIRC?).

    Basically, I can believe that Xander would behave the way he does, but Selena stretches belief considerably more, at least for me.

  11. Hero/Bow Knight Felicia is all about being strong at base, not as a growth unit. She and Jakob are both kinda jagenish regardless of how they are played, but Hero/Bow Knight Felicia is even moreso.

    I've played through Conquest twice, and Chapter 24 (Hinoka's map) makes me want to chuck my DS off my balcony. Not being able to save at endgame is pretty annoying too though. Who's bright idea at IS was that?

    In fairness, both maps are pretty short by the standards of the game (if you've taken more than 5 turns to beat Endgame, my feeling is you probably didn't approach it right, and 27 shouldn't be much longer), so once you're skipping the scenes it's a lot like just redoing one map except you have to re-use any tonics etc. between them (which admittedly is annoying).

  12. Kaze is a character and a unit, not a plot point. You can absolutely care about characters/units and not their role in the story. I mean, that's how I feel about Azama, or Arthur.

    Back on topic, while I feel that Kaze's reasons for changing sides are well-justified (certainly moreso than many previous FE turncoats), I certainly agree that he should have voiced objections thereafter, like Jill does in both PoR and RD, and I definitely think there was a missed opportunity to do something involving "A support or he'll leave again" like his Birthright self (only it would actually make sense!).

  13. The royal sisters all have amazing skills. Elise and Sakura can allow units to survive situations they otherwise wouldn't, Hinoka and Camilla let units kill things they otherwise wouldn't. Camilla becomes bar-none the best support attacker in the game with hers, ensuring that not only will she one-round almost anything, but almost anyone using her support attack will too (Cam's massive atk + 6 extra damage if they're doubling? Yes plz).

    Ryoma and Xander's are good too, both have a personal +2/-2 that will usually be active. The younger brothers get the short end of the stick here, though Takumi's is still decent enough. Leo's I have the most trouble getting use out of, because if an enemy is already injured I probably don't need +3 damage to finish them off.

    I also like Benny and Yukimura's pretty well: again, they affect units besides just they themselves, and sometimes that extra hit can be all the difference in forming reliable strategies.

    Corrin's is quietly solid; I like that it works both ways, unlike those of her servants.

    Percy's is outstanding. +15 dodge to all allies within 2? This is crazy good, it enables you to use low-dodge units (such as his dad!), Berserkers in general, silver weapons, etc., far more safely. Even high-dodge units benefit, letting them null high-crit enemies like Berserkers without needing bronze or a pair up. A complete godsend if you're playing Classic, and it singlehandedly makes Percy IMO the best child unit in the game.

    Other "usually active" straight boosts of that type like Effie's are good too, though I usually wouldn't put them quite on the same level.

  14. That's because, in addition to what Sentinel said, Vigarde isn't actually the focus of the plot at all. He gets dealt with a little over the halfway point of the game in one route and is relegated to a single line explanation as to what happened to him in the other route. Lyon is the focus here and his situation is also similar to Garon/Vigarde, though he is still alive and can interact with others but he is handled extremely well with 2 variations on how far the possession has affected him.

    Yep, this, so much.

    I often think people get a bit rosy-eyed for earlier FE plots, but the way Lyon is handled is 1000x better than the way Garon is handled, and you can pretty much argue Sacred Stones has better writing than this game for that alone.

    (Though I don't agree with Selena having better motivations than Garon's children. Selena was awful IMO, she basically figures out that Vigarde is possessed but goes into denial and gets a lot of her soldiers killed over it out of "honour". Fuck her. Duessel and Glen both made sense, though.)

  15. I didn't have any problem accepting it myself. I was surprised there's any controversy around it at all, actually? Kaze believes (rightly or wrongly, it doesn't matter) that Corrin can change things in Nohr and bring peace because (a) Corrin risked her on life to spare Kaze's in Chapter 2, and (b) Corrin spared all the Hoshidan soldiers in Chapter 11. Toss in the backstory about how Kaze was always "supposed" to be Corrin's bodyguard/retaininer and yeah, this strikes me as an odd one to complain about.

    It's also possible FE has numbed me to the idea of people joining the main character's side for little reason, but I think this is better backed-up than some.

  16. I don't like him all that much, and I don't find him to be well-written. I'm not really one for hashtags, though, and hate certainly goes too far for my feelings for him.

    As a unit he's pretty good but not the best; there are other units with comparable/better offence (typically due to doubling more reliably while having similar power, e.g. Ryoma) without his drawbacks (i.e. being able to actually counter more than once in a blue moon). Still better than most Archers/Snipers in the series, but that's a low bar.

  17. So @DarkHoly... yeah he's kinda an unstoppable deathtank mid-lategame (at 1-1 range). It comes with the territory. Whoever thought sol+zerk on the same base class tree was a good idea needs to rethink their life choices.

    Arthur's defence isn't particularly notable. Just taking Conquest PCs he has clearly less physical durability than Xander, Silas, Camilla, Beruka, Effie, Benny, and Keaton, and that's before any consideration for their superior dodge (and in many cases, res). Most of these characters either have natural or a fast A+ access to Sol too, not that I think Sol is worth a reclass to get myself (I think you and I obviously value reliability by verrrrry different amounts, and Sol is unreliable). If you're fighting enemies who make Berserker Arthur look like a tank then actually high-def characters must be completely unkillable.

    As a quick example since I have the numbers handy, using Hard Mode here, the heroes in chapter 26 with silver have 42-44 attack, and 20/15 Arthur as a Zerker has 23 def and 54 HP, so he needs a def boost just to avoid a OHKO from a single crit. Even if you raise his defence (and obviously you can and should), one crit is going to cause major problems... even at +10 def from Rally Def, decent pairup, and tonic it will take over half his HP.

    To be clear I don't think Arthur is a bad unit. He has monstrous power and his other stats are generally adequate to do his job. With his power, you can get him to one-round many things by boosting his speed. Unfortunately his PS means you also need to spend effort salvaging his dodge (at least playing on Classic); it takes his respectable durability and makes it subpar in practice. Yeah, it would be problematic even without Misfortunate because of that luck stat, but it makes the situation worse, and I don't think the benefit is anywhere near worth it, because of, again, how much more valuable crit is to enemies than it is to you.

  18. I like Leo quite a lot! He has a good head on his shoulders, and does some clever things at various points, as early as chapter 2. Yet the game isn't afraid to poke fun at him; I love how the revisit the "inside-out collar" joke after what is supposed to be one of his most badass moments. His supports shed some light on him and his relationship with his family. Plus I love the armoured horseman mage design (but don't like generic dark knights much in).

    I don't really like Takumi much so this is an easy vote for me.

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