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Dark Holy Elf

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Posts posted by Dark Holy Elf

  1. It's roughly as follows:

    -You get 30 exp for killing an enemy of the same level.

    -If you're higher levelled, you get about 6 exp less for every level above the enemy you are. This isn't exact, the progression includes some odd numbers for some reason. I've seen them all listed before but I don't have them memorised, sorry.

    -If you're lower levelled than your enemy, you get about 10 more exp for every 3 levels lower you are. Again not exact, I haven't tried to figure out the exact rounding.

    -Promoted classes count as displayed Level + 20.

    -Jakob and Felicia count as 20 levels lower than their listed level.

    -Gunter counts as 15 levels lower than his listed level.

    -Camilla and Reina count as 5 levels lower than their listed level.

    -Leo counts as 2 levels lower than their listed level.

    -I've read that if you promote people before 20, they will count as 1 level lower than their listed level for every 2 levels earlier than 20 that you promote them, i.e. promoting a unit at 16 causes them to gain exp like Leo and promoting someone at 10 causes them to gain exp like Camilla/Reina. (There's no way to recreate the behaviour of Corrin's retinue exp-wise.)

    I've only ever played Hard Mode, not sure if other difficulties change this.

  2. Hinoka's supports with her younger siblings made me feel like they didn't get along that well. Hinoka/Takumi involves them disagreeing aggressively, while Hinoka/Sakura has them remarking how little they have in common.

    Xander/Laslow and Takumi/Hinata are also exempt from the general trend of everyone within a retainer/royal trio having fast supports.

  3. Birthright: The ones which come to mind immediately are 12, 18, 20, and 26.

    12 and 26 I can forgive. 26 is easy for story/flavour reasons, and 12 can be tricky if you want to farm it and have to worry about Xander, even if you can massively cheap it out with flyers.

    18 and 20 confuse me, though, especially 20. The faceless are just so weak. In fact, on Hard (dunno about Lunatic), they have 23 attack, which means a base-level Scarlet can null the damage of all of them but the boss, which is just sad. Especially since Scarlet joined 6 maps ago! 18... yeah it's not hard to one-round Leo, and again the faceless are too weak. At least if I squint I can see a similar argument about 18 as with 26, that Leo isn't playing to win.

    Conquest: Hahaha Conquest doesn't have easy maps.

    The easiest, I think, is probably just 7. The faceless have some skills and tricks to watch for, but nothing compared to later maps, and the map is generally pretty easy-going with enemies not all rushing you at once or anything. It's notable that I actually believed I might have to beat the map with just Corrin and my servant. The other nom I have is probably more contraversial, but I think 19 is pretty darn easy too. The enemies are all range 1 and their gimmick is easy to solve, and their performance against both wyverns and generals wielding bronze (or beastslayers) is pretty woeful.

    It's interesting to note that Conquest 7 is still much harder than the aforementioned faceless maps of Birthright, while Conquest 19 is still much harder than the wolfskin map (which isn't even that easy by Birthright standards), which... says something.

    Paralogues: Dwyer's.

    1. Open door.
    2. Have Azura enable someone to walk to the boss.
    3. Kill the boss.

    Done. Collect all the rewards for green units surviving. I can't imagine not having a unit/pair who can one-round that boss, I've fought him at different levels and he always sucks.

    Midori's is similarly easy, and Mozu's is pretty darn non-threatening like many other faceless maps.

    Not yet finished Revelation, so won't weigh in on that one yet.

  4. On average, Beruka and Camilla have pretty similar defences at equivalent levels (i.e. Camilla is 5 higher raw) in the same class, while Camilla has far more str/spd, so yeah she is all but strictly better. (Beruka does have a bit more skill.)

    That said I think Espinosa's post covers it well. Beruka doesn't have to be better than Camilla, she just needs to be better than your 13th best unit (or wherever the cutoff is) and she certainly very easily can be; she's very useful. Plus, hey, Camilla would really like Fighter access, and while she has a few ways to get it, Beruka is by far the fastest.

  5. Birthright 26 is a total non-factor for gameplay.

    I still liked it though; in fact, I thought it was one of the game's better moments. The gameplay in it serves the narrative, that Xander has lost all the will to fight after the chapter's opening cutscene, but also doesn't want to go on living, so he deliberately loses, and his stats reflect that.

    If you want your duel, well, nobody forces you to open the door and stop it from being a duel. The game gave you the option of doing so in case you didn't use Corrin (or used him/her only as a pairup bait, etc.). Not too likely perhaps but it's still good game design.

  6. I like Wyvern Lord. Berserker is neat too, but I'm a big fan of flight.

    Beruka may benefit more than most PCs from a slightly early promotion, so that she can get a faster levelling speed (like Camilla kinda) because she has access to some really mean L15 skills, Axefaire+Trample. But I tend to feel like Wyvern Lord is her best ending point and general class.

    Berserker's -5 CEv is a problem but hardly the end of the world. Pairup, Bronze, Percy (if you get him), Rally Luck (hey some of us use Izana, what of it) all provide various ways to get that enemy crit down to 0 so you can in fact use your Berserker to frontline. (Certainly Beruka is tanky enough to do it well, and Berserkers frontlining is awfully nice when you can get away with it given how hard they hit back.)

  7. Black Knight/Zelgius did not come out of left field at all, to the point where parts of the fandom had figured it out after PoR. I would also argue that the Black Knight is totally devoid of anything interesting character-wise until you connect him to Zelgius and his backstory as a Branded, so I really can't agree that the twist ruined his character.

    Also as always, I roll my eyes in the direction of calling Conquest's plot the least liked in the series when stuff like Shadow Dragon exists.

  8. Using Rescue to show it off makes sense. While there are some high-level strats you can do with it, for a more casual player I would simply recommend using it to get one of your own units out of a dire situation when you have no other recourse. That's the type of thing that likely won't happen more than 4 times a game, but it's huge when it does.

    -Azura's Str growth is actually pretty good, and while I wouldn't use her for primary combat much, she can actually contribute some pretty decent dual strikes, especially if you get her lance rank up in Chapter 15.

    -I believe (though someone else should confirm) that Azura's Foreign Princess only affects "Invader" enemies (i.e. foreign to this plane of existence, not just from an enemy country). However, it's gained so late that this isn't really important anyway.

    -Regarding the enemies guarding the initial opening, it's probably worth mentioning that Pairup is really useful for stopping them from dual striking the hell out of you. (I was actually kinda impressed that Effie could survive without that on Normal.)

    -For Seal Defence, while it works if the enemy misses, it doesn't work if you kill them instantly on a counter (even if they hit). That's a bit difficult to do here, but is huge in Chapter 10 (e.g. with Camilla), so it would be good to mention it then. :) Dunno if the C10 enemies have Seal Defence on Normal, though.

    -Nyx's low skill merits a mention of Heartseeker. While you often don't always want to fight at melee with her (particularly against range 1 physical enemies), it's still an excellent boost and if you can survive a counter or just need to finish someone off it can sometimes be worth it to turn a 75-80 hit into 95-100.

    "You no longer have to worry about being the victim of surprise buttsex. Thank you Fates." :)

  9. Catching up with this, I just wanted to say I greatly enjoyed your Conquest writeup too. I generally agree with most of your points, once again, and I think you capture well the flaws it has and also the places where it flirts with being the best plot in the series. It's a bit frustrating and all over the place and it's nice to see someone break it down nicely.

    I liked your comparisons with Tactics Ogre Law route. I did notice some of the parallels myself, actually. Both plots are things I really want to like a lot more than I ended up liking them, for all that I think the flaws of Tactics Ogre and Conquest are rather different (beyond both having some terrible villains). But both represent the types of plots I'd like to see game writers run with and actually do well (rather than pushing out something like Blazing Sword or Awakening or god forbid, Shadow Dragon).

  10. "Leo is blind (missed hits heal for 0) and comparatively frail (Yes that 2 def matters a LOT when you tank 10 hits in one turn)."

    4 mag would compensate for 2 def by healing for 2 more, and the gap is a lot bigger than 4.

    "Saying Leo has better Magic and Resistance does not make him appeal to me at all; Resistance is the least useful stat in the game (and Odin isn't exactly lacking in it), and more Magic is kinda overkill when Lightning exists."

    Er wha? Lightning makes Mag matter more, since it essentially uses your Mag twice in the calculation, and it only has 1 might. Additionally, repeated use lowers your Mag further, making it that much harder to overcome enemy Res. I certainly don't find Leo's level of Mag overkill in the slightest. The average enemy the last few maps of Conquest hard has Res of around 20, you need to have an Atk stat in the mid 40's to 2HKO that, and a Mag in the mid 20's makes it awfully hard to get there even with a pairup, and virtually impossible to get there with Lightning. Even if we assume our mages target lower-res folks (with res in the teens, like heroes or generals), the stat is still going to matter, because those enemies typically have more HP.

    On the other hand, you know what stat doesn't matter much? Skill. The skill gap is never more than 10 points so that's less than 15 hit. Additionally, Secret Books are in extremely low demand, and dark mages get this rather cool ability which helps them out in this regard anyway. To say that Skill is worth more than Mag is just silly.

    Res matters because if even one of the enemies you're trying to tank attacks magically, Leo will be more durable than Odin even before accounting for his advantages in HP and Nosferatu power.

    "Odin is very likely to have a nice marriage going once Leo shows up, and would rather use Leo as his pair-up bot than the other way around since Dark Knight is a rubbish combat class that gives +1 move to a partner."

    If Dark Knight is a rubbish class, seal Leo out of it. He has access to Sorc for the exact same gold cost as Odin does, and Strategist as an option as well.

  11. I definitely think Odin is being overrated here.

    As a samurai, he's... not very good. Let's assume he's reclassed immediately and level him to 10 by chapter 10.

    Odin: 25 HP, 11 Str, 15.5 Skl, 15 Spd, 15 Luck, 8 Def, 6.5 Res
    Selena: 24 HP, 12 Str, 12 Skl, 15 Spd, 9 Luck, 11 Def, 8 Res

    Selena will have a weapon exp lead (probably), didn't need a Heart Seal or exp investment to get this far, and still has better stats, mostly the defence. Growth-wise, Odin has better growths in HP/Luck/Sklll while Selena has better Speed/Defence, so things don't really get any better for Odin relatively from here.

    Selena isn't really a very good unit IMO (sword lock before promotion, no mount, stats aren't that exceptional) so putting in investment to get a unit which is at best a lateral shift from her and (IMO) is actually worse doesn't seem like a good idea.

    Nosferatu is more interesting, and certainly where the hype is at least somewhat grounded in reality, for all that I still think it goes a bridge too far.

    I will say that Magic is a big deal. You don't heal that much if you don't hit hard, since you can't double. At its worst, Magic is worth half a point of Def/Res for a Nosferatu strategy, since every 2 points of magic = 1 healing = offsets 1 damage... but of course more Mag is also useful just for hurting enemies more so that you'll be able to clean them up more easily next phase. And Magic is a problem for Odin. Base Odin has 8 mag which means 15 atk with Nosferatu, which means you'll be lucky to heal yourself by 5 points (even accounting for Malefic Aura). While he is better at this role than Nyx, who is made of paper and is better-off just used as a magical sniper, he compares very poorly to Leo, who has only slightly less Def (1-2 points), but has more HP and Speed, and leads in Magic and Resistance which stretch into the double-digits. I could be argued that Nosferatu's utility still makes Odin worth it early, but 4000 gold is a pretty big investment, so I dunno. As a tank, he certainly didn't impress when I tried him compared to just using units like Effie, Silas, and Dragonstone Corrin. And there's absolutely no way he's better than Leo.

  12. Average stats at 20/20 don't really do a good job of showing you tier list / "best" characters, because a huge part of how good a character is has to do with the rest of the game. Seth had relatively poor 20/20 stats but is generally considered the best character in Sacred Stones because his stats in Chapter 1 compared to other characters at that point in the game are absolutely amazing, and he remains the best until near the end, so the slight victories other characters enjoy over him late can't push them to be better overall.

    Additionally, in most games including this one, many characters will not actually reach 20/20. You'd probably a get a better sense if you had everyone at some lower level, such as 20/10 or 20/15 (with level adjustments for characters like Corrin who has Nobility, and Leo/Camilla/Reina who gain Exp faster), though even then that would be far from perfect. But it still doesn't reflect characters who join more powerful for the time and similar things.

  13. Insecurity sucks. It erodes your ability to see when people honestly love you. It makes you self centeredly assume that everyone is out to get you. It's a mental illness that doesn't produce hug babies, but suffering for the person themselves and those around him.

    And bringing up Elise for this.. unless you never ever put her on a map you don't have a right to claim shooting at her was wrong. Because you aknowledged her as a combatant. A combatant enemy princess, who he didn't even shoot for real considering she was A-okay mere seconds after this.

    I love Takumi and really identify with him, but have no trouble admtting that there are things he does wrong and that he shouldn't be cuddled for them. And the way you are saying that he isn't an accurate representation of someone with insecurity.. are you insecure yourself or know well someone who is insecure? Because me and a lot of other people who are struggling with issues similar to his think he is spot on.

    Even if we fully accept Elise as a "combatant" which is a bit of an alarming label to place on a pure healer (I'm assuming she isn't reclassed), she is not trying to attack you at that time. Shooting her is not okay. Shooting Corrin in that scene isn't okay either, of course, but (a) at least Takumi has some specific issues with Corrin, so it's understandable, and (b) Corrin is at least holding a sword in that scene IIRC (and can turn into a reindeer dragon) so is a possible threat. Elise is not.

    Sure, she was fine, so I guess those were play shots or something (then again people seem borderline invincible in cutscenes in this game unless they're sacrificing themselves), but it still sends an awful message about his personality. "If you argue with me, I will respond with violence."

    Actually, I think that's part of why Takumi comes across as so awful on Conquest. Every time someone jumps to Corrin's defence his response is to violently (verbally or physically) turn against that person. He does that with Azura (yes, before his mother dies, though again after) and then again with Elise. Insecurity or no, that's a very unadmirable character trait.

    I don't feel I deal with insecurity any more (or at least less than many), though I did when I was younger. You have my understanding and I think you're brave to speak up about it, because there is definitely a stigma against speaking out about one's own mental illnesses and similar issues, which in turn causes poeple to suffer in silence and not get help. So know that I have respect for you.

    Having said that, it doesn't really change my opinion on the character. From a personal standpoint, I'll say there is someone very close to me in my life who does deal with insecurity in a big way. This person, as a note, doesn't like Takumi at all, which has likely helped shape my own opinion on the character.

  14. I don't like Takumi much.

    On Conquest he is a bad, bad character. He behaves like a maniac. No, shooting Elise isn't cool (and I say this as someone who had zero problem with Ryoma rationally holding the medicine from Elise hostage in the previous chapter, that made good sense), nor is repeatedly escalating a fight. I don't mind that he doesn't trust Corrin, that's deserved. I do mind that he throws Azura's heritage in her face, though. Past that, yeah, I know he gets possessed, but he still acts like one of those "anime rival" characters motivated by nothing more than a burning hatred of the protagonist and generally making a fool of himself so the player can feel righteous.

    On Birthright... *shrug* he exists. He didn't do much that left an impression on me, just got possessed when it was narratively convenient but quickly got better each time. I kinda like that there is someone who doesn't immediately take to Corrin, but like Shinon in Tellius, the game makes it clear that he's in the wrong for this, so I'm not giving the game or him any credit for it.

    I also can't say I'm terribly impressed with his character depth. It doesn't seem to go beyond "he has insecurities, so he acts like a jerk". I just don't respect people like that at all, nor find him a particularly well-executed version of that trope.

  15. But it's not so clear cut in Fire Emblem Fates. It seems like the game expects you to visit other castles for ore that can be used for forging. This is an element that seems entirely fair, as you will gain access to only one type of ore in an offline playthrough, and otherwise have to pay a steep cost of converting, and then getting good arena victories to maximize them, as well as waiting for Forge sales. This is all entirely possible, but you're simply not going to see many +4 weapons no matter how resource efficient you are. The fairness of infinite-ore for forging almost seems to depend on the game version you play. In Conquest, you simply will not have the money to buy up a bunch of weapons for forging, whereas in Birthright the amount of ore + money can lead to very powerful weapons. Without going into too much depth, food supply also seems to be adequate for an offline playthrough, because characters will find different foods off the ground for you.

    For what it's worth, I would argue that you certain get enough ore using this process to forge the weapons you need (and I don't even wait for the forge "sale"). I do soft-reset if I lose the single copy of an ore I've bet, but that's about it.

    I still don't get +4 weapons, but honestly, that has as much to do with the gold cost as ore supplies. Making a +4 iron weapon costs 16000 gold which is incredibly steep for a single weapon.

    Anyway, my own "rules" for playthroughs of Fire Emblem games tend to look like:

    -No online anything, which includes accessing the castles of others, DLC, etc.

    -No bonuses which require replays (boots and dragon herbs and weird alternate classes as soon you start the game, etc. aren't really balanced at all IMO)

    -No skirmishes or invasions or whatever else passes for plotless random encounters. Main story and paralogues only (and I usually only get a few paralogues).

    -No abuse or farming... which pretty much means that if I can end a battle on the current turn, I will do so, rather than say spamming staves or dance or trying to abuse a boss, for all that I understand steps have been taken to make those less productive in this version of the game anyway.

    -No low-manning, again not that it works as well in Fates as some previous games

    Any/all of these rules may be relaxed if I'm doing a specific challenge.

    This is just how I tend to play the game to maximize fun for myself and certainly not intended to be rules which I would apply to other players.

  16. While I don't think many of us are a fan of just how little time gets devoted to people hooking up and deciding to get married, I must say that there's a very big difference between a character being an asshole throughout three conversations rather than...well, a nice person.

    Some people are assholes, or, even if they're not, may behave like assholes in certain circumstances. Supports should not shy away from having such people.

    Again, the problem very much lies in the game forcing all these supports to go romantic.

  17. With that aside, though, I really like how you take time with individual units with their growth rates and skills, particularly with skills as skill awareness comes across more important in Fates than any other previous FE titles so far.

    Yeah, I'll second this. I like how you let the viewers look at the character's wiki page as you explain about the character. You don't need to spell out precisely what the growths are, but viewers can take a look at them.

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