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Dandy Druid

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Everything posted by Dandy Druid

  1. So while Anna is heavily hinted at, here are some girls who I'd think fit the theme: For FE4, I can easily see Edain in a bridal banner, as she has the most predestined lovers in the game and wears a white dress. Ethyln is another good choice tbh. Deidre also works. For FE5, I can see Nanna (because she's main girl), Selfina (who's married to Glade), and Linoan (because she's engaged). I can also see Safy for similar reasons to Edain.
  2. Aren't cold showers the most beneficial for your health? It doesn't dry out your skin as much and you burn more calories while showering because your body has to work harder to regulate its temperature. Could be a simple hack for those trying to lose weight. Knowing this, I forget to take cooler showers and have it hot af half the time.
  3. Oh cool. I didn't know that because I never bothered to train my Sophias up.
  4. Sophia is considered defense-oriented? I'm crying over my horrid luck. Crying even more over my horrid luck.
  5. Oh yeah. That was 50 pages ago. Since it was the first, I guess it would go before Elegy of the Brave then.
  6. Add "Memories" to list of "Leaked' Subtitles. Elegy of The Brave Mutiny Lustrous Daybreak now Memories.
  7. Defense-oriented units would be more popular if they moved more than 1 space at a time.
  8. Maybe it's just a new marketing technique? I wouldn't read too much into it.
  9. So we have 13 days to the new Cipher stream and about a month til E3. Granted, I don't think anything new will be in the new Cipher set. I know people think a hint might be in it, but I doubt it. Maybe new Cipher OCs, but I don't think FE16 will be apart of it.
  10. Guys guys guys! I have a source who's a friend of my friend's cousin, and he works at IS. I got the scoop on what the name and some details would be: Fire Emblem: Mandela Effect Stars a protagonist that uses a sword The myrmidon is indeed edgy. This game will "breath life" into characters like never before. Classic classes may or may not be returning. Blue haired characters may or may not be returning. There's a female Pegasus knight. Cancelled. this is totalllllllllly realllllllll
  11. I pulled Ares and Lene in the same session. I was floored. My Lene is +ATK -DEF, which is weird because I was expecting it to be the other way around. It's weird to the Level 40 stats online and my Lvl 15 Lene already has more ATK than someone else's Lvl 40. Good thing she has the safeguard sword to help with her DEF. Gen 2 gets a lot of crap and I can see why; it has a more "typical" FE story. But it's one of the only stories I can think of where the characters are having a straight up rebellion. RD is the only other game that features a rebellious war. And for the most part, I found the cast likable. Sure, a few of them were forgettable, but none were straight up bad. And I just found out about the secret ending not too long ago. I'm not positive on how to get it though. It's probably gotten with a good rank?
  12. Is the app not opening for anyone else? It says it won't because it needs the update but the update isn't appearing in my app store? Is this just a me problem?
  13. Good call. I guess I'll wait a few more months for localization. It's amazing what movement can do for a class.
  14. There doesn't seem to be one from what I can tell. Darn. Maybe it's a skill a character learns. I was expecting her to be a thief based on her clothing and her resemblance to Patty. (it's sort of a reach but she reminds me of Patty for some reason). Also, Accord seems to be fairly popular. 3rd most popular female character?
  15. Oh thank you! Is there a refresher among any of the characters? Or is Plum/Lyria Kaga's last refreshers?
  16. Is it this? http://site.wepage.com/vestariasaga/20160805224751 That's from the website, but not sure if everyone was there. Looks like 36 characters, which sounds about right. EDIT: Seems like not all characters are on there, since some of the early game characters aren't present there. Is that just a royal list?
  17. Do you ever plan on setting it on fire for attacking reasons? This is pretty cool. I always enjoy seeing people craft swords and such from games.
  18. Praise Kaga. He's aware of his overseas cult. BTW, are all of the portraits/characters from this game known yet?
  19. Staff seems to be a good choice for them. I wonder if they'll have a passive skill that heals whoever is next to them gets healed, like Bliss in RD.
  20. Yeah you're right. The way I worded it made it sound like Ares was lustful after Lene, which isn't the case, like you said. I was trying to say that she inspired his protective instinct, and a lustful one in Bramsel. Thanks for correcting me. Glad you're trying it out again! A lot of people get intimidated by FE4 because of the map size. I don't blame them, and it can get more tedious than fun at times. That being said, I do find the experience rewarding and I do like the overarching themes, motifs, and such in the story. I also liked the secret ending as well. I'm a big fan of the refresher characters, and I generally like all of them. The one exception being Azura, who I'm more neutral on because I like her as a unit but not as a character. And of course she had to be the one with the most alts. I can't wait for Reyson tbh. A flying dancer sounds awesome. I'm just not sure how he'll attack, since all units do.
  21. Same. I loved how TRS had those events. It really helped characterize the cast. Definitely. I'm expecting them to release the main characters on launch day.
  22. YESSSS. LENE! My favorite character in the series probably. I'm so happy guys, I thought she'd never make it in. IS redeemed themselves from not giving her any Final Chapter conversations by putting her in Heroes before a lot of others. I'm finally happy that we have a dancer that isn't some Azura alt. Sad at the people saying they're skipping this banner. These are some of my favorite characters. Oh well. EDIT: @SuperTroll Maxim Lapierre that's sort of the point of her design? Lene was canonically sexualized because she was a dancer. She's supposed to inspire that instinct in Ares, and accidentally with Bramsel. It's part of the Darna plot point. Sorry if you already knew that and I am just being dense.
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