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Dandy Druid

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Everything posted by Dandy Druid

  1. Nope. I feel the same way for different reasons. The Jugdral games happened 1000 years before Marth, yet they're the same technologically-speaking and society speaking. Very city-state, classicist, etc. The world is more divided. For Awakening, there was some progress, although remarkably little for 1000 years. There's more unified countries as opposed to city states/smaller countries. "Big" countries are more modern. Take Germany for example, it was comprised of many similar medieval houses, but then was unified as one. Plus, there seemed to be some newer forms of discipline and education, such as science (Miriel could be a pioneer of it). Fashion-wise, there's more boots than sandals. And there's more pants. I know SD gave characters pants, but let's not forget that Marth's original outfit (and many of the OG game characters) was more reminiscent of the Ancient Greeks rather than Medieval Europe (which is was later changed to). It's possible that the context has gotten muddied. But Marth's era is definitely more early Medieval with Chrom's being late Medieval. Awakening always struck me as something pre-Renaissance. Like they were on the cusp of greatness, technology and art-wise.
  2. What's the context? The one that makes the most sense to me would be the chaotic period that takes place before the timeline split. This period also ended with the establishment of the Hyrule Kingdom, so there could have been a war between tribes and monsters for disputes about land and influence. Possible alliances could be the Hylians and Gerudo, since the Gerudos need the Hylians to reproduce. I can also see the Rito x Zora have an alliance due to similar ancestry. As for the marriage/kids aspect- does this game need it? Granted, the LoZ series does use time travel a lot and if it does take place in the Chaotic period, it may take a couple generations to finally stabilize. But if it there is marriage- the kids should be tied to the MOTHER. This is because of the Gerudo- they can only have female gerudo offspring (with that one exception of course. I think it would be interesting to have a Gerudo Male that's not evil.)
  3. It's coming soon! At least, that's what it sounded like with the Shanan picture in the last page of this thread. LENE HYPE.
  4. I used they as a neutral term for the protagonist since their sex/gender is unknown as of now. But I wouldn't be surprised if there is more than 1 DLC FE character. If another character is popular enough and is a main character, it may not be out of the question for there to be a plural they.
  5. Shiro is so underrated imo. Probably the best child unit when it comes to characterization.
  6. I personally like Saizo x Charlotte. It's one of the only ones that's legitimately funny. I also liked Saizo x Kagero and Saizo x Felicia. Saizo is pretty smooth despite not actually trying to flirt.
  7. Do you know what this sounds like? The Elegy of the Brave idea. The necropolis, multiple main characters dying in the story, the main characters having abilities related to divination and time.... I'm pretty sure this is made up, and they're just trying to build off the Elegy of the Brave theory because it sounded the most realistic out of all of the dubious leaks.
  8. Flora and Jakob needs to be mentioned. She had a crush on him after all.
  9. I'm not sure how Eliwood/Lyn/Hector would work, especially since their movesets would be vastly different. Hector would be a good choice. He has more of a brawler nature, doesn't have a Sword, and the latest CYL poll reveal that he's probably popular enough to warrant an appearance. Since Marth and Ike are givens, I think a female that doesn't use swords would also be a good choice. Maybe just a female in general, but preferably without swords. Good contenders would be Celica -probably very similar to Robin Lyn -because of her popularity and an upgrade from her being an assist. Plus videogame companies seem to believe that we regard Lyn as "Marth of the West" Ninian -potentially a cool moveset, and is very popular Eirika -popular, but I consider her the least likely out of all the female lords. Micaiah -magic moveset with her only problem being similar to Zelda Lilina - upgraded from sticker status. She's moderately popular and can be a good compliment if Roy is in the game. Azura -popular and uses a naginata, so she'll have a unique moveset. EDIT: Anna would be great too.
  10. I wonder what the likelihood of another Direct happening mid to late Spring... like a Late April/May direct. Is that out of the usual time frame? That way, FE won't be overshadowed by Smash at E3 (if either of them are there hypothetically- I'm not confident that Smash will be ready by then though.)
  11. It probably means they're waiting to reveal it at E3, that way they have a big name IP to show off. The information drought is surprising though, and a bit disappointing. Ummm, what? E3 happens in June, wayyyyy before you'll be at college. So you'll still be stable and secure.
  12. It's a shame they went bankrupt. RF5 was already given the green light and in the early to mid stages of development. I'm still hoping some company like Nintendo just buys the rights to Rune Factory and keep it going. If it had proper marketing backup (like being featured in a Direct!) it would probably appeal to many people and sell well. I still don't have the game. I didn't know it came out until WAY after the fact due to a mixture of other games coming out + never seeing it ONCE in stores. One of the only games that doesn't depreciate in value. From what I've heard though, the gameplay is the best of the series so far, and from what I've seen on YouTube, the story is reminiscent of RF1, but I think they had more world building in this one. My main problem with the game was the bachelorette selection. I'd rather date Linfa than her daughter tbh. At least the bachelors had a decent selection.
  13. I will be stoked if we see FE Switch. I will be more stoked if we see some sort of Zelda game (not like BOTW, something small scale. It'll probably be Hyrule Warriors but here's hoping for a LTTP or Link's Awakening remake) Even more stoked if a new Story of Seasons is announced, and doubly so if Rune Factory 5 is unearthed. I would cry if they announced remakes of some golden games, such as Radiata Stories. My actual predictions: Mario Tennis, Hyrule Warriors, FE (both Switch and Awakening DLC), Octopath Traveler, some new fresh game off the block, and maybe Yoshi. Smash and Metroid seem like pipe dreams atm. I'm not expecting them until maybe next year.
  14. I tried to make some of my own without using the games' given titles. I based Gwendolyn's on her personality and feather motif. Although...
  15. I really like the Pink-Haired one to Miku's right costume. It's a good idea for a dancer. It sort of reminds me of Lene's- a more polished, detailed version of Lene's dancer garb.
  16. "I'm being helpful!" is one of the silliest battle cries I've heard. I love Chrom's art though.
  17. Reminds me of Valkyria Chronicles where the players are usually referred to as the "Nameless" Battalion/Legion, since the grunts' names are never known/talked about in history. I got the same impression. I wouldn't be surprised if this game has 2 generations and the first generation is the "elegy" being talked about it. Or maybe just a lot of important characters kick the bucket. Who knows?
  18. I'm gonna Flora myself if we get no news on FE Switch (please don't make me Flora myself)
  19. Am I the only one confused about the Unsung and Underrated hero wording? It's definitely not EITHER of those two. Definitely not unsung, the FE Heroes subreddit has more members than the general fire emblem subreddit. On these forums, FE Heroes gets a dozen posts each day dedicated to different units and strategies for the game. All of my casual FE friends have the game. Didn't it win an award at some mobile app awards? It's popular and earning IS a TON of money. It doesn't fit the definitions of Unsung and Underrated, imo.
  20. It makes me feel so bad for Phina. It's hinted that she follows him in their ending, but he never reciprocated her feelings. The only person Navarre had shown interest in is Ogma, and not for romantic reasons. One of the only pairings I don't mind breaking in FE12 because Phina would probably be happier off with Kris than Navarre. Kris actually humors her behavior, meanwhile Navarre just tolerates it. Navarre is too dedicated to the sword. I don't think he's asexual per se, but definitely not interested in romance. But I feel bad for Phina, she goes for the silent, stoic, and brooding type like Navarre, Kris (somewhat) and although she didn't fall for him, she has some sort of special association to Michalis. I remember this one post on reddit where the writer absolutely HATED Saber x Genny with a passion, mostly due to the age difference (understandable). So their alternative choice was Luthier of all people. Luthier is older than Genny (it's never clarified HOW much older her type is, just older), and she mentions wanting a man who's very caring. Luthier's supports with Delthea show that he is (oftentimes too much) caring when his family is concerned. He's traveled to Archanea, which would probably interest Genny, given her interest in writing. Her ending states that her spouse was someone from the army and was "a man no one would ever expect", and Luthier's introverted nature and lack of presence among his comrades would make him an "unexpected choice" for someone who settled down shortly after the war. As for Luthier, he would probably like Genny. Unlike Delthea, she is soft-spoken and helpful. He would probably also like that she's a magic user, which helps carry down his family's tradition of being strong mages. @Azz I originally quoted your comment but it got deleted somehow. I was so pissed. Anyways, I said I would feel scummy pairing Valbar with anyone. Dude just lost his wife and kids right before the story started. He hasn't really gotten much time to mourn properly, so him moving on to someone so quick seems so uncharacteristic for someone who's depicted as a family man. As for Leon, I like to pair him up with Conrad. Conrad is stated to never marry, and I'm not sure what Valentia's views on gay marriage, but if wasn't allowed... Maybe he and Leon stayed in touch after the war... (Yes, my arm hurts from this reach)
  21. 3 contenders: Revelations, Radiant Dawn, and Generation 2 of FE4. Revelations- lots of great stats and pair up. Plus the dragon veins can come in handy if they can find one. Radiant Dawn- the largest army, and includes one man army, Ike. Gen 2- the strongest lore-wise and they have the best weaponry. Plus Lene can dance for 4 of them at once so what they lack in numbers can be made up with this. They'll still lack a huge amount of numbers, even with the Fates crew. But they'll hit hard.
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