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Dandy Druid

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Everything posted by Dandy Druid

  1. Sharlow's main advantage over Corple as far as I know is that he has Paragon, which Corple needs to buy from the shop (elite ring) or have Lex as a father (but suffer from bad magic). My real verdict is pretty much use whichever dancer you want, because they're strengths are tailored for different types of playthroughs (ranked/LTC run vs sub run). I do like Leen more for story reasons, like you said. Especially if Lewyn is her father. I also feel like she's a little bit stronger character-wise as well.
  2. Exactly! They could use the word Medallion instead of Emblem as well. Or Trinket, or Artifact. IS should be big enough now to have a smaller and separate team to work on it as well.
  3. Unless there's a direct in the next two days... looks like Miss Leaker's information is most likely false and built upon guesses. She did show doubt in her source, so the likelihood she was fed false information or she just a marketing tactic to build up hype are higher now. How far are you guys in the development cycle %-wise? Or do all of y'all have some sort of NDA? Maybe a separate IP with the Victorian Gothic setting can be made. It won't a Fire Emblem, but a sister series instead. Like I said above, could be a cool thing for a separate IP.
  4. Interesting... Makes it sound like scanlation teams run a nonprofit of sorts. Thanks for the insight.
  5. Yeah I'm aware of the Berserk staff being situational. I'm just heavily biased for its shenanigans. Anyway, Sharlow's main strength is Paragon, which is something only Lex!Corple can get, but he'll be magically screwed. The last paragraph was for more or less a "joke" answer, because it's more of an outside factor. Lene and Laylea are still awesome. And seeing people's reactions (also posted this on Reddit) looks like Lene reigns supreme.
  6. For the longest time, people have argued about which dancer is more optimal in the second generation of Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. The 2nd Generation dancer is a spunky, yet cynical young woman who's in a relationship with Aless, son of the Lionheart, Eldigan. She's responsible for opening Aless' eyes about the differences between duty and emotion, and how one must remove emotion in order to fulfill their duties. Despite her mature advice, she can also be rather playful, teasing Celice upon their first meeting as he gushed over his first time meeting a dancer. Despite her limited screen time, the 2nd gen. dancer is a dynamic character, showing many sides to her personality, and shows that she's a bit more mature than the other girls in the army. Depending on whether you paired up Sylvia or not determine which dancer you get. If Sylvia is paired with any of the Generation 1 males, you'll get Lene, if paired with the Grim Reaper, you get Laylea. Their only noticeable personality differences is that Lene has some deep-seeded abandonment issues, and because of that, is very family-oriented (or desires a family). Meanwhile, Laylea is more romantic. Design-wise, Lene is given more of a "pretty girl/fresh beauty" vibe meanwhile Laylea has more a sexy/sulty feel to her. Here's Lene. Lene has green hair like her mother, and probably the most inconsistent character design in the game. Seriously, her in-game and Cipher art depict her wearing pink, but the old trading card series (OG Cipher) depicts her wearing orange and purple. Dancers don't promote, so maybe she kept getting new outifts, idk. Regardless, let's talk about her pros. She has minor Blaggi blood, which will give her a nice resistance boost as well, so if leveled, she may be able to take hits from siege magic better than some of your other units. Lene comes with the Miracle skill, which increases her chances of survival on the battlefield and the arena. Depending on her father, she may also have some more additional skills and some growth/stat bonuses to help her out. Because of this, Lene is able to get far better stats than Laylea. A common argument against this is that stats don't matter for a dancer, because they don't need them to dance. This isn't necessarily true. They matter, but not much, so I wouldn't give this pro of Lene's much weight over Laylea. A dancer needs good defense-oriented stats to increase her survivability, such as Defense, Resistance, Speed, HP, and Luck. You don't want to put dancers in the fray, but mistakes happen, and Lene has a better chance of surviving than Laylea, as she'll usually have higher bases in all of these stats (except Speed). Because of her minor Blaggi blood giving her a decent resistance growth (the lowest it can be is 42%, which is over doubled Laylea's) and her access to the Defense sword, Lene isn't too squishy (but not rock solid, she will take at least 2 hits though, 3 if Miracle procs). Her biggest advantage over Laylea is her inheritance; Lene can theoretically be recruited with everything she needs: Defense Sword, Leg Ring, and Knight Ring. It's arguable that the Leg Ring is better given to Celice at the beginning of the generation and sold to Lene later. If so, Lene will have an easier time to raise money for it (although I was able to get it on Laylea at the start of Ch. 8 anyways). Now here are some good fathers that give Lene some edge over Laylea in terms of skills and stats: Arden (gives her really nice defense, if paired with the the Defense sword, will make her a lot harder to kill) Lex (gives her Paragon, which will allow her to level up significantly faster. However, becomes less useful in the Final Chapter. Stat-wise, is an improved Arden!Lene. Great if you want to make a dancer a combatant) Dew (gives her Bargain, which allows her to buy things, like rings! at a significantly cheaper price.) Chulainn (gives her B rank in swords, which gains her access to the Hero Sword. She also has Luna to help her get through the enemies' defenses. Has the highest HP growth and base out of all Lenes, and is another good choice for a combat dancer. Phina would be proud.) Lewyn (gives her great speed and she's decent with the Wind Sword. Also gives her the best characterization out of the bunch due to their Ch. 10 convo.) Claude (capitalizes on her great resistance- a high base and a terrific growth rate. Barrier Sword who? Also, she has Major Blaggi blood, one of the only Gen 2 females to have it actually.) Now time for Laylea. Since she's a substitute, Laylea doesn't benefit from holy blood or inheritance, thus, she will have a harder time surviving the battlefield and gaining the items she needs to optimize her potential as a unit. For money, although she will have a harder time to raise it in comparison to her counterpart, this isn't a big issue. If recruited early enough in Ch. 7, Laylea can theoretically fall in love with Ares, who has no problem gaining money, and be money dumped. I was also able to raise enough money for her by the start of Ch. 8 simply by putting her in both arenas at that point (7 and 8) and the money she received from seized castle bonuses. She also has access to the barrier sword via a secret event, which will allow her to keep up with most Lenes in resistance. As for survival stats, the only thing Laylea excels more in is speed, so giving her a speed ring to increase her chance of dodging is recommended. She also has a strangely high strength growth rate (50%!), more than her combative contemporaries, so theoretically, she can become a decent fighter for Ch.7 through 10 if you dance abuse her. Although if she gets hit, it doesn't look too good, so be careful when entering her in the fray. Plus, she can never wield the Hero Sword. She Her main pro that she has over Lene is Charisma, a skill Lene will never be able to have, which gives a bonus to allies within 3 squares. The common argument for this is that she's put in danger by doing this, however, she can be safely put in the 3rd line of your formation and be able to support the frontliners. However, I will admit this skill is situational. In a run where Laylea and Sharlow are the only subs in a holy army, this skill isn't as important, as you already have 2 other units with this skill, and they have better survivability and horses as well. Plus, holy kids in general, if given favorable parents, really don't need the bonus too much because they're already powerful without it. The skill only really becomes useful at the end when against the Deadlords and Julius, because any problem before that can just be Holsety'd/Balmung'd/Mystletainn'd/etc. Charisma is much more useful in a sub only run, because the subs aren't as OP. A real challenging playthrough would be to pair Sylvia up with someone like Alec, because Lene can't give any bonuses nor fight, and there's no Berserk staff shenanigans. (so basically, choose a father that's not in the bulleted list or Azelle). Laylea's viability significantly increases in a sub run; Lene's viability would as well if she was in a sub army, but not as much as Laylea. Verdict Now this is where you ask, Dandy, so which one is better? And here's the answer- it's situational. Because of their skills, who's better is decided on what kind of run you're doing. Lene is better in an efficiency/ranked run, especially if her father is Lex. Lene is a lot easier to grind/level up to meet the experience requirement for higher ranks, as she'll have better balanced stats and growths to do so. Giving her Paragon makes this even easier. So for ranked runs, Lene is your girl. For more challenging or relaxed runs, i.e. sub runs or casual play, Laylea may be a better choice. Ultimately it can also come down to aesthetics. Do you like the fresh beauty of Lene, or the sultry dance of the mysterious Laylea? But wait Dandy! This verdict sounds like a cop out. Fine, fine, I'll say one- Laylea because she has a more useful brother. (Sharlow's berzerk staff >>> any iteration of Corple except Lewyn!Corple)
  7. So Naga faked Grima out? The ultimate "bitch you thought".
  8. Man do some of y'all have really good jobs or what? 20ish games a year for one console? Damnnnn are you getting deals or what. I wouldn't even have the time to play all of those. I barely have time for the small amount of Switch/PS4 games I have.
  9. Yeah. Some people hate Makalov so much that they paired her with Sothe because of their PoR interactions, even though they weren't romantic. It's a pairing designed to make Makalov old and alone.
  10. this sounds more like a wishlist than a prediction list "better characters" is something we all want, not something that is necessarily guaranteed, since its dependent on the writing. Same can be said for "better villains".
  11. I personally like her with Volug, but that wasn't an option... I've seen people pair Sothe with Astrid.
  12. I like Iago's design and voice, but sadly there isn't much to his character. Although I like him more than the others (Garon, Hans, and Zola). The Fates villains weren't as interesting as past villains. Maybe they had more going for them in the alleged "missing files".
  13. With marketing and leaking, sometimes companies have a "leak" to get people talking and speculating before the announcement, as a way to build up hype. Of course we don't know which companies practice this per se, with Internet anonymity and such, but it's a good tactic to grab attention before you even show off what deserves it. Miss Leaker may be one such employee. Now if you're talking about datamining leaks like SoV, this really doesn't help the company. It spoils some of the secrets of the game and you may lose some sales numbers, which is why they try to shut down/take down YouTube videos showing it off. It does get attention though. FE is one of their bigger IPs, so I do think it may get a lot of screen time in the next direct. Xenoblade got one and they're not even one of the big IPs. They have FE Switch to show off, FE Heroes anniversary next month, and the Archanea DLC for Warriors (Navarre, Minerva, and Linde hype), so they have quite a bit to show off. I also agree with this. FE has never been a Holiday release title, and I think it'll stay that way. If it's revealed in February, I highly doubt the release date would be the Holidays. FE reveals happens just a few months before release (usually).
  14. LMAO at the one crossed out part. More about the mysterious thing- this could be attributed to game design, but it just grinds my gears that you can reach level A support with her relatively quickly and she says she could feel like she can completely trust us, but STILL not tell us about the whole "secret country" thing. Like wtf, how can you keep that a secret from us. The 'canon' part didn't bother me, since I was never that heavily moved by the story to begin with. Reading it was just a time killer, if anything. It's not that I found it to be terrible (like many people have), my initial thoughts was that it was just straight up boring and cliche at times. Also, about the pretty thing. For me, I just have never been a fan of Kozaki's artwork. It's good, but something just didn't click for me. I feel like a lot of characters look better in their cipher art drawn by a different artist than their original forms like Azura. It's weird how I like his style for No More Heroes, but idk, it's not poppin for me with FE.
  15. I know this one is definitely unpopular: I don't like Azura's design at all. And her character not by much. To me it feels a bit hobby lobby, tropey dopey to me if you get what I mean. I like it in cipher art, but in-game I don't get the appeal. First of all, the lack of shoes puts me off. This is also a complaint for Corrin. But you're in a fantasy war Azura, at least put on a heel. I understand her hair is supposed to be like water, but it's too much for me. Compared to the rest of the cast (and the entire series), it looks out of place. It looks especially out of place for the Hoshido royalty, where her sisters have short hair. I think if they wanted to keep her hair long, then maybe they should've had her hair up in a more stylized version of these. Or maybe they could've kept it at this length. I find her personality boring. Since she has the second most supports in the game, no doubt she has some good ones, but I find a lot of her supports to be in the benefit of the other characters, if there's a benefit. I'm also confused as to why she has no support with Camilla, but I'm not sure if it would've been interesting anyway. I feel like she's pointlessly mysterious, like they tried to make her Ninian 2.0, but I didn't find her as intriguing. I don't like the strip of hair going down her face. It makes her look unkempt, which isn't fitting for a princess. I know she's not the one to worry most about these things, since she has bigger fish to fry, but I think it would be annoying to have your hair in your face 24/7. I feel like her design in general just has a lot going on. Idk, I would've liked something more like this, except in Azura's color palette. Her current design is just too busy- there's all of the ribbons across her torso, her weird almost connected sleeves, the half footless pantyhose, the designs at her hips, the necklace despite having a chest design, the ruffles at the bottom of the skirt, the veil that's not serving its purpose... I can see it as haute couture (sorta...) but at the same time, it's just a weird looking garment. I know Fates isn't exactly a treasure trove of practical character design, but I feel like she really sticks out from the cast, and not in a good way. Also, I dislike her "singing" animation. It looks like she just woke up and she's stretching and yawning. I wish it was a quarter as elegant as her CG Dance of Death on Garon. I don't hate Azura or anything, but I don't see the appeal she has that some people seem to love. Her design is all over the place and her personality is hidden under a pile of supports despite her immense screen time within all 3 main story paths.
  16. More modern support system to flesh out the cast a bit more. Redesign a couple of the chapters so there's more than 1 way to proceed them (this only really effects 1 or 2). The characters that should be added, IMO, are the subs that were originally supposed to be in the game but got cut. It could be neat to see Femina, Asaello, Daisy, and Janne in a game where they're not compared to a much better, holy counterpart. But, they should be gotten through more unorthodox methods. (I.E., if Lara becomes a dancer, than Daisy will show up to take up that role. Or if she doesn't, have to play though another gaiden chapter to get a different dancer- maybe Leylia or Dancer!Daisy). Have Celice and Julia have more presence in the story. Branching promotions? Perhaps a "branch" is gained through supports- i.e. if Safy has supported with a mounted unit, she can promote to valkyrie instead of bishop/sage. Or if Lifis has supported with Safy, he can become a trickster instead of a thief fighter, etc. Give Lara her own dancer portrait.
  17. It has its problems, but it did a lot of things right and finalized the formula of FE. The cast is good, and it does provide a good challenge. However, it does seem like for some chapters, there's really only one way to clear it/proceed with it. I mean, if you lose Lara though, I see that more as the fault of the player than the game though. You're given 2 others units to protect Lara while she's doing locks. Even IF she does fall in battle to enemies that would most likely capture her, you still have Lifis for that portion of the game.
  18. It's my main issue with Micaiah critics. Yes, the tactic isn't honorable, but it IS war. "All's fair in love and war" applies here. It's a bit out of character for her, but at the same time, it also reinforces her love for Daein, which is totally in character for her. I think it makes her more dynamic, but whatever. However, she did say she wanted to keep casualties to a minimum, and that kind of plan puts it at a maximum instead. But, she may have referred to Daein's troops, not the enemy combatants. Or it could have just been a bluff for the enemy to retreat.
  19. Tbh, yes. This way, Ulster can get some money instead of nothing. The only item of worth that is lost is the Brave Axe, but don't worry, you can get it fairly early on in the second generation.
  20. I do, but I'm kind of picky. I would have to like more than one of the games they play, and I'm going to have to like their voice. Plus, their commentary needs to be entertaining- either they're completely in the dark or they're very knowledgeable.
  21. Omg, that's a write up. I'm glad ol' Micky is getting the love she deserves.
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