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Dandy Druid

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Everything posted by Dandy Druid

  1. Demand is a bigger factor for price than what's included. Backwards compatibility or not, the Switch has more demand than the Wii U, hence the same price, despite the Wii U having more features (Miis, BC). $300 isn't overpriced for a game console, especially considering its competitors are at least $100 more. Not to mention that a good videogame PC costs around 1k. $300 is reasonable for what the Switch offers and its demand.
  2. I don't want to be that bitch, but I'm gonna be that bitch and say the GBA games had variable recruiting and path splits. All 3 of them in fact. So it's not really fair of you to give them this criticism, when they did something you're asking for. Not to be rude, but you may want to refresh your memory on them, if you have played/watch them. Plus they all give you a ton of characters to work with, so you can try different teams or challenges each playthrough. FE6: Lalum vs. Elphin (their route led to different characters) AND Ilia vs. Sacae (so there were 2 route splits that offered different chapters AND different characters in each split. So potentially 4 different playthroughs, not counting all of the playthroughs you could make with making different teams!) FE7: Eliwood vs. Hector FE8: Eirika vs. Ephraim Shadow Dragon also had an instance of doing this as well. (Samson vs. Arran) as well as Thracia 776 (Salem and whathisname. It's been a while). You may also want to count Genealogy if you consider the subs varied recruiting. Also, I don't like the idea of a mess of seals. There's enough variety already imo. A character shouldn't be viable only through class changing. They're all designed to work in their given class. They may not be the best, but they work. Also, the idea of separate paths but the same paralogues sounds strange. I would need to see how it looks on the map in-game. Plus 2 avatars sound mehhh. I'd rather have a fully designed character with a personality than a bland self-insert with very few character qualities. From a storytelling perspective, it would seem like a waste to put 2 blank slates in a place where 2 characters overcoming personal struggles in a position of power could be. I'd probably relate more to defined characters rather than an avatar that doesn't undergo a huge development arc over the story. I don't mind having an avatar in the game, but for them to be not only 1 protagonist, but 2, seems too much. I'd rather have them as an advisor or an up up-and-coming soldier moving through the ranks. Tear Ring Saga's protagonists do a decent of job of having dual protagonists on a world map setting. It also has varied recruiting as well.
  3. A part of me wants to say yes because it makes sense to do that. Characters should be able to double and have critical hits naturally. But on the other hand, it's just another quirk of FE4: controversial, but part of the experience. To add to your list of what it may take away from the game: 3. Takes some of the strategy away from pairings. But then again, people can't deny Jamka x Edain no longer 4. Takes away the iconic line "The Power of Pursuit!". This event also characterizes Arden too, so it would be a loss for his character. Plus, it's meme material. 5. New skills would need to be developed for Noish and Lewyn (as well as the others with the critical skill). Lewyn doesn't need it as much, but Critical was one of Noish's very few redeeming factors.
  4. Alvis is one of my favorite's. He's a good example of someone who's fallen on the wrong side of the story, but he wasn't truly evil. His intentions weren't evil, but his methods can be considered so. I also like Brenya, because she's hot. The Black Knight is in my Top 3 as well, mainly because I feel hyped to fight him. He is formidable, and his appearance is iconic. Berkut and Michalis had a lot of potential I don't think was fully realized. They're both enjoyable villains for different reasons though.
  5. Yee haw Twisted Tactician. I usually come on this site when I'm doing the worsh.
  6. "Ikeypoo" or "Father of Sothe's Children" are the best tbh. I voted Hero of the Blue Flames, because the Radiant Hero sounds like it can describe someone else. Meanwhile, I can't think of anyone else related to blue flames in this franchise.
  7. We do both. My family is spread out and kind of big, so we have to spread it out over the whole week.
  8. That's true. Personally, I wouldn't mind either way if it was a complete overhaul or stuck to its roots A complete overhaul would give us a little over 40 chapters though, if they don't rush Gen 2. The director's dream is to do FE6, which isn't out of the realm of possibility because Roy was voted #2 in the male list. Elibe may come before Jugdral, which wouldn't surprise me. Neither of those continents have a ton of reps in Heroes either, which tells me that they may be saving people to re-introduce if another Echoes installment happens. Personally, if they want to get money hungry, they could divide Genealogy into 2 games (both following the "normal" format of FE games) where you can use crossover data from the first Gen game into the Gen 2 game. But that would also get a lot of outrage. Elibe's easier, but they may want to follow chronological order of releases.
  9. IIRC, the Echoes staff said more remakes may be made depending on the success of SoV. Since they considered SoV a success, then an FE4 echoes isn't out of the question. If not FE4, then FE6, which I wouldn't mind either. FE4 also sold well in Japan, and was well liked after Mystery. It isn't out of the question. But again, this is just an assumption. I still don't want kids implemented in yet, but if FE4 Echoes is on the table, then they should definitely wait, IMO.
  10. No- it wasn't necessary. Daein had a history of being racist and still were. PLUS, Micaiah was well liked by her soldiers. They chanted "Maiden of Dawn" a thousand times are so in the game. They were already motivated to fight because SHE was leading them. Micky didn't need propaganda- she was a motivator by herself without even trying.
  11. I want a break from kids, I know FE4 Echoes may be coming soon, so I would like a break from them this game because they'll be back sooner than we think. SoV didn't have them, but I think a Switch title where I don't have to worry about pairing people up can be nice. No thongs for cavaliers. Seriously, I shouldn't even being saying this, but cavaliers (and the like), wyvern knights, and any class that dons a lot of armor shouldn't be exposing their asses (literally). The only class that you can get away with revealing clothes is the dancer/refresher, because it's better for mobility/flexibility.
  12. Laylea could be the next sword dancer, with the skill Charisma, making her a rally bot as well. Sue, Shin, or Rath can be mounted archers. Calill could be a Red Mage with some sort of Meteor skill or tome that's effective against units far away. The 4 Elibe Refreshers can be the next Performing Arts Crew.
  13. It makes sense, and I agree with you for the most part. Luckily, schools have begun to distribute computers for students, but that's just in my area. The main thing about the net neutrality issue is that we didn't have a chance to vote. Sure, we could contact our local Congressman, but there's no guarantee they'll even talk about it. IIRC, FCC heads (5 guys) voted. It just grinds my gears that a government meant to serve the people ignored the majority in this case. It just seems like they've been paid off, which doesn't surprise me, since Congress as of late has been lobbied heavily with $$$ from huge businesses. For example, pharmaceutical companies that distribute opioid painkillers lobbying for less restriction in order to protect their profits, despite the rising number of overdoses due to the medication. Sorry to go off on a tangent, but it just seems like big business is running America now (no surprise), so their interests are more so for profit, rather than meeting the demands of the people.
  14. I just want to say one thing: Screw Ajit Pai and his flip flopping bs. The United States is becoming a digital country more and more each day. Not every American needs one, but an overwhelming majority do (320 M out of roughly 327 M in North America)- students need them to study or have access to an online document. Applying for schools, scholarships, etc., is all done on the computer now. Businesses need them to properly communicate with each other (small businesses are hurt more). Businesses aren't a public good, and unless they're the ISP people, they'll be affected as well. Also, Information is being kept in computer databases rather than being written on records (data such as law services, marriages, statistics, etc.). Why should people have to pay for services that have been free?
  15. I feel so blindsided. I didn't expect this when I woke up this morning. It's so tragic that Jonghyun couldn't find happiness. I really hope this makes people realize that mental health is a serious matter, and that depression is more than just being sad. Apparently, Jonghyun was getting treatment, but his needs were not being met. Maybe we need to put more research into mental health issues. Another star has joined the Heavens.
  16. If you have room, I'll be nice and give you Priscilla... if you pair her with Heath
  17. Because it devolves all of the protests with a simple solution with a can of Pepsi. If it was that easy, there wouldn't be protests in the first place. It takes away from the awareness these protests are trying to acquire, which is to enhance social equality between all races. People have been injured, and some have even died at these protests- and they're trying to use it sell soda. Their intent wasn't malicious or even that bad, but it just comes off as tasteless and insensitive to the issues that are going on.
  18. Not trying to sound weebish, but this is a BOP! You're welcome.
  19. Well you're both right. Going by your guess, I'm slightly below the average age. Not close to Rezzy at all. 60!
  20. Risky click of the day. Wait, what's the average age of this site? Am I considered one of the old ones now? 55
  21. It's probably going to be a New Year's Festival banner. I wouldn't be surprised if it's Japanese-inspired, since they have a few traditions and a few holidays around New Years. It makes sense for it to have Hoshido characters. Not sure who though- most likely the royals, but wouldn't they throw us in a loop if it had non-royals, like Kagero, Azama, Mitama, and Rinkah. New Years is supposed to be turning a new leaf, and Kagero seems like a character mature enough to express this concept, Azama would be there for jokes, Mitama would have the poetic New Year's resolutions that are hung at temples, and Rinkah would probably be how another country does New Years. (maybe South Korea or China, although Chinese New Years doesn't come until later, and that can be its own banner as well. Maybe we'll get a new refresher like Laylea)
  22. Mia and Mist surpassed her? I wonder if it's before or after Heroes. I was young then (in elementary school), so I never understood Micaiah's hate. I just thought she was pretty and nice lol. Even now I get the complaints, but I can't bring myself to do anything less than like her because she was my first... protagonist. Lmao I can't remember those sites. The only one I remember was an anime-based site where people voted for Roy's bride.
  23. FE12 had supports though, like actual conversations (CBA). It didn't sell well in comparison to other entries in the series because it was only sold domestically, not internationally. And the reason for this was because RD and SD didn't sell well. I'm also confused by your last statement, because SoV had them too, just a small amount of though; it still contradicts what you said about scoring.
  24. I became a fan around 2009ish, but didn't join Serenes officially until later. From what I can remember, the content of many posts weren't too different from now. The fandom was very much into tier lists and rankings, like now. Because I was a Radiant Dawn baby, the majority of people complained about Micaiah and overall didn't enjoy her character. She was a really polarizing character a few years ago, people loved her or hated her. Years later, people instead focused their complaints on Ike, but Micaiah was the least liked/most controversial protagonist for a while. There weren't any discussions about too much fanservice though, probably because the older games didn't have too many risque designs. As for fan art, there were a lot of Japanese artists, but not so many Western. Deviant Art was huge at the time so most fan art was found there. Also, a YouTuber named atokad11 made a series of videos called "A Small Tribute to a Great Fire Emblem Girl", which showcased a lot of fanart for a particular FE female character. Interestingly enough, Micaiah was the most viewed character. Translations were on the back burner IIRC, probably because everyone was playing RD at the time and having discussions about it.
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