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Dandy Druid

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Everything posted by Dandy Druid

  1. Yeah I have quite a few Musou games. Is it basically like Warriors Orochi, but less of a cluster full of characters and a confusing plot?
  2. I agree with you. I don't think making a character purposely "sexy" is a bad thing. But, it has to be done right, which is the tricky part. Look at your sig for example, Velvet is scantily clad and has a rather sexy design. However, she's in a situation where it's done right. Her design fits the game, with the whole late medieval fantasy aesthestic they were going for. Plus, her character was supposed to be very gypsy-like: she has no real home and she wields arcane magic. Her outfit, while sexy, also has a gypsy feel to it, and since she's one of the older main characters, the maturity of the outfit works well. Plus, it's designed in a way where nothing should fall out, but lightweight enough for good mobility. However, in Loki's case, it just comes off a bit mix-matched. While the sexy image may fit Loki's reputation of being a trickster god (in this case, tricking by seduction). However, it's a war simulation game, and a sexy dress may not be the most suitable for battle. But then again, this is Heroes, a fanservice gacha game. It's not that deep, so I'm not really mad at it. If it was a mainline FE, then I would raise my eyebrows at the design choice, but since it's Heroes, it should be given a pass.
  3. No I've been wanting to though! I think it would be interesting to see characters such as Lu Bu interact with some furries. How is it though? Pretty fun?
  4. They're alright and fun. However, most of the time, they seem to be focused on two certain games, so it's not as big of a shock or a surprise about when people get revealed. It's a little annoying when some characters have 3 or more versions of themselves though. It doesn't seem fair to some of the characters. But I guess that's "popularity" for you.
  5. Our favorite thief from FE7! And I'm not talking about Jaffar or Legault. You mean you don't want to share a name with THAT stud?!!! I get it, it's hard to live up to Matthis' glory. I wonder if we'll see other alternate versions of our name, like Matthias or Mateo. Kornelijus?
  6. I only gave PoR the "Fantastic" rating. It's not my favorite in the series, but it does a lot of things right, and does less wrong than other entries. It was polished. I hope the next installment is at or better than its caliber.
  7. It was either Mio or Mayu Amakura from the Fatal Frame series: For FE, I really liked Lilina from her sticker in SSBM.
  8. I really enjoy it if the costumes are good. IMO, I loved the Tales of Vesperia alternate costumes, it really showed the characters' sense of style and some of them were really conceptual. The Tales of Series had better alt. costumes in the older games, IMO. I felt like Berseria's were hit or miss, but some characters had really good ones (the Pirate Set was cool though). I also really liked Gravity Rush's costumes. I think my favorite was the catsuit, but I also liked the Kali costume with its wild west edge. I also liked BotW's variety of armor and such. I wonder how Xenoblade Chronicles 2 will handle costumes- since in the original changing armor did actually change their appearance.
  9. ... a fire dragon appeared out of the portal an evil sorcerer made from afar...
  10. I gave it a 9- it really helps the story IMO. Fire Emblem has had many stories, but the ones that are considered to have the best story also have a good amount of world building, i.e. Path of Radiance and Genealogy. Knowing the world sets the ground for the motivations behind the protagonists and antagonists, and it may explain why they're acting the way they are. Let's compare Thracia to Mokushu, although they both have similar goals, Travant was better characterized because we know (and have seen) that Thracia isn't the most bountiful country in Jugdral. It has a hard time with agriculture due to the geography being mountainous. Travant was militant in order to feed his people, which is an understandable concern for a ruler. Kotaro is an ambitious and power hungry ruler of Mokushu. But why? We never really know- as the background of Mokushu isn't too detailed. We know it's a ninja kingdom that doesn't know the definition of "neutrality", and that's about it. The motivations other than just plain greed and pride. Perhaps if he had more story involvement, and showed up more than once, maybe the motivation would've been more clear. TLDR: worldbuilding helps, as the conditions of each country may characterize the major actors better.
  11. Every character is viable to some extent, but there are some characters that are pretty great. Dieck: he's an awesome mercenary. Rutger: he's an awesome mymridon. And one of the most popular characters in Japan. Percival: if you don't have any paladins by the time you get him, Percival is your man. If you have a paladin already, don't be afraid to bench him for Percival. I will say that Alan, Lance, and Percival are the closest thing you can get to a paladin holy trinity in this game. (Marcus before you get Percival). Lalum/Elphin: They're your refreshers. If you like refreshers and were already planning to use them, great. If you normally don't, use them for this game. They can't attack back, but the maps in FE6 are huge and enemies are tough. A lot of people try to use the "but what if I employ my 13th strongest unit instead" argument, but for this game, a dancer is better because they're as strong as your strongest unit if they're in range. NM isn't so bad, but they're almost a necessity in harder difficulties, as enemies don't mess around. I'd give them the pair of boots before Roy, because they could always dance for Roy to move again. Roy has to seize. As for classes: Archery: nomads are generally better due to good mobility and their promotion gives them swords, so they can attack in the close range. Shin is the best nomad, but Sue isn't bad. Klein isn't a nomad, he's a prepromoted sniper but he gets the job done. Armor Knights: don't bother, since cavaliers will usually be tanky enough, especially when they promote into paladins. All of the cavaliers have different things going for them, so it's more of a matter of fits your play style. Mages: You're gonna want at least 1 anima and 1 dark mage on your team. Lilina, Lugh, and Hugh are your anima mages. Lilina is a glass canon and that's really it. She struggles with her other stats due to low bases and the growth not being high enough to make up for it. She needs items. Still usable though. Lugh is regarded as the best, and he has high skill and speed. He may not hit the hardest, but his early start time and potential is great. I really like Hugh, but he comes late and unpromoted. HOWEVER, he's balanced stat-wise, and is sort of like a mixture of the other 2. As for the dark mages, they all come late, but Raigh and Niime are good. Raigh can be a little expensive. Sophia is a terrible unit, unfortunately, but one of the most popular characters in the game. She's pretty and interesting I guess, and that's all she really has going for her. Sorry Sophia fans.
  12. I can see this working for Echoes or a game where we're returning to a certain continent, but if it's in a new world, it'll probably be too vague.
  13. Male: Xane: Gray Dragon type- He can transform to any character and have their stats, but he'll not be able to have their skills or weapons. Main Skill: Doppelganger, Defense Skill: Nullify (any name that fits will do), where he'll be able to have reduced damage from the advantageous color while transformed. Wrys: Blue Mage Type- Will wield light magic in battle to show the world how enlightened he is. Main Offensive Skill: His bald head will amplify the shininess of his light. Defense Skill: Increased Resistance, Weapon: Aura/Shine/Starlight Female: Hilda: Red Mage Type- Main Offensive Skill: Bitch From Hell (crits Bolganoe) Defensive Skill: Abusive Bitch: She will yell out to the battlefield and belittle them, reducing one offensive stat. Weapon: Bolganoe Sylvia: Sword User (REEEE)- Main Skill: Dance. Will have a critical where she shouts out "Have you ever seen a little girl with THIS before?" Weapon: Defense Sword. Sorry 2.5/4 of these are a joke.
  14. Ehh I made files for both. Birthright: Shiro, Rhajat, and someone else (I forget who, but I have it written down somewhere) Conquest: Niles (gay ver.), Flora, and Leo.
  15. I just like the movement ability for the sake of having it. It's cool in theory. Tbh, I'd rather have units I think are cool rather than completely optimal, especially in SS, where they don't need to be optimal to be good, since SS isn't too hard. For dark magic use, I was thinking about how the summoner can essentially summon meat shields to take blows for you. SS is easy enough to where it's not necessary though. I do find it useful for harder difficulties though in certain situations.
  16. Smash played a role definitely, but I'm surprised y'all haven't talked about their appearances (except for the guy above me). They're both relatively attractive and get plenty of screen time. Ike has had the pleasure of being in 2 games, so his "lean and mean" physique in PoR appeals to some while his buff RD appearance appeals to others. Guys and girls would consider him relatively attractive in one of these forms, even if they don't necessarily swing that way. Not to mention Tellius is highly regarded within the FE community as an FE game(s) that have achieved a good story mixed in with great gameplay (PoR in particular). Plus, he's the only lord out of 15 games that isn't royalty in any way. (about 17 lords- not sure if Elincia is counted as one- some people do some people don't idk) Lyn's design is relatively sexy. Not overtly sexy, like Camilla, but the exposed legs combined with the long ponytail is really eye-catching. Plus her main colors are all shades of green. Her appearance very memorable. Also, FE7 was a lot of people's first (not mine, but that's another story), so Lyn also has the nostalgia factor in her favor. She was a lot of people's "first" (First lord, first playable unit, first character they've seen). This explains at least the Western perspective, I can't say for Japan.
  17. I feel like this is a weird question... mainly because the effect is the same no matter which game you play. Personally I really liked Mila's Turnwheel to help you during Classic Mode. It was a way to correct a mistake without soft resetting. I found it very useful. It sort of made Gaiden's revival system kind of moot, but I really liked this mechanic. I'm against any game with a sequel with permadeath, mainly for storytelling reasons. Such as, if Oscar dies in PoR, but comes back in RD, it's sort of weird if you ironmanned one and went straight to the other.
  18. At least we had Elphin- but Lalum's path was more fun though
  19. Ross: I'd prefer Berserker via having him as a pirate. That way he gets ultimate movement availability (sea + mountains) Plus they can crit like crazy. Amelia: Paladin- mainly because the other 2 aren't that great in SS... Ewan: Can't go wrong. Dark magic lowkey sucks, but has its niches. However, sage and mage knight would be better if you want him as a frontline fighter. Can't go wrong though.
  20. Sure why not. It really doesn't matter to me though. There's plenty of dance forms that are masculine, like flamenco. But in all honestly, I'm going to use the refresher either way. Do you mean Tellius? Because Judgral was all women. (Sylvia, Lene, Laylea, and Lara.) I'm gonna guess you mean Tellius (Rafiel, Reyson, Leanne)
  21. Oh geez that strength is bad. Pump him some steroids (energy drops) and give him a good weapon.
  22. We already have a thread about it. Here's the link. I'm going to tag @eclipse just in case they may want to lock this thread.
  23. I'm indifferent- I really like Ayra, but she's not one of my favorites from her game. I think it is cheap to include her with units that are old, but what can you expect from a gacha game.
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