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Dandy Druid

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Everything posted by Dandy Druid

  1. Tbh I'd be disappointed if a vampire lord character has a sword. That role is begging to use a scythe (lance-type).
  2. Other games before Awakening have also done that. Gaiden, Sacred Stones, Blazing Sword, Binding Blade. They didn't have paralogues though, so I'll give Awakening credit for that. Tbh, I don't think having a more non-linear Fire Emblem would work. Awakening and Fates were still linear for the most part, and you were still following a set path, the only difference being when you did the optional paralogues. It's not like BotW where you chose the order of taking down the divine beasts. I think the most non-linear an FE game could go would be a mashup of AwakeFates and the GBA games- have paralogues available meanwhile also having a split path that somewhat affects the story based on the choices you have made. Is that what you meant by more non-linear?
  3. As much as I like Chrom x Olivia, I'm going to have to disagree as well. Sumia gets the most story romance with Chrom. 1)Her introduction scene shows her being nervous around Chrom 2)She gets a special CG with Chrom complimenting her abilities 3)The "love birds" scene where she protects him 4)She, Lissa, and Robin are the only girls that try to cheer up Chrom 5)She gets an extended confessional scene after you defeat Gangrel and it's also called the "Default scene" when the game was datamined. 6)She's in the title screen trailer during the "baby" reveal scene portion of it. Olivia and Chrom also have some edge over the remaining girls (except Robin), but it doesn't compare to how much the game wants you to set him up with Sumia. You do get the best Inigo though, if you're not counting Robin. I somewhat agree. I actually think based on Inigo's father supports, his most likely father would be Frederick or Lon'qu. I'm not saying Virion is not capable of being serious, but when Inigo gets called out for being too carefree, it sounds more natural coming from Frederick or Lon'qu. Although, I do think the fathers with the best chemistry for Inigo (in no particular order) are Frederick, Lon'qu, Virion, Chrom, Robin, and Libra. The biggest thing about Virion and Inigo is their skirt chasing ways, but that's assuming that a child's personality has to be like one of their parents. I know it happens in real life a lot, but so do situations where the child is nothing like either of their parents.
  4. Eirika- Seth deserves to be royalty to me. But I also do love her support with Innes. Ephraim- L'arachel for sure. Their supports are so entertaining. Tana is a second.
  5. Fav- Ricken give the dickin Hate- Thotmilla. I feel like this sort of slut shames. I know she's fictional, but she's not even a promiscuous character.
  6. Oh darn. I should've reread the poll question. It's asking about children, but my first thought was Virion!Inigo where Virion scolds Inigo for skirt chasing IIRC, even though the former used to do it all the time. But that's more of the parent, not the child. IMO, it usually hurts the noncanon parent more than the child, because the parent is given more generic lines so it could be pretty much anyone.
  7. From worst to best: Birthright: Starts out promising, but becomes stagnant. Corrin is just a bad MC in general, but at least they had some chemistry with the Nohrian siblings. With the Hoshido siblings, it was just very awkward at times. Also, even though overall, CQ may have a weaker story, there's just some things in Birthright that piss me off to no end mainly because of how stupid the characters were being. I can't take dramatic moments seriously mainly due to the idiocy behind them. So much stuff could've been avoided. I'm harsh on this because the people in charge of these events are ROYALS, and I assumed they would've had the education to know better in some of these events. Hell, even their personalities contradict what they actually do. Due to my bias, it's a no from me dog. Conquest: Very ambitious in what it set out for. I at least will give it props that it tried NOT to be safe. However, it was executed like a hot mess. It starts out promising, but crashes and burns. I put it over BR because it doesn't infuriate me as much. Luckily, its gameplay is really good. But we're not talking about gameplay today. Awakening: The Valm arc is literally FILLER. WHYYYYYYYYYY?! It's a shame, because the Valm arc has the better villains, imo. That said, the Gangrel arc was nice, and the Grima arc is meh, but at least things were explained for the most part. That, and children were better explained than the aforementioned 2 games. Sacred Stones: SS does a lot of things right, and the story is cohesive for the most part, however, it really suffers from poor world building. There is a lot of lore that went undeveloped. Also, Ephraim has some Gary Stu tendencies at certain moments. Shadow Dragon: It's inspired by the first, and it's a relatively safe story. It's a good story for the most part, although a lot of parts of it were unmemorable. My main issue is that a lot of the time it was Marth and his strategist talking, with no other characters getting that much word in. Binding Blade: It's very similar to Shadow Dragon in terms of presentation, but it does have livelier cutscenes. Also, it has more of an emphasis on humanity's relationship with the supernatural, rather than just have corrupted entities. There's more religion and motivation, from what I can remember. BB also has SD's problem of just being Roy and Medeus talking most of the time, but there are at least more deviation than SD. Radiant Dawn: Ok, truth be told, I think SD and BB may be more cohesive, but damn RD is so enjoyable to me. It's my first FE, so clock my bias. But RD has one of my favorite presentations of a FE game. It just sounds epic. I need that narrator again. First 2 parts are well written, the last 2 not as much, however they still do a lot of things right (lots of villain screentime, world building, base conversations). Shadows of Valentia: Well written for the most part, but I do have some gripes. It tends to rely on a couple of deus ex machinas and that pisses me off. I don't like these types of literary tools, mainly because I feel like they're a lazy way to resolve a problem. That being said, the presentation is fantastic. The VAs did a wonderful job and I like the fact that it wasn't just the lord and their strategist talking. Rather, the majority of the cast was actively involved in the story in one way or another. Genealogy of the Holy War: Now I know this is listed as my favorite, and for good reason. But there are a couple of things I can't ignore. First off, FE4 is a lot darker story than other FEs, and it takes a lot of storytelling risks. While it doesn't pass all of its goals with flying colors, it does a lot of things well. There's a good amount of world building, political intrigue, thematic events. The story itself is really engaging and different from other FEs. However, I can't ignore the fact that some details are known due to them being present in the guidebook, rather than the game itself. Also, it has a habit of "spoiling" a villain's secret plan. Like RD, it gives the villains a lot of screentime, however, some lines could have been more ambiguous and not completely obvious. That said, if FE4 does get a remake, if it remembers to include the guidebook details and maybe some from the Oosawa manga, then it will be a much clearer story. It has the potential to be the best if they do fix up some of the script to leave it more ambiguous and have more decisive reveal moments. Path of Radiance: Not much to say on this one, despite it being my #1 for the best story. While it is safer than Genealogy, I cannot remember any significant faults within the story. Everything is cohesive and well explained, multiple characters develop gradually over the story, it has a wonderful presentation, has a lot of the things I liked about RD. All in all, it's pretty solid. However, I doubt it's place as #1 is going to be permanent in my heart. I may change my mind sooner or later if I bother to replay it.
  8. I voted Fates. Awakening has a much better story, but it's not strong enough to beat out the superior gameplay that Fates had. In terms of characters, Fates had a lot more lows, but also had a quite a few highs in there as well. Meanwhile, I felt like everyone in Awakening was decent for the most part, but flatlined. I'd consider them even had Fates not repeated personalities from Awakening (and even Sacred Stones, but I give that a pass since it's been a minute since SS released), I would like the Fates cast more. But eh, they're even in that regard. So Fates win.
  9. lmao don't make me wish for something that won't happen. Tbh, Lalum would fit in well with the 3DS cast, maybe even out-ridiculous some characters. (although it seems like the "ridiculous" characters were left out, bar Camilla).
  10. Hmmm... this is hard. They're both pretty bad, but I ended up voting for Meg. Meg has better defense, meanwhile Fiona has better mobility. At the start, if you let Fiona in on the charge, she'll get 2 shotted, and Meg's defense isn't that great either, so she'll most likely fall before other characters because she's slow and doesn't even properly fulfill her niche as an armor knight. Meg has a better start time, but she really doesn't pay off either way. At least Fiona has the potential to be decent. Personality-wise I like Meg more. Mainly because how can someone with an interesting backstory like Fiona be so boring? But Meg doesn't get that much of a spotlight anyways, so.... Meg is worse. Sorry my reasoning is all over the place.
  11. Well that's dumb. I hope this will be another case of developers contradicting themselves, like they've done before.
  12. TBH, the whole war in Radiant Dawn was pretty irrational for the most part. The Senate in Begnion were racist, and wanted to destroy the Laguz. Also, the Senate appeared to be aware of the curse of Lehran's Medallion, so they were probably fine with Ashera placing judgment on the world because they believed they would saved (partially true). You know how crazy super religious types can get. Meanwhile, the Laguz Alliance wanted revenge for the Herons, but their motivations can also be seen as self-defense. If Begnion was able to wipe out almost an entire clan, it would only be a matter of time before they start to target the others. Phoenicis and Kilvas would especially be in danger, due to their geography being closer to Begnion than the other clans. As for Lehran's Medallion, I doubt most of the people were aware of the Medallion's curse, and were already gung ho on the war idea.
  13. 5 start pool for what? Because I just pulled 5* Genny for performing arts.
  14. It's a rather "safe" plot. Features a lot of "typical" fantasy elements, i.e. noble youth saves and falls in love with girl of an unknown origin (Eliwood x Ninian). Meanwhile, you have to deal with this shady organization that is somehow connected to said girl. Also features plot elements like "secret royalty" and such. It's by no means a bad story IMO, but it doesn't take too many risks (like FE4) nor does it tie and connect everything well (FE9). Biggest problems is that it doesn't explain why some particular battles are even fought, Lyn's relevancy in the story, and the ending. Lyn started out as our protagonist, but in reality, she was merely a tutorial, and her significance in regards to her story involvement dramatically decreased. In Japanese version, her part of the story is cut out after you beat it. If it's skippable, why is it in? Plus Caelin is pretty much forgotten about too. As for the ending,
  15. IIRC Valbar and Lukas were moderately popular, with Lukas being donned the nickname "The Ginger Stud". The only problem was their movement in Echoes, despite their good combat ability. They were both well received for the most part though.
  16. I was wondering when they'll do a "proper" reveal for her. Looks like they waited til the last minute, but they sure saved the best for last. I found her trailer the most entertaining. I can't wait to see more of her move-set. Compared to the other archers, she seems really unique, and her specials are pretty cool too.
  17. Yeah I agree that this is most likely made up by a bored fan. Even Reddit hasn't noticed it and those guys are like hawks.
  18. IIRC, 4chan was right about Lyn and Celica being included in Warriors, but were wrong about other things, like the DLC plans. If this "leak" comes from the same source, some of the info may be right, but other details could be wrong. Some Warriors stuff was leaked (according to Reddit), but it wasn't a huge leak. Just some characters prematurely revealed. You could also consider Echoes a "leak" like how it got datamined and the whole game was on a 3ds engine to be illegally downloaded, just days before it was even released in Japan.
  19. Wait I'm so confused on to who you believed to be Nyna. Either way, the answer is no. The only way for Nyna to be in Echoes is if you name a weapon after her.
  20. Rinea is the one on the right with the bows on her hair.
  21. Agreeing with eclipse, Archanea covers a lot of those points. FE4 also has some of the points, but its backstory (The Twelve Crusaders) is more of an epic though. The Kaga games feature more of these elements, because IIRC he had a fondness for Norse Mythology and King Arthur tales.
  22. Team Fake for now. Define "Gothic" -If they're making it seem like FE had a lovechild with Castevania, I'd be here for it. The wolveskin (whatever they're called) sort of explored this idea with Keaton and Velouria, as well as the generics' outfits. -I'm happy light magic is returning, if it is. -Ultimately, I'm just hoping for a well-written FE game. - please no gothic lolitas but I can already tell they're will be at least one.
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