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Dandy Druid

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Everything posted by Dandy Druid

  1. I mean, we did get DLC that covered that, so I'm not sure what more could be done with it. How would it end? How do you explain Lucina and Co. to go from superpowerful to what they were in Chrom's timeline? It wouldn't make much sense and I think it would just piss off more fans than make people happy. I like Lucina and all, but I think she has plenty of media where she's represented in. However, I wouldn't mind a female protagonist that has a lot of parallels with Lucina. A girl that masquerades as a man for a significant part of the story could be interesting if it's done well. We don't really see too many tomboys in this series either (usually 1 or 2 per game, no female lord I would consider tomboyish as well. Lyn is the closest, but I don't think that side of her was really expanded upon that much), so it could be nice character-wise too.
  2. Wait wtf is his background picture? What's in that man's mouth? A small hand/arm? A phallus?
  3. A minor thing but I would like there to be legit secret characters. For instance, the "Village Maiden" Chrom marries if the requirements to marry the others weren't fulfilled should've been a fully realized character with a unique portrait, and can only become playable if she's Chrom's wife. Not sure what class she would be, but I like the idea of secret characters in this series.
  4. It's nicer this way because IMO, it's more telling of their personality. How characters progress alongside the story and how they react to the environment around build more depth than a support that can be triggered at any time. They will always grow as the story progresses and won't "revert" if a new character starts dialogue with them.
  5. I'll also add that now they're selling collector's editions of SNES or something again, just to add to the 90s feel. Also there was a character in Scream Queens 2 years ago that dressed like she came straight from the 90s.
  6. I'm down with that. Omg this is slightly confusing but I think I got the hang of it. How about we combine these two ideas? WARNING: This could be really bad, but I'm feeling inspired. Sorry if it's too wordy.
  7. Compared to other lords, he looks older IMO. But that could be because I'm associating his bulkiness with age, since most of the bulkier guys in this franchise tend to be older. i.e. Hawkeye, Ogma, Benny, Frederick, etc. I originally meant Blazing, and @NoirCore corrected me. I intentionally left out Micaiah partly because I forgot about her. Thinking about it, she has mixed reviews. She isn't as loved as Sigurd, so we're 50/50 on older lords being loved. My point is now moot.
  8. Wait what? He looks so grown though. Well, being like Hector is never a bad thing. So maybe I should change my point- Everyone loves Sigurd, so being relatable isn't a big deal. If he's gonna be a young'un. Make him a badass like Hector.
  9. There was this one Chinese cartoon that Cartoon Network bought the license to and played. It was like action figures and hand made sets. Cool premise, but really questionable execution and an even more questionable English dub. THAT would be the best step forward. Just kidding. I prefer RD's the most, but I wouldn't mind Fates' style, as I really liked the theater cut scene. As for remakes, I just love Hidari's work in general so I would love for them to have the reigns yet again. But maybe 2D cutscenes for the anime sequences. Echoes 2D-3D thing it had going on wasn't as lovely as the rest of the game.
  10. It wouldn't be a bad idea. Sigurd and Hector are older lords and they're a couple of the most beloved lords in the franchise. In general, I think they tend to go with younger to show the theme of gaining maturity. But I wouldn't mind a different inner character arc.
  11. I haven't seen it yet. I'll have to check it out. Thanks for the tip! I'm praying my ass off that Mystery's favoritism in Japan gets Feena a spot. She really deserves it for being a true combat dancer in a hack n slash game. It's perfect for her. I know Azura is also a refresher, but I hope they don't consider her and Feena the same thing! I think it would be cool to have both- they both can have such gimmicky movesets and I tend to like characters with really weird, but fun movesets in Warriors games. Their styles are different enough IMO. Ehhh to Olivia. I'd only want her there to replace Sumia as the most canon for Chrom, but I don't really care. Feena deserves a spot more, but watch how we'll be robbed and Feena will go in the "Robbed Queen" status alongside L'arachel.
  12. Hmmmm... I'm not sure of your past pairings and if you care about repeating couples. However, I'd say this fine for the most part. The only ones that I'd recommend switching is Saizo x Setsuna and Azama x Sakura. Asugi is more effective as a magic unit (he's a lot like Awakening Owain) and Midori is like her father; although you can make her magical, she's a surprisingly passable physical unit. But magic Midori is still good, but you may not get as much use out of Asugi. At least he may crit a lot.
  13. If you're afraid of looking bony, then I'd recommend putting on muscle. Since you have no access to a gym membership, you can workout at your school if you're in high school or college. Some parks have some weight/exercise machines. Pushups, lunges, and ab stuff at home can also help. Plus, some gyms can be rather inexpensive. Planet Fitness is $12 a month (no I'm not sponsored, I wish though- I want the money), which is rather cheap for a gym. If there isn't one close by, then maybe cough out on another one? Maybe you can convince one of your parents to work out with you as parent/child bonding time. I've been doing that for years. I know there's also pills that help with weight gain, but I don't recall any brands atm, I've never needed them (because I had the opposite problem- I was too chubby, but this post isn't about me.) But, IMO, you shouldn't worry unless your doctor is telling you there's something wrong. You may still be growing,and if your condition is perfectly healthy you shouldn't worry.
  14. At this point I really don't know. Marth and Tiki (Awakening version) are there at least but I hope they're not the only ones. I also see Camus and Caeda having a fair chance, anyone else is 50/50. It's a real shame the OG Combat Dancer Phina probably won't make the cut.
  15. I'm so disappointed in myself for not remembering the most iconic thing to come out of 2017 correctly. I failed you and @Lady Sansa. I will now go to a 6 week church camp where Sister Mary Koont (I caught the T in Koont) will whip me back into shape.
  16. I've been coming across it a lot because I've been trying to see how much Lalum fanart, and strangely enough, it pops up on my phone but not my laptop. Weird, but I've known I've seen this picture years ago too. I wonder how the artist is doing now. But basically every time I see the summer banner, I think of that picture. I guess the characters could also work for the bride special as well.
  17. Yep that's the one! Thanks for finding it for me! I wonder how old this image is though.
  18. I like these ideas, especially the ones about the story. Yahn really had the potential to be a really good antagonistic force, but his involvement in the story felt rushed. IIRC Guinevere had plenty of screentime, but a lot it ended with her being interrupted, so her interactions were more frustrating/annoying rather than well developed imo. Elphin was in Lalum's story and sort of took over what could have been her role plot-wise. But I find it sad that both of their agencies end after the Eturian arc. Lalum should say something if she knows that her father Douglas is in on the battlefield (and convince him to not attack your units!). Lalum is a character with a lot of untapped potential. Her character definitely has a unique perspective of life and unique experiences; her approach or opinion may be interesting or entertaining. I don't mind the Lalum/Elphin branch split, but I'll always remained confused as to why there was a Sacae/Ilia split that was based on EXP scale.
  19. Did she stone those tights? Oh she's smiling! She can walk out to the battlefield and the fans will say "Lilina your smile is beautiful!"
  20. So I can't say Genny for all 3 since she's ready to roll? Spring: Keaton Bride: Deidre, since she's familiar with weddings... Summer: I was gonna post an image of Roy and all of his potential brides in their bathing suits, but since I can't find it, I'm just gonna say Walhart in a speedo.
  21. As much as I love how entertaining Alec x Sylvia are, I don't blame you. Corpul is always outclassed by Charlot except if Claude or Lewyn is his dad, but they're taken. Sylvia has a few other partners that can make Lene really good (Lex, Arden, Holyn, Dew), but Charlot > Corpul. Berserk staff is worth more than a Combat Lene.
  22. I don't really care if they're excluded. I've played "hardcore" emblem for about a decade now (RD baby), so not having an avatar, a waifu, and children aren't a big deal to me. Since they're probably being brought back since it's a popular mechanic. My only hope is that it's written better, that way the story is good. I came across a possible way to do this in a comment I made on the reddit This probably sounds shittier than when I thought of it in my head. Feel free to question my sanity or thought process:
  23. woot woot so glad to see this series come back. It's a shame that you gave up on Azel and Lachesis, since my Diarmuid turned out surprisingly well. His strength isn't spectacular but the Silver Blade more than enough makes up for it. And the flame blade is also nice. It's also nice having a Nanna that can heal worth a damn. Have any of your other pairings changed. I know you're planning someone certain for Erinys, but what about Sylvia? Is she still alone? Oh well Berserk staff.
  24. Since I've been in the mood, A Princess Maker crossover. Not sure who would be the "princess" though. I guess Lalum and/or Corrin sort of have a similar backstory to the princess in the game though.
  25. He'll need a secret book and a support to help him out, but when he hits, he hits hard. But yeah, his skill sucks without investment. Watching Mangs' playthrough can really show the benefits of a blessed Gonzy. And he's the only foot unit that can traverse mountain ranges. But I can understand your point, maybe he deserves to get the boot off the list. Wendy comes after Bors and alongside Barthe, who are both better than her statwise. Even then, they're just placeholders until Douglas arrives. The difference between Ewan and Wendy is that Ewan only has to compete with Knoll, who can turn out either good or bad. Meanwhile Wendy has to compete with 3 others for their niche, and they're all easier to train and use than her. Even so, there's a few non-knight/general units that have good enough defense to function as a tank (i.e. Percival, Noah, Trec)
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