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Dandy Druid

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Everything posted by Dandy Druid

  1. It's been a while, but her convos with Gray at first have her pining for Alm But by A she changed her mind. So her character grew out of her crush I guess you can say. Kind of nice actually.
  2. Fair enough. I would call Lalum another Oboro. Even if she doesn't marry Roy, something tells me she'll be just fine (Poor Percival)
  3. True. It's just that Cordelia being promoted a lot and then Clair came out. Marisha/Malliesia also falls into that trope, but I'm slightly entertained by her though. Since she doesn't get Marth, she becomes a "delinquent" according to rumors, so I like to headcanon it as her becoming some sort of mob boss that missed out on love. The others don't really have interesting epilogues. But yeah, same trope. Bonus points to me being a hypocrite too, since I forgot her being my current DP rn. Faye's weird. She's more of a Tharja than a Catria. She seemed more obsessed with Alm in some parts of her dialogue, but I guess it can still be considered a part of the trope. But in last few games (starting with New Mystery), we've had Catria, Marisha, Cordelia, Tharja, Camilla, Rhajat, Clair, and Faye. Arguably Oboro, but I don't consider her that bad, since she had a lot of other stuff going for her character (fashion, discrimination, etc.). May not be "overused" since it's only mainly prevalent in the newer games, but I would like a break from it. Maybe just limit it to 1 girl for the next game. Or just have 2 Oboros (they may have a crush, but they have other interests as well).
  4. I also think Arts from Echoes could be cool, but I can see it getting complicated if there's a ton of characters with individual skills. Maybe it will cover basic class skills instead? I wouldn't mind if skills returned in the same vein as Conquest or the Tellius series, where characters have a capacity for skill growth.
  5. I'm hoping people aren't mixing up trope with archetype, since the archetypes are specific to this series meanwhile tropes are more universal. Personality-trope: I'm over the Pegasus knight in love with the main character, but doesn't end up with him. It was fine with Catria, but having experienced it recently with Cordelia and Clair I'm just over it. I hope that we can get a break from it for 2 games. Design Trope: lolis. This is a war game. I know it started with Tiki and I like Tiki but c'mon. Why loli why.
  6. ^^^ I wouldn't mind a complete overhaul tbh. I know it's listed as my fave, but I think the structure of a remake should be like every other FE. Keep the story the same, but have "normal" chapters I guess you can say? Like, make the chapters no bigger than FE6's. So there will be closer to 40 chapters rather than 12, so they can add more detail that was in the supplementary stuff (guides, manga) into the story to explain it better. FE4 is a wild ride with a lot of names and faces, so it may benefit from the pacing of the typical FE structure. I know people will say it will lose its individual charm, but the slog isn't the most charming thing. I can play the original anyways, the remake doesn't instantly block me from playing it. I feel like more people would appreciate the game if it was a bit more normal in terms of maps and such. Now onto the OP topic, I would like FE3/SD to be given another chance. Most notably, the 2 book structure FE3 had. Most of us western fans didn't get a chance to play New Mystery so I would like to play it and a read a localized story. Also the artwork of SD was nice, but it lacks the charm other artstyles had.
  7. Just give Carrion the Elite Manual if you still have it. His growths are already pretty good, so he doesn't need any scrolls. He should have the elite skill already, so he doesn't need to carry the elite sword, which will benefit other sword characters more, especially Lifis. As for Selfina, any scroll helps. However, I think the most beneficial for her are Hezul, Odo, Neir, and Noba. But you may have some competition for those. Here's the list btw.
  8. That works too. Probably works better as well. All these sword users, but none using a great sword. That weapon type isn't a stranger to Warriors games either, so they definitely could just reuse a DW moveset.
  9. Selfina is decent at first, but her bases aren't spectacular and neither are her growths. Her main selling point is her instant usability and her high bow grade. If you want to use her for long term, I'd recommend giving her some scrolls to supplement her low growths. Also, a good long term character is Lara. She may not be much at your point in the game, but trust, she'll be good once you hit a certain chapter that plays to her advantage.
  10. Since you know about marriage, I'll guess I'll explain that mechanic more. As you probably already know, but you do pair units up and you do get children out of it. But the children are a lot more important, and they can get screwed over if they end up with the wrong parent. There's no support conversations, but certain characters have conversations with each other that can speed up the process. Each parent has 2 children btw. So I'll warn you about them. There's 7 bachelorettes. High Priority (kids that will easily get screwed over) Tailtiu Medium Priority (can still get screwed over, but you're still likely to have at least one kid that's still good) Edain Lachesis Erinys Brigid Low Priority (their kids will almost never be bad) Ayra Sylvia If you aren't able to pair anyone up, or a spouse dies, you won't get their children. Instead, you'll get substitutes instead. Most substitutes aren't as good as their holy blood counterparts, however, a few of them can still hold their own pretty well, and are sometimes better or on par with the originals depending on their father. It's arguably harder to get the substitutes, unless you ironman and had bad luck on some parts. Speaking of fathers, paying attention to their skills is important, with Pursuit being the most important. However, IMO, the 2 best fathers don't have Pursuit, but they more than make up for that in other ways. The fathers that are pretty much universal are: Lex- he has the Elite (paragon) skill, so both of his offspring will be able to level up fast. You can justify him with any girl. They don't have pursuit unless you marry a girl with it, however, they'll be hitting hard, so they may not need it depending on their weapons and mother skill. I don't want to say exactly which ones he's best with, since I want to encourage experimentation. There's a lot more viable pairings than people think. Granted, they may not be the BEST pairings, but there's plenty of pairings that work. Lewyn/Levin- the best magical father. 5 of the ladies have at least 1 magical child, but there's only 3 of them that he works best with. He doesn't have pursuit, but he has a sweet weapon. Other decent fathers include Claude and Chulainn/Holyn. Holyn has more options than the guide will probably give you. One last note: there's a lot of dialogue/character interaction in this game. However, pay attention to it, especially the villages. As they may hint at something you may need to do to achieve/obtain something. Hope this helps.
  11. They will be outside the weapon triangle, like bows and knives. If you're referring to movesets, here's a few videos that would fit a dancer: Yeah. Being a mercenary, they could definitely create a more unique moveset. Maybe something like a sword and shield combo? It'd probably be more of a variety than say, Lucina's moveset, who appears to be a combo of Chrom and Marth.
  12. Tbh, I don't think an open world would fit with this series. A quasi-open world may fit though. We haven't had an open world yet. Yes, some of the more recent games had an open map, but you still get the same story and process each time, with the only deviations being when you do the side stuff. A more true open world allows you to complete story elements in any order/method. Meanwhile, let's take SoV for example, you still followed the same path. Exploration was more limited than a game that is open world. I don't think open world would fit the series format, nor would it make much sense in a narrative theme, unless you received benefits or consequences for your actions. I think a good way to make FE seem more open is have paths to choose from, a la FE6, where meeting certain conditions altered which path you took. Maybe if you got to choose your path, it may be more replayable. I think from a narrative standpoint, having the main character come from a mercenary-esque country or city state and gets employed by the country of your choosing may be refreshing. more individual choices. Give the player more responsibility to do things both outside of battle and in-battle. For instance, the Shura vs. Boots scenario, but more of that. An in-battle choice can be inspired by FE12- if you kill all of the clerics in one chapter, that could bar you from recruiting a character, because they won't side with an army that kills the people that can't fight back, or the character appeared as a generic enemy in battle, but afterwards is revealed to be a fully realized character when they thank you for sparing you and join you.
  13. FE1/3/11/12: Phina. Her chances are slim to none. I'd want Malliesia to be the villain because FE4: Lewyn would be a great choice, with Forsetti being his musou special. Sadly FE4 wasn't in mind in development. FE5: Shiva is a badass, but has a sword....... FE6: Lalum doesn't even have a weapon. I guess she can use her sash/dancing prop like Koshosho from the Samurai Warrior series. I'd only want her in for her crazy antics. FE7: Pent deserves it tbh. FE8: L'arachel deserves the spotlight too. The original cheesy justice character. FE9/10: Volug is actually hilarious, but it'd be weird to present it in-game in FEW FE13: Not sure why but I want to see more Priam. FE14: Shiro. Tbh, one of the best developed characters in the game. He's so under-appreciated though.
  14. Because too many jugdralians "use too many swords"... Nah they just wanted to capitalize on the popular characters and games, hence why Awakening and Fates have a huge focus and Lyn being in. FE4 did moderately well IIRC, it's only problem regarding reception was that it came after Mystery, which is Japan's most beloved game in the franchise. Don't expect FE5 at all, since it flopped by FE standards. It didn't help they made it for the SNES while the 64 was the hot new thing and it almost killed the series. And then FE6 saved the series
  15. Can we get Ogma and Phina too? Oh wait, they use swords. Well a dancer doesn't need to use swords when these game developers had dancer characters use whips and fans in other games.
  16. I thought she'd be DLC "The focus games are Shadow Dragon, Awakening, and Fates" "We did this so we don't have too many sword users" Than they add Lyn. I like her, but my problem is that the devs basically lied to the fanbase. Now the original explanations seem like an excuse to use only the 3DS characters with exceptions now. That would've been fine, had they been upfront about this. I really wonder how Lyn will be integrated in the story now, if she even is in it. She sticks out like a sore thumb from this cast, unless she's grouped with other sore thumbs.
  17. I'm glad Navarre is in the game. Now can we get his girlfriend Phina with him? C'mon they disappeared together. We need a dancer anyways.
  18. If the announcement doesn't happen tomorrow, it's probably going to be announced in January and released later that year.
  19. I really like Leo's moveset. Sakura's seems off, but I'll still prob play her at least once.
  20. I would also want this, as well as your customization idea. I always found it weird how Alicia had no rival. Mana I understood, since the game tries to force her on you. And Yue is a special case, but I never got why Alicia always stayed single, especially over someone like Dorothy, who's really shy. Also, on the topic of Dorothy, I feel like it would make more sense for her to show her eyes all the time after she's married. It makes no sense for her to cover eyes after marriage, imo. She has the prettiest ones too.
  21. It's amazing at how quickly the RF team upgraded their games. They really added a lot of cool features after the original RF. It's the only one I haven't played, so I would love to have even a remastered version of it. If they took a lot of the RF4 game mechanics for battle, maybe add armor + weapon customization, and made the town bigger (so more villagers to interact with, not necessarily bachelorettes though, since we already have 10), more festivals (RFF's quiz festival is my fave), swimsuits in the summer, winter clothes, etc. I'm not sure if they should have the option to pick male or female due to plot reasons, but Raguna would be the canon choice anyways idk. I would love to see RF2 too. Maybe have the children more customizable? Like at least one of the kids if we go with the twin idea look more like their father/mother? That could be interesting. I would love to see them switch off and being able to delegate tasks for the twins. Also wouldn't mind if they added DLC outfits that referenced past characters either. You buy (in game) from some shop, and give it to the corresponding bachelorette. I.e. you buy Bianca a Sofia/Electra outfit and she'll wear that around town instead of her usual garb.
  22. Celes/Seles was a great character/boss. I enjoy fighting her almost as much as I enjoy Gauche and Droite (most underrated bosses in this series, IMO, they're so fun to battle). I wish Celes was a boss in DOTNW, but at least she was in the story, albeit, short, but I do enjoy her as a character. Also, since I brought them up, I want to give a shout out to Gauche and Droite; really fun to fight against, and the best the part is that they'll show up in the arena so you can fight for all your heart desires. They have such a cool moveset and character design.
  23. Vesperia is my favorite: I really liked the world it took place in and I like the character design (and the extra costumes too). The characters were very interesting as well, and Yuri is my favorite main protagonist. The story can get confusing though. I also really liked Symphonia, despite how long it is. Celes has my favorite character design for some reason. I didn't like the sequel though. The story was fine for the most part but the leads (Emil and Marta?) were bad.
  24. For non-FE games, I would like Nearly all of the old Harvest Moons: FOMT, AWL, SNES, SI, GBC 2, GBC 3, etc. Maybe STH/HOLV, since I think there is more that can be done with it, and I really like that cast. The first Rune Factory The Princess Maker series (they sort of got remastered, but it seems just like a polished port, and the translation is still buggy on 3). I'd be fine with a new installment in general though. Final Fantasy The Crystal Chronicles, maybe FFVII too. I would also love to see FF Tactics back too. Tear Ring Saga Tales of Symphonia
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