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Dandy Druid

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Everything posted by Dandy Druid

  1. She's a creepy one, but I'm looking for the Jade Cole kind- self-assured, unapologetic, and kind of ridiculous, so basically a sassier version of L'arachel, or basically Serra. But I know they're not going to be in the game. Reference material
  2. FE4 would be the only game to really benefit from it, since the maps are huge, and certain locations could be elaborated on (i.e Spirit Forest gets its own level). FE5 and FE6 could also benefit, since those maps have a nice size too, but to a smaller extent that FE4 could really utilize it.
  3. SCREW THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP. Friendship is nice and all, but overdone, and I just want a real b*tch to be a prominent character. I need more drama. This game needs a Jade Cole: "This isn't Fire Friendship, this is Fire Emblem Warriors. I'm not here to make friends I'm here to be the next Fire Emblem Lord."
  4. oh shoot lol. We're stuck with two pineapples then.
  5. I'm hoping out for those two too. I hope Navarre isn't edgelord too much though. I would actually be sold on this game if it made you believe it was going to be Navarre but it's really Samto!
  6. I've already made myself want it. Now I'm crying because I deluded myself so heavily.
  7. Oh ok that makes sense. It's a shame though, since I prefer that non-twin guy but whatever. I guess we'll stick to pineapple head then.
  8. I'm still confused about it. Can you explain it to me? IMO each of the OCs should've gotten one part of the weapon triangle, one gets an axe, one gets a lance, and one gets a sword.
  9. I'm still coming to terms that Phina will be robbed. I know she's not in SD, but she is in New Mystery, so the sequel, and is the first and best dancer. Anyways I'm afraid Marth and Tiki will be the only Archanea reps, with the rest of the cast being all Awakefates. I have nothing against them, but I would so love to see some of SD characters revamped. My picks would be Minerva Caeda Camus Hardin Linde Merric Jeorge I think those 7 have the best shot at making it in. I didn't include Tiki since she's basically been confirmed. I would also like to see Wolf, Xane, Phina, Navarre, Doga, Malliesia and Ogma, but I don't see it happening except maybe for cutscenes as NPCs or DLC.
  10. Probably Camilla and Takumi but I would be ecstatic if it was Minerva and the Japanese Meme King Jeorge. So Malliesia/Marisha coming in cloacked and acting younger to reveal an adult woman who just swings a healing staff around for combat and becomes a "bad girl" like her ending implied and she is the true villain of the game? Would save it for me idk about anyone else though.
  11. Going by these two things- if Renais had been at peace, then that would mean there probably wasn't that much competition for the title of general. And Seth being Seth, he's pretty amazing at what he does. He's a paladin that's useful all game and he's arguably the smartest member of the army. He probably has "an upstart showing great promise and flying through the rankings" background.
  12. The only thing I can think of that makes Eirika's route better is the recruitment of characters makes more sense. It makes more sense for Gerik + Tethys to be with Eirika because she eventually meets up with Innes and Saleh, both of which are associated with Gerik + Tethys. Why would Innes send those two down to Ephraim when it's clear that Innes doesn't really like him and prefers Eirika? Cormag's recruitment in Ephraim is weird. Tana has a Caeda moment and that's it. In Eirika's story, we learn that Glen is killed by his own "ally", which gives Cormag a clear reason to defect. In Ephraim mode, we don't even know what happens to Glen. IMO, Tana also seems to be more likely to go with Eirika. You could make the argument that she had a crush on Ephraim, but Eirika is literally her best friend. Marisa's guild completely messing up the side and place she's to fight for seems really odd in Ephraim route, so again, Eirika mode makes more sense. Ewan being closer to his sister and Saleh makes more sense too in Eirika than his location in Ephraim. Amelia doesn't matter either way though.
  13. ^^^ pretty much this sentiment. If they're both royal siblings then it makes sense for them to have at least one common physical feature. If you're going for a universe similar to FE, why not give Miki some more flair? Nothing against brown hair + brown eyes, but it seems weird that Vance has a such a distinctive look while she looks more like an everyday woman. Again, I don't know the story you have planned out and the significance of her features. Nobility usually take pride in a certain trait they possess, so if it'll be explained, go for it. Will the red eye thing be explained? The red eye seems to come out of nowhere. You don't have to explain exactly why, but if there's a reason for his eye being red despite neither of his parents having this trait then go for it. If you're only writing for your own personal enjoyment, then ignore this and just have fun being creative.
  14. I think it's a pretty cool natural phenomenon that we will rarely see. It may happen once a lifetime for most people to the extent of what it was today. That being said I saw people crying on the news and I was like "wtf people I know it's cool but how are you so emotional? You weren't even thinking about it last week I bet."
  15. She would like it but she would never have one.
  16. The time has come... for you to lipsync... FOR. YOUR. LIFEEEEE! Good luck...and don't f%k it up.
  17. I agree with you. I have a feeling that they'd just make a cleaner version of Radiant dawn, graphics-wise. A sprited UI could be difficult and tricky- if it's not detailed enough it can be perceived as bad, but even if it's good, people would still complain about it. 3D would probably be safer. Lmao if I need a second switch I'm gonna cry because it took me so long to get my first and only one.
  18. Some of my ideas: updated graphics and artstyle. Pretty obvious but I'll mention it anyways. I wouldn't mind if some characters were revamped, but the majority of the playable cast should look the same. I wouldn't mind seeing Arden, maybe Chulainn, and all the villains get a revamp. Maybe some of the substitutes as well (maybe Femina would look like her own character, and not Fee without earrings.) 2nd generation kids will have a different hair color depending on who they're father is, like Awakening. I think this may be interesting, because your army could potentially look different every playthrough. It may encourage more pairings. The only children I'm skeptical about is Arthur and Tinny, due to their heritage. But since Amid and Linda don't have silver, either change theirs to silver or build more of a narrative around different hair color. For example, Tinny was more isolated by Ishtore and Ishtar because she didn't have silver hair. Hilda looked down upon her and called Tinny "soiled blood". New characters: I think adding a male dark mage after Deidre "leaves" the group could be nice. It makes up for the lack of light/dark magic you lose and adds another magical father, so Tailtiu's kids really benefit from this, and to a smaller extent, Erinys, Sylvia, Lachesis, and Edain's children. Not sure how the corresponding unit would work though. Maybe another female knight? She could be the first female cross knight and a confidant of Lachesis. Or maybe make Grahnye (Eldigan's wife) and Ethnia (Tailtiu's sister) playable if certain conditions are met; neither of them need to be paired though. Tweak the "trade" system. If you give money to a unit, we should be able to choose how much, rather than just dump it all. Characters should be able to give money if their support is high enough. Base Conversations. If at a castle or a camp. You should be able to converse with the characters. Make staves a little bit cheaper to fix. Damn those things are expensive. Clearly define the holy blood inheritance system. It's very inconsistent. For example, why does Ced/Arthur get major holy blood but their sisters don't? Why can't Lana be the one to inherit Claude's major holy blood? Maybe split up Ch.2 and Ch.7? Those chapters are already pretty long. Leaf & Co. could be a gaiden chapter. Anyways, as for the format of the game, I don't mind the original layout, it really gives a grand battle field feel. That being said, I also wouldn't mind if they gave the game a complete overhaul and made it more like a normal Fire Emblem game. Sure, it loses its charm and individuality, but it could be massively easier to play, since the huge maps are often criticized. Chapters can be split into 3 or 4 parts, so the game will end up around 36 chapters instead. This is how I would break it down. NOTE: I actually broke it down into 45 parts. Whoops. There's a lot of shit that goes down in this game. Tbh maybe a few of these chapters can get cut. Granted, I counted gaidens as well, with the split happening after Chapter 24... Maybe they just need their own game? Alas this was a ride to type.
  19. It'll be more similar to games 1-10. Maybe they could add a square to the side of the screen that displays this, or just click a button to show it, which seems more likely. I have a feeling the UI will be a more polished Radiant Dawn. I'm also interested if they're going to continue making cool sprites or 3D models. Style vs graphics...
  20. Thanks for the translation! Thank you for donating a lot of your time translating and writing it up for us. I really appreciate it. Anyways, I'm glad their expectation for remake sales aren't too high and what they expected. It may mean we may get another one after the first FE Switch from the side team.
  21. I'd wish we'd be able to see more of Genny, Forsyth, Python, Valbar and Friends, and the Whitewings.
  22. 1. Wolf (FE1/3/11/12)- The first edgelord, but I would like more mounted archers in general. He's a pretty interesting character as well. 2. Leylia (FE4)- With her Barrier Sword as well. I would like to see some substitute representation, and it's been a while since we've gotten a new dancer. 3. Rutger (FE6) Wasn't he like, the second most popular character from FE6? I'm surprised his love interest made it in before he did. 4. Marcus (FE6/7)- Surprised he isn't in already either. He's pretty well loved. 5. Micaiah (FE10)- She's a lord and we don't have many light users either. She's popular and it's not like they're afraid to use her as fanservice.
  23. Omg those conditions. SHE'S PERFECT. The fact that she can potentially leave too is funny as well. I think a random playable Chrom's wife would be a secret for a while, because most people tend to pair him up with Sumia, Robin, or Olivia, but by now I guess people would know about her and she'd be thrown into the Chrom Concubine Wars or whatever that happens on Reddit with this topic. Now I'm realizing that I should watch a playthrough of Tear Ring Saga or something.
  24. What does Letena mean? All I can find was "claw" or "paw" I know they won't stay a "secret" for long, but I like the idea of certain characters that only join if certain conditions are met, like Stefan.
  25. So this probably isn't that important, but I thought it may be fun. The refresher units are fun units to use and they can contribute a lot strategy-wise. So, is there a special type of refresher you would like to see? Should they be able to attack OR would you rather have them gain other abilities, such as rallying or being able to refresh more units as they level up? Also story-wise, how do you think they should be implemented into the world? Personally, I think a dancer that uses her talent as a distraction or a cover for an organized military group, or uses it to gain information about enemies could be interesting. A dancer that has a 'mature' feel like Tethys or Leylia/Laylea could be a nice addition to a cast roster, since those 2 characters are well received by fans. Maybe not the most popular, but there's not many complaints character-wise for them.
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