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Dandy Druid

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Everything posted by Dandy Druid

  1. Maybe Camus didn't really die, he had crystallized and now he's a glamazon bitch ready for the battlefield.
  2. I wouldn't mind more villains like Alvis, the Black Fang, and the assassins from New Mystery. I thought they were interesting, and for the most part, the members of organizations get a lot of screentime to give them a decent understanding of their characters.
  3. I think 2 is fine before promotion, but they should get additional range upon promotion, so they'll be 2-3. So even though an archer may be hard to train, the outcome of a sniper and/or bowknight/nomad trooper could be deadly. And if some sort of technology mechanic is added, if we can upgrade to crossbow, we should be able to attack at melee range as well, like Radiant Dawn. I wonder if another weapon triangle should be made though with bows, knives, and whatever else they can think of.
  4. For Brigid: between Dew and Holyn, I find Holyn to be a better father. Faval will always be good thanks to Ichival, and Patty is more affected by who her father is anyways. Dew's main advantage is Bargain, which helps with repairment costs, but if you want a Patty that can defend herself better, Holyn!Patty, and Lex!Patty are the way to go, and Holyn!Patty is most recommended. As for Lewyn + Erinys, they do have a conversation in Ch.4 that makes them automatically fall in love. If you play fast enough, Sylvia will not fall in love with Lewyn. You could, however, kill her off and revive her later with Claude. OR you could pair off Sylvia with someone that comes earlier. Sylvia is also good with Lex, Azel, Dew, Arden, and Holyn. And Alec gives her a fast love growth. It really depends on which children you want. Laylea and Charlot don't have inheritance, but they do have some useful skills. They're on par with the originals.
  5. I mean, his survival is coming from the same series where: Plus he's Motherf""king ZEKE. MY BOY!
  6. Colonization, Freedom Fighters/Liberation (hasn't been explored a lot except RD + a little bit in FE6), religion and the hypocrisy it sometimes creates, barbarianism but on the protagonists' side (see Travant)
  7. I don't mind missable characters tbh. It gives me an incentive to replay the game.
  8. I'd basically echo people about less story involvement, so I'm gonna skip that and go to the fun part: customization. More hair options More body types background choice (ruffian, mercenary, beggar, entertainer, nobleman, pool boy) choose our class (I want to be the dancer! That person has two left feet! LET IT BE MEEEEEEE!) choose our personality (personality + background will affect support pool too. I think this adds more replay-ability) choose our outfits (I want to be the fashion fighter!) facial hair makeup options eye color option skin tone race (what if I want to be a laguz?, if shifters are present. They'll most likely be)
  9. I would like a new continent with a proper name, but I wouldn't mind an old continent like Jugdral, Elibe, Magvel, or Tellius. Magvel is the only continent to be used once, so maybe another installment? We could start in Carcino(?) or Rausten instead. Maybe Jehanna. A broken up Grado would be cool too. Jugdral events supposedly happened a thousand years before Marth/Alm, so they can be considered a technologically advanced society similar to the ancient Roman or Egyptian empires. I would like to see another installment a thousand years later. I always wondered why Jugdral had no mention in Awakening. Are they geographically very far from Valm and Ylisse (what's the name of the continent? Is it still Archanea)? Or has something happened that caused a lot of devastation since the Holy War? It has a lot of potential, imo. Elibe also does too, imo. I would rather start off as a mercenary lord from Ilia, or maybe an upstart trying to start a revolution in the Western Isles. Tellius is huge. We don't even know where the continent ends because the desert cuts off from the East Side. Are there more nations other than Hatari past the desert?
  10. This may be extra, but I'll try this. Speeches! In certain parts of the stories, sometimes the lord captures a significant location or have to rally the troops. Speeches are given, so I would like to introduce it as a mechanic. The player won't have to write a speech, but they should be allowed to choose a tone, content (what will be addressed) and maybe gestures. Certain elements may entice new characters to join your army (giving a grandeur speech may inspire characters with humble origins, self-delusions, etc. to join meanwhile bloodthirsty or serious speeches may inspire shadier characters). Or simply, a more open-world FE. While not a true open world, but the choices/paths will be heavier. The player's reputation will be accounted for on who you can recruit and what paths you take, which will affect the ending. I just want more choices if they're gonna have them. Picking someone or boots just felt like a tease.
  11. Archanea- Phina OG Dancer, also a combat dancer. Also OG fashion fighter. She's great. Period. Judgral Gen 1- Lewyn Overall, he's a complex character, with an interesting history. His highlights for me is that at times, he's a complete asshole, but other times, a softer side is shown. His character develops, but the outcome isn't typical. Judgral Gen 2- Lene Despite getting the least amount of lines out of all the Generation 2 females, she probably has the most well rounded characterization out of the bunch. Her character doesn't necessarily develop per se, it's rather that we're really getting to know her and new layers of her character get gradually revealed, but not explicitly. Thracia- Leif Yes I know Thracia isn't it's own continent, but the cast of characters is different. Leif is in FE4, but his characterization really shines when he's his own lord. Elibe Gen 1- Pent he's freaking awesome, gives prepromotes a good name. Elibe Gen 2- Lalum lately I've been digging Lalum. Idky, I just like her. Her characterization isn't extraordinary or anything. Magvel- L'arachel, Princess of Rausten, Champion of Light, Prevailer over Darkness, Maiden of Desire, Healer of the Sick, CEO of Gambling Halls, and Future Queen of the World. She's nice. Tellius- Sothe you really watch him grow up (and he becomes a really good unit) Awakening- Basilio I like his moxy. He's responsible, but not uptight. Fateslandia (OT but wtf is the continent's name?)- Shiro he's a well developed character and a great unit. I wouldn't mind if the next lord is a knockoff of him, spears and all.
  12. I think her chances of getting in are quite low, so I think it would be pretty cool if she was a character. She has potential to be popular, IMO, and there's a lot of freedom with her design as well. I'm hoping on the off chance someone from Nintendo visits SF and is like damn Phina is too iconic to pass up and include her, but that's just my delusions talking.
  13. She's not shy. Olivia is the only shy dancer in the series. Most of them are pretty cheeky and flirtatious. Phina's introduction in Ch.7 has her accusing Navarre of protecting her only because he has crush on her. And in New Mystery, her supports with Kris show that she teases her friends/love interests a lot. She also will speak up if a character isn't fashionable (similarly to Oboro). Even her FE3 sprite shows a lot of personality; the way her hand is positioned kind of gives her a haughty expression. So no, she's not shy. Lara also makes sense, but Thracia 776 is so obscure most fans don't know about her. Sylvia has a big personality though.
  14. Archer was never really a gender-specific class, and the first female archer was introduced in FE4. But it is true that Echoes pretty much contained the majority of its female cast to magic roles + pegasus knights (with Mathilda, and sometimes Faye, being the exception). The main reason why Faye wasn't given an archer path in Echoes was because IS cheaped out because they didn't feel like making a female model for archer if Faye was going to be the only one to use it, and it wasn't even mandatory so it may not get used at all.
  15. Not the most iconic, that's for certain. But not obscure. I was comparing her chances and sort of campaigning for her spot in Warriors, because she's a prime candidate for a hack and slash IMO, KOEI loves gimmick-y movesets, which a dancer will provide, and Phina is one of the most combative dancers in the series, and one of the best units in her game, so that's my reasoning. Also, it may not take long to defeat Hardin with Phina. Example: Not that impressive? Bruh. She's on par tier-wise with the main mercenary and myrmidon (Ogma and Navarre) of her game and is one of the strongest utility units in the entire series. If that's not impressive to you, then wow. If you're trying to find her on youtube, "Feena" will come up with better results. I'm only using "Phina" because that's the localized name now. But yeah she's not in Heroes yet. A shame, but hopefully she gets added when they do a New Mystery focus. And the only reason why dancers made sense is for morale-boosting, like others said. Having a pretty girl dance for you would be pretty uplifting. It's not uncommon to see guys go through obstacles for a pretty girl in storytelling and life. And it's FE, where there's dragons, magic users, and even maids fighting for you, it doesn't have to make much sense.
  16. ^^^^^^^^ If you don't know who she is. Google her. Western fans may not be as acquainted, but most veterans and Japanese fans know of her glory. She's amazing.
  17. She is the most recognizable, but it's not if Phina is obscure. IIRC, New Mystery was popular in Japan, which features Phina, so it's not like they're bringing her out of an obscure game. She's recent too. Plus, she's the OG Dancer. Olivia "fights" with a sword, and I say that in quotations because you need to class change her to a Myrmidon in order for her to be a competent fighter. With Phina, you do not. She's a good unit in her own right, and doesn't have to compete with Gale Force, so she has more utility use than Olivia, hence why I'm saying she's more deserving a spot, because Phina is more useful in Mystery than Olivia is in Awakening.
  18. I'm interested in seeing your wishlist, especially since IIRC you said that New Mystery or SD was your fave FE game so I'm curious to who you would want for those titles. MATTHIS FTW And forgive me, I didn't give a certain someone the fanfare their name requires, so I'll say it now. L'arachel, Princess of Rausten, Champion of Justice, Avenger of Light, CEO of Gambling Halls, Lady of Fanciful Tricks, Icon of Grace, and Maiden of Desire.
  19. Yeah I was comparing, because with the information given, it made it sound like characters were picked based on their class and who should represent it. Since most of the characters hail from 3 different stories, I'm hoping for Phina. For her combat prowess, watch this video (1:40) is when the battle starts.
  20. Tbh, I'm kind of bummed about cavaliers not being able to dismount. It makes sense in the context of FE, but still wish that they Thracia 776'd this game and allowed them to dismount. It also makes me wonder about foot units? Will they be allowed to mount, or would they need to use warp points? I guess we'll have to wait til more information/gameplay footage to come out. Seeing as how E3 is soon, we may get more information then along with FE Switch (which I'm also curious about because they said they're changing conventions IIRC, but that's a discussion for another thread). I'm not surprised the majority of the cast is from FE1/3/11/12/13/14, seeing as how they have the most popularity/acknowledgment. The keyword is generally so I bet Lyn and Ike will be in the main game, since they won the Heroes poll. A little disheartening to see some obscure newer character over lords of past games, but I understand the reasoning. But why add 3 new characters that use swords though? Choices. I wish only one of them wielded swords, while the other 2 wielded an axe and a lance, so they could explain the weapon triangle in this game, but I digress. Also, this just crushed my hopes of L'arachel being in this game, because Elise is so much more popular because she's a precious cinnamon roll she was in Fates. Overall, I'm still probably gonna get this game, because I've been a Dynasty + Samurai Warriors fan for a long time and I do enjoy a lot of the newer characters. I do hope that Phina gets the Dancer representation, since I don't think Azura counts.
  21. What are you trying to say? If you're wondering why I say Phina is a combat dancer, it's because she is. She won't be as good as Navarre or Ogma, but she could defend herself with ease. Compared to other dancers in the series, she's far more combative than most, with her only real competition being Lene and Azura (although Azura is technically a Songstress, not a dancer). I say this because the 3 mentioned don't need to be reclassed in order to become competent fighters. Sylvia and Laylea will always be pure utility; they could become decent fighters, but never good. Lara can be good, but requires much more investment than the first 3. Lalum, Ninian, and Tethys can't even attack. And finally, Olivia needs to be reclassed in order to defend herself. I picked Phina over Azura because she a) has a smaller chance of getting into the game b) I think her moveset would be real flashy and playing up a dancer gimmick, a la Koshosho & Diao Chan from their respective Warriors games.
  22. With the news, I'm just hoping Phina and Wolf are playable. Phina is the OG Dancer and one of the only true combat dancers, she deserves a spot in a hack and slash, IMO.
  23. I'm pretty sure it's true, with characters from other games probably becoming DLC. It's not a rumor though. Generally was the key word so there may be one character from other entries while we get really unimportant characters from the 3 said. So Matthis Emblem for the win.
  24. I wouldn't mind a Risen King Chrom DLC, based off the cipher. Oh, and there may be characters that'll come as DLC.
  25. I'm all for importing data, like PoR to RD. I wouldn't mind breaking canon for a remake, though I see the issues with it. Luckily, the better/usual fathers for Nanna and Deirmud are all blonde anyways (Beowolf, Noish, Claude), so they'll turn out blonde most of the time anyways. Also, I would like a Blazing Blade before Binding too, for the reasons you've also stated.
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