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Dandy Druid

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Everything posted by Dandy Druid

  1. I'm not sure... But a part of me thinks that it'll just be ignored and that they'll just do it. Or the item used to be class changed stated it would alter their race/skill or whatever. Also, I don't think a mermaid to a succubus would be possible, bc if IIRC, the leak stated the succubus would be the Kibaire's version of a dancer
  2. Shadows of Valentia had some Greco Roman things. A lot of the generic artwork was Greco-Roman inspired (i.e. In battle, the enemy characters had pottery-esque drawings). Plus Celica's DLC class was also Roman inspired. Plus, it's arguable that Rigel is basically a cold Sparta.
  3. Yep- just look at Micaiah's video. I remember he didn't like her and "aggressively disagreed" with anyone otherwise. I don't think he cares anymore, and he's definitely more on the downlow nowadays. And yeah there's the issue about the uncredited pictures, so he probably couldn't get away with it today. Granted, he does his own artwork now, but it's more on the nsfw side, totally not YouTube friendly.
  4. It just makes me remember when atokad11 was making his "small tribute to a great FE girl" series and Micaiah was the most viewed video. My how times have changed.
  5. So it seems the sequel may potentially be on the plate. See ya next year (or next next year) FEW2. If FEW2 had Alm + some other SOV characters and the rest of Gen 1 Elibe it would probably sell better. And then add FE Switch- they can probably expect better sales.
  6. I'd say we should always have base conversations. It's nice to see characters interact with a group sometimes over 1 on 1.
  7. I just love how Alec's pairing with Sylvia is based solely on the fact that it's meant to keep her from falling in love with dads who are better utilized elsewere LEWYN, CHULAINN (actually Chulainn may be arguably better with Lene than Patty but that's another story. Nevermind, Patty edges her out but Combat Lene tho). Too bad Alec's inheritance and growths do nothing for Coirpre and Nihil isn't really useful for them since neither of them should be entering combat with Alec as a father.
  8. Chulainn should get something like Sumia's hair color, imo. A light brown- since most of his family line has black, darker hair, and a light brown isn't too far off. We also have too many greenies, Maybe make Alec's like Stahl's or straight up black?
  9. Secret love affair with Lex. Before Midir/Jamka got with Edain, her and Lex had a very brief fling. Then she pinned the pregnancy on her new boo. She wouldn't be the first Lachesis, maybe Sylvia
  10. Alec is just a terrible dad for most of the kids. I believe Erinys is his only "good" pairing, despite it only working for Fee. He's also good with Ayra, but then again, everyone's good with Ayra so meh. He's still one of the worse physical dads for her kids though.
  11. These are pretty good pairings. Edain's son will have an awesome inheritance and growths. Ayra x Lex may be considered optimal to son. Ayra's son will have problem with inheritance, but both children will be amazing. Lachesis x Finn is a popular pairing. I'd pay attention to the "Talk" section in the character stat screens. Sylvia x Azel is interesting- it's not widely used. Sylvia's son will benefit from this a lot. Her daughter may be good with a Flame Sword (if she can wield it) Erinys x Alec- Alec passes down Nihil which is helpful for her daughter. I believe it negates archer critical damage, so that removes any "no fly zone". I'm not 100% positive on this though. Tiltyu x Lewyn- my favorite pairing Brigid x Beowulf- this one is really interesting. I wonder how the daughter will turn out.
  12. I know there's someone on Reddit translating all of the menus now, but as of now, there's no complete translation yet. It's a bit of a mess, and there's many people trying to translate it in their free time, but life happens so it's not efficient. You may want to hope an Echoes comes out in the next 4-5 years or so.
  13. I just finished it like 5 minutes ago, and it doesn't really get talked about? I'm trying to remember because I believe Lianna wants to study with him at the beginning before everything went bad. Maybe? idk the extent of how clever Darios is.
  14. IKR? Wasn't he supposed to be well versed in combat and strategy? Like, I remember Lianna referring to him as a tutor... and then he does this.
  15. I'm in the opinion that we shouldn't see a RD remake for a long time, but I would love it in 10 years or so. My list would be actual supports- at least between characters that make sense. Laura + Aran autolevel characters like Tormod and Lucia, because they're great characters that fall behind due to availability issues. beef up Meg, Fiona, Lyre, and Kyza. They pale in comparison to characters almost immediately after they join. Scratch that, make it immediately. Have the spectre cards have higher hit rates. There's no real reason to use them, except give them to a heron/unshifted laguz, but even then they probably won't hit. Expand on some characters that weren't expanded on in PoR. I'm looking at the new characters (Part 1 newbies, Kyza, Lyre, etc.) in particular. I would also like to see an expansion on the branded characters as well, such as Stefan and potentially Ilyana. Ilyana isn't confirmed as branded, but is often theorized as so, since her home country isn't listed and she's known for her laguz appetite. She's pretty much one note as of now, so her character given more context cold be nice. I especially want to see more Volug, since he's hilarious.
  16. I don't care. I know they're wrong. In seriousness I may get upset for like 2 minutes, and then not worry/care about that opinion anymore. It's not that deep.
  17. Ooooh this is some GoT type stuff and I'm here for it.
  18. Yeah. I'm going to have to see their supports and designs before I decide if they're just surface value. I hope their dynamic is similar to Erk + Serra though.
  19. The only thing we can really speculate on as of now is if the leaks discussed in the other thread are true or false. I really wonder what direction they're going to take with this game, especially since their budget is bigger than ever- it's hard to imagine this game almost died with Awakening, and now it's one of Nintendo's heavy hitters and even has a very successful mobile game that brings in a steady cash flow.
  20. Huon: sounds pretty standard. Interesting name choice. Not too common. Gwendolan: DON'T WE ALREADY HAVE SOMEONE BY THAT NAME?! If this is real though, they may change it in localization. Or keep it, they've done it before with Arthur. Also, she's a self-proclaimed "Kibaire Hunter", which may not refer to her class. I don't think this means she's the "hunter" class; I think it means she has some Oboro-level of hatred for Kibaires, and hunts down every Kibaire she sees and tries to kill them. Watch how she'll have this tragic backstory of how her village in bumf*ck nowhere got raided and destroyed by Kibaires when she was a child and she wants to avenge her family. But here's hoping they killed off her significant other (bf/gf) doesn't matter, and she's fueled by the loss of her loved one. Godfrey: tbh, sounds like Hans, but with religious hypocrisy. Mirela&Miruna: Sounds like the Christmas Duo of the game. Overall, I'm kind of excited if they're real. They may have a cool design. They'll be the first Cain/Abel archetypes that are BOTH female, so it'll be interesting to see them. However, their personalities sound a little cliche- hyper twin and calm twin. It's been done before (i.e. Story of Seasons- Iluka and Siluka, and many other games/media). I'm not going to judge them until supports, but so far they're a bit cliche in that regard. Felix- He's an impaler. Wish his name was Vlad though. I believe the name "Felix" means "happy/happiness" so all I can think of is the Happy Impaler. Alright, I've seen many a comment in this thread that stated they disbelieve this because the "environment change is too drastic". I DISAGREE with this. I don't think it's all that drastic of a change. We're used to seeing vampires in medieval settings in media for a while now. It's nothing new. BTW, Fates wasn't too far off from this setting. Nohr was dark and dreary, and I'm willing to guess that the landscape of Kibaire will be VERY similar to Nohr. The environment change is NOT drastic at all. For examples of vampires in a medieval setting, I'd recommend Castelvania (video game series) and Van Helsing (movie). And tbh, the concept isn't too crazy either. Popular video game series use a gimmick every once in a while. Legend of Zelda had pirates, as did Assassin's Creed (Pirate Emblem 2020!). What I'm trying to say is, the idea of vampires is sort of a gimmick. It'll probably be exclusive to this game, and it's probably an attempt of the writers to step away from the norm. As for Kotaro Yamada; it's believable. FE is a popular series, he's a popular artist that has worked with FE before. Not too strange. I hope his designs are closer to his work with Awakening Ephraim, and not close to his SAO artstyle. It's not bad per se, but I don't think it'll sit well with the mood of FE, and I'm afraid it may lose more Western sales do to it looking too "anime-y". Awakening Ephraim seems more palatable to a wide array of audiences.
  21. For romance- Gerik and Tethys. They both benefit character-wise and stat-wise (Tethys gets more Avoid while Gerik has a higher crit chance IIRC). You learn about both of them, including their backstories, which explain their attitudes towards life and people. H.M. to Joshua/Natasha For rivalry- Gerik v. Joshua. It harkens back to the Ogma v. Navarre rivalry while still being their own characters. It's really nice to see their competitive sides. H.M. to Tethys v. Marisa... For love For comedy- the majority of L'arachel's supports. I would like to point out that she has enough story relevancy and supports to make her NOT a complete joke character, and that she has depth. However, her joke supports are great as well. She's a great example of a comedic character that was written well enough to be funny and have depth. Rec. L'arachel x Ephraim, Joshua. Oh funny, notice how a few names get repeated. HINT HINT.
  22. Plus the pilgrim outfits would be horrible. The only thing that would be worth orbs
  23. RF2 is a part farming meets RPG game series, inspired by the (old) Harvest Moon games and Final Fantasy. RF2 is a different from other games because it also has a generational system, like FE4. Each generation has a different goal/focus on what to do. 1st is farming, 2nd is fighting. Anyways the series in general is pretty good, and the game mechanics get better with every release. However their company went bankrupt so we're probably not going to get another game.
  24. I don't know about her pegasus but she has a pig named Makalov.
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