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Everything posted by BBM

  1. Flannery 50 Wallace 50 Gardenia 50 Erika 50 Falkner 50 Claire 50 Misty 50 Winona 50 Chuck 50 Brock 50 Blaine 6 Giovanni 27 Roxanne 47
  2. Flannery 50 Wallace 50 Gardenia 50 Erika 50 Falkner 50 Claire 50 Misty 50 Winona 50 Chuck 50 Brock 50 Blaine 12 Giovanni 26 Roxanne 45
  3. Flannery 50 Wallace 50 Gardenia 50 Erika 50 Falkner 50 Claire 50 Misty 50 Winona 50 Chuck 50 Brock 50 Blaine 16 Giovanni 25 Roxanne 44
  4. There was one rather good Tactician x Lyn story I read, but it's mostly abandoned now. But it's not so much the pairing that's bad as a lot of fanfic writers in general. IIRC, I've only ever read one really good FE fanfic (the aforementioned one), and that's abandoned too... It's why I hang around the HP area more. The percentage of good writing is even less, but due to the sheer amount of HP fanfics, there are a lot more good ones. On a more on-topic note, I support the return of actual supports, but I wish they hadn't removed affinities... it made the choice more meaningful.
  5. In addition to needing half the BEXP to level, Paragon also doubles CEXP gain. Assuming that they both see the same amount of combat, and therefore get the same amount of kills, Astrid will have a level lead.
  6. Flannery 50 Wallace 50 Gardenia 50 Erika 50 Falkner 50 Claire 50 Misty 50 Winona 50 Chuck 50 Brock 50 Blaine 20 Giovanni 25 Roxanne 40 Roark 4 Candice 0
  7. What bugs me is that Troubadours are healers instead of mounted Bards.
  8. Flannery 50 Wallace 50 Gardenia 50 Erika 50 Falkner 50 Claire 50 Misty 50 Winona 50 Chuck 50 Brock 50 Blaine 20 Giovanni 24 Roxanne 38 Roark 8 Candice 2
  9. Astrid has Paragon and needs only half the BEXP that Mak does, and gets double CEXP too. Astrid needs only something like 400 exp to jump to Mak's level for the next chapter. Heck, another 700ish BEXP would get her to promote.
  10. Who needs effectiveness against Armours and Cavaliers when you can just quad and ORKO anyways.
  11. Your secret is safe with me and the rest of this thread. But, +1 for Indian mythology references. Agni means fire in Sanskrit, so they decided to name the god of fire Agni. So original, right?
  12. But don't you get Sety with like 2 chapters left in FE5? And you miss out on Cyas' leadership stars.
  13. Where was the action-packed trauma, the heartrending sacrifices, and the answer to the question, "Can pokemon feel love, even on the battlefield?"?
  14. What would you say the best Prf weapon is? Take into account availability and the weapon's stats. I'm going to discount the FE4 Holy Weapons because those are almost on a different playing field with both the huge Mt and huge Stat bonuses. My vote would probably go to FE10!Amiti. 15 Mt Brave Sword with infinite uses that gives +3 Def and +Res? Who needs 1-2 range on their weapon?
  15. Flannery 50 Wallace 50 Gardenia 50 Erika 50 Falkner 50 Claire 50 Misty 50 Winona 50 Chuck 50 Brock 50 Blaine 20 Giovanni 23 Roxanne 36 Roark 12 Candice 4
  16. Ephraim: We’ve finally made it back. Yet... Eirika: Mmm... We can repair the castle, and what was stolen, we can do without. But the wounds and suffering inflicted upon the people of Renais... Ephraim: It’s too late to undo their pain. Once I become king, I must set our country right. I doubt the people will give me a warm reception, though. I did abandon them. All I can do is try to win back their trust, no matter how long it takes... (Seth comes in, to the twins) Seth: Princess Eirika, Prince Ephraim. You should look outside. Ephraim: Outside? (They go outside the castle, maybe on a corridor) People: Prince Ephraim! Princess Eirika! The king has returned! Our king! Glory to Renais! Long live King Ephraim! Ephraim: ...... Seth: ...They’re not cheering for you. They cheer because Orson’s misrule is at an end. They cheer the possibility of a better tomorrow, not the deeds we did today. But how will the hearts of the people move tomorrow and the next day? That is for you to decide. Ephraim: I will not let their hopes and dreams be shattered again. I will be king. Like my father before me, I will dedicate myself to their happiness.
  17. Dat AmbushContinue!Sety.
  18. Also, if the game hadn't told you there was a traitor. It wasn't going to be the Lord or one of the Red/Green Cavs, so...
  19. Oh god, I just spent 2 hours reading the 1st gen Nuzlocke thread when I have a Physics exam tomorrow. Now you guys are all going to update this too. Also, Curse you, Horace!
  20. I think I get this... I'll sign up.
  21. Flannery 50 Wallace 50 Gardenia 50 Erika 50 Falkner 50 Claire 50 Misty 50 Winona 50 Chuck 50 Brock 50 Blaine 20 Giovanni 22 Roxanne 34 Roark 16 Candice 6
  22. But according to the parameters of this tier list, Astrid has a mount and is therefore certified a BEXP dump, and has Paragon to boot, which means she has a big level lead over Rolf. Sure, their stats are similar when you compare 10/0 Rolf to 10/0 Astrid, but when you compare 10/0 Rolf to 20/1 Astrid, which is more likely: 23.4 8.6 1.8 12.05 10.5 7.6 8.7 4.25 33.55 15.6 7.8 18.45 17.5 10.6 13.7 10.75 Their stats aren't so similar anymore. You can't compare their stats side by side at the same level because that will never happen. The only chapter in which Rolf has better combat than Astrid (when they both exist) is her joining chapter.
  23. MUAHAHA SETY BEAT ARTHUR. Hawk is probably your best sub, not counting Laylea. His non-SPD growths are pretty bad, but his base MAG is pretty good, so it's all okay. And he can still use Lightning and B Staves. And he's got Pursuit and Continue, so his combat's still quite good, especially compared to the rest of the subs, and unlike Mana, can afford to sling around Staves like Silence and Warp, because he can do well in the Arena. But again, a foot unit and kind of late. 8/10
  24. He gave the same rating if you discount the bias point, actually, as five other people (you, Ice Sage, Laurence Olivier, bottlegnomes, and Lumi).
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