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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Jeigan can reclass to Bishop. Instant Heal-Bot and Warp.
  2. FE11 really only gives an advantage to Lena. She can warp in chapter 3. As long as you reclass Jeigan, you can use it from Chapter 4 onwards. As long as it's not Hard Mode that's easily possible. Warp there does not have as huge advantages as the other games. And same deal with FE4. It only gives Aideen a small advantage, because otherwise you can't use it till Levin/Tiltyu promote or you get Claude. I mean, no one cares about Return, Rescue, or the Return Rings.
  3. You do see Shadow Naoto though.
  4. Psych

    Bull(crap) Mafia

    ##Vote No Lynch
  5. At least there's a picture of Leen on 177 and 176. Did you translate 176, TheEnd? It had a picture of Aless and of Corple and Leen, so I thought it might have some reason why she was left out.
  6. I say 6 people 11 Units. That gives a larger chance you have people in the awkward situations.
  7. Is it just me or am I getting some AlessxJulia tones.
  8. Psych

    Chronic Repose

    [spoiler=Psych][spoiler=Dahlia]Name: Dahlia Gender: Female, 19 Class: Castor Affinity: Wind Occupation: Witch Race: Human Weapons: Witch's Staff - An old wooden rod with intricate carvings. It helps focus spells and magic. Magic: Arrow Magic, Shield Magic Appearance: Dahlia wears a short black cape down to the middle of her back. It's embroidered with lace, and lets her keep both warm and cool depending on the weather. She wears knee-length leather boots with a bit of a heel that have a small cuff. She wears a white cotton long-sleeved shirt and a black miniskirt over a slightly longer white one. Her medium length dark black hair comes right above her shoulders, and she wears a small silver circlet around her forehead. She has full lips, but at times her face can appear gaunt and sickly. She wears several rings on her fingers, and they always seem to gleam in the moonlight. Nation of Origin: Frent Backstory: From as long as she could remember, Dahlia never had a real family. She lived in a small village in Frent, picking fruit, sometimes stealing bread, and playing with the other children. They picked on her and teased her about not having any parents, but she was desperate for friends, so she let them, simply so she could hang around with them. They always played in the fields and ran through the rivers. Occasionally, they would muster up the courage to wander into the dark woods at the edge of town. The other kids' parents warned them that an evil witch lived in those woods, and that if she caught you, she'd turn you into a big frog and eat you. One day, the other kids dared Dahlia to go into the woods. She couldn't back down from it, and so she wandered deep into the forest. As it began to get dark, she lay down, as she had played all day and begun to get tired. When she awoke, she was inside an old log cabin, and an old woman was in the kitchen. She later found out this was the very witch people had described. She wasn't evil at all. She was simply an old magician who lived in the woods, and eventually the town thought she was evil and was afraid of her. Dahlia told her she had no where else to go, and the old woman took pity on her. As Dahlia grew up, the witch taught her magic to use and protect herself with, passing on her various potion recipes and other charms and spells. The old woman was always Granny to Dahlia, and for once she had a family. Personality: Dahlia always tries to go through on a promise, no matter the danger. She always worries about her friends, and doesn't like to put them through dangerous situations. Breaking her trust takes a while, but once you do it takes a very long time for her to forgive you. She's always ready to go, and is usually optimistic. She tries to keep other's spirits up, and will usually keep a smile on her face even when others are down or depressed. She dislikes people who use magic for tricks or fool around with it, as she thinks magicians have a duty to use magic responsibly. Canon Encyclopedia Just so the world has equally determined methods and stuff. [spoiler=Neir]Physiology:Neirans walk upright on two legs. Their feet are webbed as are their hands to aid in swimming speeds and rapid acceleration. Their bodies are covered in scales that appear like clothing, covering from their necks, to their arms, to their legs. These scales come in many shades of blues and greens, but deep indigos and purples are seen as gifts of great rarity and beauty. These scales are incredibly tough and are almost armour-like. Should these scales fall off, every few years Neirans will regrow the scales. The shed scales will occasionally wash up on shore, and are made into very powerful armours that resist water and ice and aid in swimming. Neirans have another large fin coming out the back of their head that again aids in swimming. This fin grows from hatching until reaching it's full size. Breeding and Mating: Neirans live between 175-200 years. Adulthood is reached around 25 years of age. During the breeding season in late winter, females will choose a mate. Males must fight other competing males for a chance to win a female, and the winner is given the female's hand. Mates who are stronger or have rarer or unique coloration are seen as top competitors. A week or so later the females will then swim off to a cave and lay their eggs. After the females leave, the males will go and fertilize the eggs. The males will stay in the caves guarding the eggs until the hatch, living off of stored body fat and filter feeding. When the eggs hatch, the babies look somewhat like tadpoles, but grow into smaller sized versions of adults with legs and arms around 1-2 years of age. Diets, Hunting, Living: Neirans live in the capital city. Houses are made out of coral and heated by hydrothermal vents. Light usually comes from creatures such as angler fish and the large jellyfish guardians that swarm around Neir. These creatures act as a natural barrier protecting the city. Reaching the island, it is often dark, with large lights in the waves below. Forests of kelp are also grown as kelp, seaweed, and algae are the major components of a Neiran's diet. They are also avid hunters, and fish, shellfish, and occasionally shark or squid make up a good deal of their diet too. Females will typically hunt, while males harvest the various plants. Males and females both wear tunics and breeches. Clothes are typically made out of kelp, as it prevents too much drag in the water. When on land, they will usually wear other types of clothes though. Neirans have a natural compass towards water, and are able to find it from miles away. If a Neiran is without water for many weeks, they will often go into shock, and then a deep coma. They have no preference to salt water or fresh water, though salt water typically gives them more energy and increases their activity. [spoiler=Map] Red Dots are capitals, Pink Dots are towns/cities.
  9. Psych

    Chronic Repose

    I'm going to try and keep a list of the PC's in the second post just for logging's sake. A small encyclopedia and a map if I ever get around to making it will go there too. [spoiler=Plot]This world is much like any other. Oceans, mountains, forests. The landscape that defines a world. Though things are beginning to seem different. Days and Nights are getting shorting and longer with no explanation. People are being more forgetful. Clocks and time pieces are breaking. People are falling into deep sleeps that they never awake from. The world is made up of 4 elements. Fire, Wind, Earth, and Water. All life comes from these 4 elements. Together, they are able to recombine in an infinite chain, producing the different species that roam the continents. In our world, the 4 elements take a mortal form. Each element finds a host, giving them the ability to taste it's power. Most of the time they enter a human body, giving that human immense power over the element. They typically become legendary mages and healers, or warriors capable of unleashing the power of fire in every strike. Though nothing can last forever. When the host dies, the element is transfered to another body. Animals and even plants are capable of taking on the element. They will gain sentience, and become able to speak and communicate. Animals will usually begin to walk on their hind legs or grow into a more human looking form. They will develop more human characteristics, such as a face, or the ability of thought. This cycle is unchanging. Never to be broken, the element must always find a host. From the beginning of life the elements have entangled their fate with ours. They give us power and we learn to live off of the lands. It was said these 4 elements were keys. Keys to life, to power, to wisdom, and to the gods themselves. Dark forces have been searching for these keys, hoping to harness the energy they hold. It's said that in ancient times the elements were the tools of the goddess, doing her bidding for the good of the world. Whatever those keys may unlock, the power it would unleash upon the world is beyond mortal comprehension. [spoiler=Countries]Kolim - A large forested nation to the south. Many towns live among the treetops with houses built on stilts and bridges. Houses are made in the branches, as wild animals roam the forest floors, waiting to strike. No one is really sure where the capital is, as a mysterious fog turns all away, ready to be a treat to the hungry animals. The people there are bound to their duty to protect the forest and it's residents. Methya - This nation is to the Southwest. The master Fire Sage Gyth is the ruler of this nation. The nation has large dry plains, and many mountains. Volcanoes also dot the landscape, and outsides have heard rumors of sulfur valleys and liquid rivers of mercury. No one is sure why, but the sky is seen as an almost eternal shade of deep red. Gyth is a very harsh leader and many see him as a dictator. However, his power is so immense, that many have trouble even being in his presence. While he imposes harsh taxes and fines, the civilians do admit to him being a good leader. He has grand knowledge of the world and can achieve almost anything, from conquest to concentration. Riork - This nation specializes in trade. Most families are merchants, and a growing number of artisans have begun moving here. The country is run by a council of elders who oversee the various parts of the nation. Each one has a different job, and much arguing is heard during meetings. Wyverns and Griffins are also bred and domesticated here, and along with leather and silk, make up the majority of the economy. Most towns are large cities, with smaller towns dotting the landscape around the border. Recently, the council has begun building roads through the numerous hills and valleys that cover the lands. Yun - A desert nation to the North. Most towns are made of nomadic tribes, and they constantly move around. This nation is a favorite of archaeologists, as countless ruins and ancient treasures are said to lay beneath the shifting sands. Not much is known about these ancient tribes, but rumors have it that people can disappear over night, swallowed by the ground. Travelers must be weary of the local fauna, as poisonous scorpions and large desert wyverns roam the lands, looking for their next meal. Frent - This nation is ruled by King Volch. Lately, they have begun growing their military very quickly the past few years. Many young men are being conscripted into the army, while the women tend the farms and other businesses. The royal princess has recently gotten engaged, and in only a few months time, the wedding is scheduled. Royalty and the upper-class all over the land is expected to attend. The princess is his pride and joy, and were anything to befall her, the King would likely go on a rampage of all out destruction. Pris - Located in the Northwest, this nation has been blessed by the icy kiss of eternal winter. No one is sure why, but they are able to cope nonetheless. Many gorgeous water falls and rivers run through the nation, and many different animals like foxes, wolves, and caribou make their home here. Several dukes and chateaus also dot the land. The priestess known as Liana is said to travel this nation, hoping to cure all diseases for the people and to warm their chilly hearts. Her songs are said to calm even the wildest beast, and all look to her as a gift from the goddess. Neir - This undersea nation is home to the race of fish-people known as Neirans. The island above the capital is for growing food and other things. This nation is run by the Neiran royal family, and all civilians see it as their duty to serve and protect the royal family. Most Neirans have a harder time weilding large, bulky weapons such as maces, lances, or axes compared to humans, but are better at things such as water magic, ice magic, and healing. Lightning magic is very deadly to a Neiran. With - Located near the western coast, this nation trades heavily with Neir. Several ships are fitted with special Neir technology to help preform the travel to the capital. Most people are sailors, but pirates are not an uncommon sight. Most towns live along the coast and beaches. Tropical plants and animals not seen anywhere else can be found here. Rare fruit and seafood is a major commodity of this nation. Sea wyverns make their nests along the cliffs and bluffs, and when hungry can be deadly hunters to tourists and ships. Toreph - Torpeh is a natural country, focused on tradition. People live in villages each with a head Shaman who interprets the spirits. Men and women will hunt for wild game, while children learn to fish and gather wild berries from elders. All adults must go through a hunting trial and kill a bear alone to be honored as a warrior of the tribes. Common trades include building large boats from hollowed out trees, farming, tailoring, and tanning and skinning animals. They are a major trader of leather and pelts between Morentz and Dronf, but largely keep to themselves otherwise. Nyk - A mining nation located high in the mountains. They produce the majority of the nation's iron, coal, copper, gold, and other various rare gemstones. Most cities are large mining or forging cities. The capital is the largest city and most technologically advanced with large chutes and transportation devices. The cities have large underground catacombs thanks to the mining shafts, and most of the time, large portions of the city will be underground. Just as children by the sea learn to swim, many spend their time in the shafts beneath the earth digging. It's not uncommon for the top of the city to be almost deadly silent and the earth beneath to be loud with party and drink. These added tunnels aid in protection of the cities, though large forces of bandits roam the peaks. Gevi - Home to the Grand Library, this nation boasts the largest magical school on the continent. Mages from across the lands flock here to study and train in the magical arts. Being a professor here is an honor, and all teachers hope to one day accomplish that goal. The Grand Library has 4 portions, each one specializing in one of the elements. Each of the 4 headmasters of the school is given a key that unlocks their section. Only when all 4 keys are together can they open the Forbidden section. It's said that no one has ever laid eyes on the Forbidden sactum, and that those books hold the key to the very foundations of our universe and the ability to transcend godhood. The library reaches almost to the clouds, and it's said that even spending an entire lifetime here is not long enough to read even a quarter of the books found here. [spoiler=Sign Up Form]Name: Gender: (+Age) Class: (Fighter/Guard/Castor/Healer/Dancer/Archer/Hunter/Knight[it can really be anything]) Affinity: (Fire/Wind/Water/Earth) Occupation: Race: Human or Neiran (Other races may exist, but PC are limited to these two at the moment. Demons/Spirits/Dragons and anything else that exists may be made as an NPC, but you have to clear it with me first.) Weapons: (Any) Magic: (Any) Appearance: (What they look like.) Nation of Origin: (Just a nation of birth, if you want your own city/village, feel free to make up a name for settlement and give it some background, just nothing too outrageous or something that conflicts with canon.) Backstory: (Information regarding your characters origins, thought, dreams and goals. ) Personality:
  10. I guess so, but then Nasir makes it uneven too.
  11. I'm going to. I just want to recruit Mia first. That's where Flower is? I thought that was like the Third Venus Djinn or something. But good to know. And then I thought something like that happened. I knew Isaac recovered in Venus Lighthouse and Garet and Jenna in Mars.
  12. Normal Female Myrmidons? And Balista? Plus I see a weapons shop.
  13. Psych

    Bull(crap) Mafia

    I don't know, it's been going on for a month?
  14. But the Snow Queen route and that other one I don't know the name of. :<
  15. Technically this isn't a tie breaker for anything, since the winners were already decided. :< Yeti and Amelia's suspicion for stuffing the vote box.
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