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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Where do you get the map editor for Seisen? I think a couple people might appreciate if you like put it up with any documentation you have on it.
  2. Sorry, but I cut like 3 minutes at the beginning. Like how many videos though? >_>
  3. someone needs to tell me how to upload videos longer than 15 minutes
  4. Usually I use the mono-elementals till I get all the Djinn and really can play around with them, but otherwise it's like: Isaac - Ninja Garet - Samurai Ivan - Sorcerer or Guru Mia - Oracle or Angel Felix - Ninja or Dragoon Jenna - Flame User or Pierrot Sheba - White Mage Piers - Dragoon or Admiral
  5. and I totally forget to move my mouse genius
  6. Psych

    Bull(crap) Mafia

    ##Vote: Raymond
  7. Sucked as in it was really bad. Not, storywise bad. Bad as in I didn't like how it ended that way.
  8. Oh dude really? The ending sucked. >_>
  9. Dammit, you stole my Ice map idea.
  10. Fangirl, same thing. Though I thought Fia still comes around occasionally.
  11. Psych

    SF Mafia Mafia

    RAYMOND why you no believe me ;/ now I will never see my dear eclipse
  12. Psych

    SF Mafia Mafia

    Can I be an informed individual? I'd like to know whoever got me and what the message said.
  13. THAT'S FUNNY CAUSE SYLVIA AND CLAUDE'S OFFSPRING HAVE NOT YET APPEARED That's what I thought. At least Corple was mentioned, so he'll show up soon. 'Course, then we'll be trolled and Sharlow and his Berserk staff show up.
  14. So I'm catching up on the manga and first I see Fee being jelly, and now Leaf's body being ready. >_> Also I think TE translated something back a few chapters that had Arthur use Elfire, so that might mean AzelxTiltyu.
  15. .....Thaaaaaaaaat's impossible. Also: Hottest/Sexiest? Lumi Best constructed? Yeti What's your favorite? AK Best in theme? AK Most realistic? Joe
  16. I feel like there has to be something for 1-6 that's possible. Maybe 1-8 with minor penalties too.
  17. But I'll punch you for free, you don't even have to pay me!
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