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Everything posted by Psych

  1. "Minutes"...."Seconds".... Poh-tay-toe, Poh-tah-toe
  2. After a while Lux makes everyone laugh at him for long enough.
  3. Someone not tainted by this thread? Impossible!
  4. Psych

    SF Mafia Mafia

  5. Hey, those aren't too bad. I like em. Keep up the good work.
  6. Between either Fin and Laylea, or Queen of Upper Mid.
  7. Psych

    Bull(crap) Mafia

    I knew that. I'm....just giving a warning.
  8. Psych

    SF Mafia Mafia

    Bad puns Eclipse, tell him about the bad puns
  9. They'll capture it in Chapter 2. I've lost the Paladins that way a couple of times.
  10. Claude!Rana gives Rescue and Fortify in Chapter 6. I've promoted her and the end of Chapter 7 going slow, and blowing her cash and all her staves promoted her in the begining of 7. It's insane. Her Rescue can certainly help with Yied, plus some of the other foot units like Arthur!Holsety can get somewhat further. Also with grabbing the castle Leen's at. I'd say she should be included. Not only that but Leaf won't have to wait till chapter 10 for lulz if we have her pass it down.
  11. I know Charisma = God, but I don't think Laylea is equal/better than Leen. Leen gets Prayer + other things and inherits Rings. Laylea will have a bit harder time getting the cash for Knight and Leg plus Prayer if we want a copy of Leen. I'm not sure Berserk is that useful, especially since we could be getting a Valkyrie user or at least something else.
  12. Holy Weapon > Jamka Especially if they're both Archers
  13. Why does Alec get A swords at promo? He only gets B lances.
  14. Arthur sety is good, but he still starts unpromoted with 5 move. He is not number 3. He should be under Sety or Celice.
  15. ....I saw this. I thought Tangerine was retiring. I was like "Knew it." I entered topic. Disappoint. AND BY THAT I MEAN I AM SAD FIREMAN LEFT.
  16. Name: Fevr, Nickname Fev Gender: Female Age 28 Class: Castor Affinity: Wind Weapon: Magic Appearance: Nation of Origin: Shuthra Backstory: Fevr was a young girl in Shuthra. She lived with her family in a large manor and her parents had several Anri slaves under their ownership. Eventually, the slaves rebelled, and with a few others helped burn her home to the ground. Her parents were caught inside the building and perished that night when she was just 8. She had been out that night gathering flowers, only to return and find the flames growing higher. She ran and ran, eventually coming to a river. As she lay there crying over her parents, an old wizard came upon her. It was the night of a full moon and he had been out searching for the spirits he used to fuel his magic. He gave her a home and she helped to clean and dust the home to pay for her board. As the years passed, she began to think of the wizard as her grandfather, wishing for him to teach her magic. Though she possessed little magic power, she was able to overcome that obstacle thanks to the spirits and mana in the air of the country, coming to learn Wind and Arrow magic. When she was 18, the wizard fell ill that winter. He had grown old and it was looking as if he was at the end of his life. He promised her to teach his lifelong's secret to her, as a final gift to Fevr. He took her high up into the mountains and chained her under a waterfall. The chill combined with the air being so thin made it hard to even survive up there. He left her there for three days, telling her her magic must protect her. When he returned for her, he explained. To be able to use a magic shield one must know the pain they have to withstand. He explained how the spell worked and it's variations, from a barrier, to a second skin, to it's mastery, the Mana Amber. It encases one like a bug in a crystal, preventing damage but preventing movement. With that, he gave her the last of his power before passing away. The severity of her frostbite made Fevr lose three of her toes, her two pinky fingers, and decreased her sensitivity to heat and cold. She prefers to wear long boots and gloves even in the summer's heat as she does not like talking about the missing digits. Once she buried her master, she left to go look for how she could increase her power and how her master learned the magic shield spells in the first place, still intrigued by it's powers.
  17. Psych

    SF Mafia Mafia

    Besides the important thing is that I did what you told me to last night. Why don't we go with the one who didn't and ##Vote Core Eclipse
  18. Psych

    SF Mafia Mafia

    Because I've actually done that? I sent those orders in around Day 1. Before they said they had used the powers. I had to go on vacation, it's not my fault for not paying attention to the conversation. I specifically said I didn't know anything that was going on unitl you told me to vote Wen. Eclipse
  19. Psych

    SF Mafia Mafia

    Yes, but I said I did something on Night 1 that I did on Night 0. So when I told him what I did it would have led to me using my action twice last night. Eclipse
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