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Everything posted by Psych

  1. I would submit mine, if I only had a competent hacker on board. Since everything I do fails.
  2. Canas, but have him heal only once he promotes, no more combat.
  3. By Celice's time you have a second one coming up, and in either case you'll be getting Tyrfing.
  4. How? He has Tiltyu and Briggid, and it's not like Celice wants the Hero Sword. Plus depending on his Gen 2 drafts, he might not have someone who really needs the Pursuit Ring (EG People who already have it, Sharlow, Laylea, Mana). And then he can also pass down the Broken Prayer Sword and Thunder Sword at least. Luna is better than Charge from Midir too.
  5. The same reason it decided to let me with MoG. It took the month off. :/
  6. In fact, I'll go ahead and end this foolishness once and for all, since I'd rather last to the night then have the town pull a fail on Day 1. I'm the doctor. Now, you can go ahead and lynch me, or you can go ahead and lynch Life or try to scum hunt more and not waste this entire phase.
  7. /still thinks Holyn!Briggid is better than Midir!Briggid
  8. That....actually looks really good. Maybe more separation on the bangs and things and more forehead shading though. There seems to be something wonky with his left eyebrow, and the cape could probably be worked on.
  9. Well look at it this way. Unless I have an aneurysm, you just got Holsety!Sety or Valkyrie!Sety and B rank staves!Fee. So...
  10. The wine cellar has the chemicals you need to mix in the laboratory. The key to the cellar is upstairs in the library type area, and you need the potion to burn that red web thing down the stairs. That one door you came to, I don't know where it leads. Also, use more Tinderboxes and oil, you can't see shit otherwise. You get a lot more boxes. Oil is useful, but it's a bit rare, so use it but be conservative. You can afford to light more candles though, you get more boxes than oil. Also, watch out for monsters. And the self playing piano. You're in Germany by the way if you were interested. Those stories were about Daniel being an archeologist. They lead him to like, a pyramid and he discovers these rare...orbs or something, but they don't seem to make sense. It's why he contacts Alexander in the first place I think. Try and listen more to the story parts and voice overs. It helps get you into the game and scare you more. Monsters can't follow you through loading screens, just in case you ever need that. That blue vision is your night vision to help you see, but you do need to light things every now and then. That one note that talked about Agrippa, he's important later. Listen to your sister more, she knows what she's talking about.
  11. Pretty sure I'm available unless my parents spring a surprise trip somewhere.
  12. Aideen and Lachesis Hello Rescue and Reserve in Chapter 6.
  13. Oh hey birthday

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