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Everything posted by Psych

  1. That is why you feed Lumi a Black Hole. Then via sciency magic, she eats herself, imploding and spewing artistic talent all over us.
  2. I only want those treasures. The thieves can have the Card, Coin, and Unlock. Volug going up the ledges didn't work out so hot, so I'm gonna try him with Pass up the right now.
  3. I was looking for some sort of weird yaoi involving cake, but I couldn't find any. Fanart is fine too. Nabari =
  4. Woah....Nabari. 8D [spoiler=Cake, Lumi?]
  5. Sothe was the one with Pass, since his knives were helping with the archers and grabbing chests faster than the other thieves. I suppose with Volug having Pass I could try a variation of my normal Nailah strategy. I planned on keeping Pass with the DB anyway. Ilyana having Cerelity though is pretty fun.
  6. I had a feeling Lumi was going to make a Seth, Shannan manservice beefcake joke around here. ...And there it is. >_>
  7. Lumi! We bring you coffee! You are the mercenary leader, duh! :P There's Suzaku's knight, the black doggy thing for Lelouch, and the thing with the fire hand.
  8. As soon as I figure how to get through the mess of 1-F I'll finish my part 1 recap and things. I already know I just want Vantage, Parity and the Speedwing, but ledges and archers and Volug's lack of range are starting to bug me. >_> The good news at least for me, is I thought I'd have to grab the Nullify and Energy Drop and kill Ludvek with just Elincia and Leanne, but then I remembered I get Lethe for 2-F too, and Astrid and Kieran come in later as well.
  9. If you're saying it's so bad, why is it a 7. I played through and got them, and as soon as I got the Blover it was almost outdated. Balloon zombies start appearing with the Blover, and you can either waste a spot with Plantern + Cactus, or you can save a spot with the Blover. Sure, it's more expensive, but the Blover doesn't have to be up front and getting attacked maybe for the fog to be cleared.
  10. So I can't get that 3-5 drop or the 2-F one either? >_>
  11. 1-4 9 Miccy gets doubled by cats. >_> Sothe clears out like everything. I grab all the treasue plus the Master Seal, but I break the Beast Killer. XD 1-5 6 1-6-1 11 I would have cleared on like 9 or 10, but stupid armor had to go run off and try to heal and the last wave of peggies came. 1-6-2 6 WOO FINALLY! FINALLY~ Good news: 6 turn clear, no penalty. Got the Red Gem as well. Only lost like 2 or 3 civilians. Volug is like 3 hits away from S strike. Bad news: Had to seal Ilyana at 17.68. :/ Micaiah got lucky against a Fire Mage and had 3 HP left. Volug got attack by the Steel Bow archer and Fire Mage and had 2 HP, then survived until he was able to kill the boss.
  12. ...I can't go back to base from 1-6-2. >_> That's why I was probably gonna take the Zihark penalty, cause then him and Sothe go left with the girls and Volug has enough move to be able to clear out the soldier before it kills Fiona.
  13. Yes. Fiona keeps dying to the soldier that can one round her. >_>
  14. I really, really hate 1-6-2. Micaiah gets killed on turn 1 if I Ilyana doesn't crit this soldier, Fiona dies on turn 3 no matter what I do, unless I send Volug up there, but then SOthe dies to the cavalry. >_> And I have to have Taur avoid combat. I'm starting to look at if Zihark can help out efficiently.
  15. Vocaloid FE Miku, Astra, and Lumi as the lords! Gogogo!
  16. I need the link, I can't fine you! D:
  17. ...why is Kaito in a horse costume...
  18. Weapons and Life are having a little lover's spat to see who can get more people to claim to them. Just ignore everything till Day 2, and throw a vote in somewhere tomorrow. >_> That's what I do I day 1's.
  19. I'm sorry, I thought you said Bern was one of his worse places. Long bow is something else Bartre has above Treck too.
  20. HEY! I know a lot about art, like that there's this wheel thing. Full of colors. Meh, I guess he looks redder there, but I'd still consider it pinker.
  21. Then more purple I guess. >_> That just doesn't...Iunno.
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