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Everything posted by Psych

  1. ...how is Meg....I mean, I like her. Question: Will I get penalties when Tormod and Co. are green if they fight?
  2. Ah damn. At least I know my next pick now. >_>
  3. Oh god. I'm gonna hate until I get Ilyana. I'll probably have to take a Nolan penalty just to not get into double digits each map until I get her. I'm still thinking how to get Thani and the drop easily. And grr. There goes my next pick.
  4. ....I don't want Leo. Seriously. If I did want an Archer, it'd be Shinon, but pfft. He'd be like, my 5th pick after Ilyana. He'll be long gone by then.
  5. 8D I already know it's unlikely I'm getting my next pick, but it could be possible. Pick after that...doubtful, but possible. It's low on the tier list.
  6. Yeah, but I'm waiting in case I have some aneurysm and recruit Leo around like the 7th pick. :/
  7. Yup. Micaiah and Ilyana just overlevel, and hopefully if I give Micaiah Paragon in 3-6, Sothe, her, and Volug can handle the DB. But my plan will probably half work, since I doubt I can get the other half. So I know my next 2-3 picks.
  8. Um, Slayer. Sorry bub, I go before you. How does Ilyana even go that fast? Oh right, my massive favoritism for her. Sorry, but I'm swiping her up. Ilyana
  9. It's really only funny when you realize she's like...incredibly peppy and perky, and her boyfriend is like, 5'11 and like all emo and stuff.
  10. ...My friend dresses like a gothic loli. >_> She's like 5'1.
  11. Pary: Ow, my head. What is this pain? Pary slowly awoke to someone standing over him. His head hurt quiet a lot, and his vision was blurry, but someone with golden locks was above him. "A-Alicia? Is that you? This pain...am I finally with you?" Pary tried to sit up, but his body didn't have the energy. He stayed on the ground, breathing quietly.
  12. Who looks strangely over saturated standing next to Pent like that.
  13. Who are you going with? Don't end sentences with prepositions. Alright, who are you going with Bitch?
  14. Translation! Yes! I have two cows in my pants that are very hot. The X-rays are very interesting, but the fire was shared. Do not look! Spanish 2 is amaaaazing~
  15. Si! Yo tengo dos vaces en mis pantalones son muy caliente. Los radiografias son muy interesante, pero los incendios era compartido. No mires!
  16. Ah. Then I probably would have taken Zihark or something.
  17. I'm tempted to take Nolan, but I swear to god. I'm playing an old run through right now, and he's 20/1 with 13 str. >_> Volug
  19. ....When the hell did I give Sothe Adept? ._.
  20. Then it's working! That's okay, I can fanboy for Astra too.
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