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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Critical's x4, or just not available to Rogues and Thieves. Maybe. Or, A Resolved, Wrathed Max Strength Bandit. Congrats, you just one shotted Ixion. So? It's not about exp, it's about healing everyone. I would honestly take this one. Available to 4 speed classes and under only. There. Added in magic to it. Did you not just read my reply in? Uh, no. It keeps durability, it sacrifices Avoid. Congrats. Reika is now dealing pretty good damage. Resolve, maybe. This still has it's uses. Angel Blessing example: Pary focused in his mind. He knelt onto the ground, praying to the heavens. Suddenly, a beam of light landed on the enemy. White feathers could be seen falling all around, blinding the enemy, protecting Pary.
  2. Yes, but that is a class skill. Devil weapons. They have existed. Yup. Um, what? Normal healing = 3 +3/4 Magic. Typically 6. This would be 1.5 +3/8 magic. In other words, 3. Uh, no. Ha. I'll remind you of this skill when all the healers die and everyone's hurt against a bunch of bosses or someone like Eric. It's supposed to be pointless, but all those "I have this vulneary!" Posts after battle are suddenly turned into a skill. Let's see Eric! Wrath, Resolve, Keen Edge. Removes those from him. Sure, he still doubles, but now he's not gonna insta-kill you. Eh, maybe. Not as much incentive as before though. Fixing. But keeping the effect. Fixing as well. [spoiler=Skill Changes]Skill: Critical Effect: Passive Description: Criticals do 3x normal damage instead of 2. Skill: Devil Effect: Passive Description: Damage x2 before adding in rolls, but roll a die of your luck cap +1. If roll is higher than luck, damage effects you instead. Skill: Party Healing Effect: Passive Description: Able to heal up to 3 targets, for 50% of normal healing. EXP gained is only for one heal. Skill: Meditation Effect: Twice per battle Description: Sacrifice 1 turn at 0 defense/resistance, and in turn gain 2 actions next turn. Skill: Emergency First Aid Effect: Passive Description: Able to heal someone an amount determined by rolling a 1d3. Add your magic to the ending roll. Unavailable to Priests, Clerics, Troubadours, and Monks. Skill: Parity Effect: Up to three times per battle. Description: Removes supports, skills, and weapon effects for a round of battle. Skill: Provoke Effect: Passive Description: Enemies gain +2 hit against you, in exchange for you getting +2 might. Skill: Angel's Blessing Effect: Up to twice per battle. Must be 50% HP or lower. Limited to Monks, Clerics, Priests, and Troubadours. Description: Removes enemy's luck from battle for one round and halves enemy's skill. Skill: Adrenaline Effect: Up to twice per battle, when HP is 1/3 or less. Can not activate other skills while this is in effect. Should your HP go over 1/3, this skill no longer takes effect. Description: Double's AS and multiplies Avoid by 1.5, but halves skill.
  3. Skill: Critical Effect: Passive Description: Criticals do 3x normal damage instead of 2. Skill: Devil Effect: Passive Description: Damage x2 before adding in rolls, but roll a 1d5. If roll is high than luck, damage effects you instead. Skill: Elite Effect: Roll a 3 or 4 on two or more dice. Description: Double exp for that hit/kill. Skill: Party Healing Effect: Passive Description: Able to heal up to 3 targets, for 50% of normal healing. EXP gained is only for one heal. Skill: Meditation Effect: Twice per battle Description: Sacrifice 1 turn at 0 defense/resistance, and in turn gain 2 actions next turn. Skill: Emergency First Aid Effect: Passive Description: Able to heal someone an amount determined by rolling a 1d3. Unavailable to Priests, Clerics, Troubadours, and Monks. Skill: Parity Effect: Up to three times per battle. Description: Removes supports, skills, and weapon effects for a round of battle. Skill: Provoke Effect: Passive Description: Enemies gain +2 hit against you, in exchange for you getting +2 might. Skill: Arrowshot Effect: Up to three times per battle. Description: Able to attack without counter similar to bows. Bow nerf is applied. Skill: Angel's Blessing Effect: Up to twice per battle. Description: Removes enemy's luck from battle for one round and halves enemy's skill. Skill: Adrenaline Effect: Up to twice per battle, when HP is 1/3 or less. Description: Double's AS and multiplies Avoid by 1.5, but halves skill. Opinions?
  4. Man...how is Dean dodging everything? Even Catria and Jenny can't hit him. >_>
  5. Medusa Staff Able to turn people to Stone, as well as cure it. Sherry received this staff her last day at the nunnery before leaving. She treasures it along with her other keepsakes.
  6. Psych

    The Assassins Guild

    ##Vote Anouleth I have nothing to add. Other than I suck at bolding. >_>
  7. ...How the hell do I make a Prf Staff? >_> It's like you all want me to have a hard time. Uh....
  8. So technically, it would be 20-17. Lumi is too young.
  9. Isn't everyone okay with polygamy, by the definition of polygamy? >_>
  10. Canon? More like......*insert smarmy word here* My snarky wit has dried up for the evening.
  11. Psych

    The Assassins Guild

    ........... :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: ##Vote Groner
  12. Hint: Silver > Steel > Slim > Iron Ethlin doesn't need the Iron Sword. And not really the Slim once she gets the Light Sword.
  13. Psych

    The Assassins Guild

    I say we claim to Weapons village leader style, and damn the consequences. Enough stalling around.
  14. Psych

    The Assassins Guild

    Should I reveal I'm really the doc?
  15. Psych

    The Assassins Guild

    Lyncher target I'm guessing.
  16. ...You know, you can't have Fin dismount and use Sol and then suddenly have him on a horse again....
  17. You know Astra, if she's a Social Knight, how does she even have a Sword Skill.
  18. Why is Charlotte so high? Her only support, IE: Eric, has left. She has a nerf on Light, and if it's because she's a healer then Pary needs to go higher too. He has Barrier. She can just heal. Also lol Beau above Pary. 6 HP, I don't think so. His defense is just as bad. And yeah, Miracle. But when someone can double you and kill you in one shot, Miracle doesn't help so much.
  19. ....He wrote it. Luna is boring. >_>
  20. Heyheyhey. Astra...manual. Enough said.
  21. Like the square-rectangle thing. And....her father could have been Blaggi-Odo with Astra. That would distribute how I'm thinking with the Daughter having Major Blaggi and the son having Minor Blaggi with Astra. The skill would still pass down, and the blood would dilute with the whole Ishtar thing.
  22. It's a Sword only move....>_> I've hacked people with Astra and no Odo. Er...go with the diluted blood idea. >_>
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