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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Jake-20 Rachel-20 Nell-20 Andy-20 Sami-20 Max-20 Hachi-20 Olaf-20 Grit-20 Colin-18 Sasha-21 Sonja-20 Kanbei-20 Sensei-18 Grimm-18 Eagle-21 Drake-20 Jess-20 Javier-20 Flak-20 Adder-20 Lash-20 Hawke-21 Sturm-18 Juggler-20 Kindle-21 Von Bolt-20 Man, Dancer. Hurting my broken money siblings. But that's okay. I like Sasha better anyway.
  2. Pary: Pary slipped his hand in his pocket, feeling the charm. He quietly tip-toed over to Susann, placing the necklace in her saddlebag, being unnoticed by Viveka, who was busy in conversation. He walked back over to rejoin the group.
  3. How bout something not involving Loputouso? >_>
  4. Looks good, but his left arm looks like it has a weird growth on the bicep. >_>
  5. You should ask to borrow Reaper's !Karel
  6. ...... Nothing else. Just ........
  7. Yes, but that's the only one I can use.
  8. ...If I stole anything, it would be the Valkyrie staff.
  9. ....Yes, because the girl with Major Blaggi needs the Balmung and Loputousu. >_> What do you think I'd try to steal? >_> Idiots...
  10. I wanted the Thief staff, but Camtech still said that was OP. Fine, I'm going with the Thief staff.
  11. We have none otherwise. And that's beside the point. I'm stuck taking what he'll give me, and everyone else makes what they want. All these staves have been in the games. What about a Sleep staff? >_>
  12. So everyone can make their own Prf weapon and I'm already doled one out? >_>
  13. Neither does mine, when it's the exact same as one from the games. Thief Staff then.
  14. Warp isn't Prf. When you all have fancy, special weapons to yourself, and I just have a Warp staff anyone can use. I don't think that's fair.
  15. I'm taking Charm then. >_> Like Berserk, but they'll all go gaga for her or whatever. Cupid Staff Able to make people blindly attracted to Sherry, and follow her orders. Can also cure it. Sherry received this staff her last day at the nunnery before leaving. She treasures it along with her other keepsakes.
  16. Then have Stone be fixed with Restore. It's either Stone, Rewarp, Thief, or Charm. I personally want Stone or Charm.
  17. Everyone has a Prf weapon. Berserk is not prefered. Would you honestly prefer me Berserking people than Stoning them?
  18. Then someone RP Sara. >_> Manfloy could use that staff too I though. Just be related to them, and bam, you can fix Stone.
  19. ....Did I say they couldn't? Don't assume I have the magic awesome staff that can only fix it's self. I never even said that.
  20. Kia staff? Stone staff? It's certainly not the only one.
  21. Reworked Kia staff? If she does Stone someone in the Party, it would only be in shock or if she was angry at them. Plus, if this is an RP, eventually I'd have her brother join, and he could just get her to undo it.
  22. @Kai >:) I said it can cure Stone too. She would fix it eventually.
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