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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Pary: "I'm sure Charlotte and Beau have it under control. I need to go count my money and kick orphans prepare dinner for the troupe." Pary hurried off gather firewood, before coming back and sitting to light it.
  2. Pary: Pary stood, before hearing the commotion. He walked over towards Alex and the others. "Have no fear. I have arrived." Pary quickly healed Alex before sitting back down.
  3. Sanguine: Phoenix, Ether Choleric: Snike, Cynthia, Kanami, Kiryn Melancholic: Script, Whistler Phlegmatic: Lightning, Bal Supine: Sage, Snowy
  4. But she sold her Wii to buy you Radiant Dawn! Don't you just hate when that happens?
  5. Sherry walked through town to the inn she had stayed at last night. She went up to the bar keeper, asking him where she could find the Magi group. After telling him that she needed someone to protect her on her long journey, he told her to go ahead to Conote, and that a man would meet her there. "Thank you very much sir. I can pay if I need to." "Oh, don't worry about that. They don't even take money. Everyone just helps them out here. I don't think they've paid a tab all year." Excited in her plan, Sherry left the city, intent on starting her journey.
  6. Magi squad~ ....Yes I brought them up. >_> I brought up Sleuf in her Bio.
  7. As Sherry walked through the market district of Manster, she clutched her staff in her hands carefully. She knew her journey to Verdane to see Brother would be very dangerous, but she seemed more concerned for his safety than his own. Silly me. Here I am worrying about Brother and I have to cross two countries all alone. A cleric. I have no money to hire help either. Sherry walked towards the gates of the city, hoping to hurry, and get to Conote by nightfall. Suddenly, 2 young boys, not even 10 years old, came up to her. "Hey! Lady! Got any food? We're mighty hungry. We'd really 'preciate it!" Sherry apologized, but was able to spare a few pieces of gold. Her training in the convent had made it hard for her not to help those in need. The boys thanked her and ran off, the smaller one saying something while they were still within earshot of her. "She must be part of the Magi squad! No one ever helps the kids round here!" Sherry's mind clicked hearing these words. She knew how to get to Verdane safely. She hurried back into the city, looking for an inn.
  8. Also known as when Life thinks you have outlived your usefulness and done away with you.
  9. I'm still thinking up an introduction. Don't let me stop you all. >_> Besides, I'm way in Manster, so I probably won't be near people for a while.
  10. Just once I'd like a normal game we can all sit down to and be civil, and not have Life charge the buffet and clear them out of jello to screw with our minds.
  11. Psych Even if I haven't played Abyss...nor finished Vesperia. Final dungeon! >_> And I should get things together for mine, but I'm too bored to make a google account to access googledocs.
  12. Psych

    The Assassins Guild

    ...I understand these roles.....my skills are useless. >_> Terrorists? That's bad. ##Vote Furet
  13. ...you look like a friend of mine. AND THAT"S NOT AN ALL ASIAN'S LOOK ALIKE JOKE
  14. Psych

    The Assassins Guild

    To me, it sounds like one of two things. Option 1: He's a stalker and knew a couple roles, which I feel is reinforced by him knowing I'm innocent town. Option B: He's the mafia thief. This seems less likely, due to the fact I've heard nothing about items yet. I find the former more possible, but it may not be. Just a theory.
  15. So if Lumi was asian, aussie, and russian...
  16. And now for something completely different Department of Arguments Knights that say "Ni" Coconuts migrate Hovercraft full of eels
  17. I didn't say anything regarding Lumi's manliness. In which case, it beats Astra's. I was just calling Kai a woman. His is low. He's like a kindergarten teacher.
  18. The one with the cool title Infected souls Plan B: Manfloy's return Return of Loputouso.....of the dead! Threadbare soldiers Fancy~
  19. No, but see, it ends in a negative number. So Kai is obviously a woman.
  20. I used her and Colin exclusively. They're like rank...25-ish and Jake and Rachel are like 9. Everyone else is still around 4 or 5. Except Kindle. I got her to like 15, only cause I can't stand her normal outfit. >_>
  21. Yes, but over 100k....It's like Oneshot!
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