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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Pary: "That may be true, but there are several factors involved. For one, a stronger light spell, such as my Divine spell would create a brighter light than a simple Light or Shine spell. Another thing to consider is if I use my Barrier staff first, strengthening my mana circuit, or using the staff itself as a type of anchor in the magic. As well as this." Pary dug around in his bag. Not finding what he was looking for, he sat down on the ground, carefully taking things out. His hands touched the edge of a book, and he managed to take it out. "I bought this before we left. I was thinking of using it when we were attacked, but I was unsure how effective it would be against the Reformists. You may want to cover your eyes." Pary flipped through the pages, before reading through. He raised a hand toward the sky, before shooting a large ball of light up. "Aura!" The ball of light radiated like a second sun almost. The shadows in the woods, as well as those on the ground were almost non-existent. Beams of light fell everywhere, and it was so bright, everyone around could see it. "I'm sure this will help in the event of a surprise attack?"
  2. Forums don't discriminate. They'll feel anyone up.
  3. There are more forums on this man then women?
  4. Also, sir. What the hell happened in episode 12?
  5. Pary, the one who totally doesn't have another motive: "Have no worries. I shall take first watch as well." Pary went ahead and begun digging a fire pit.
  6. Pary: Pary returned, arms full of logs. "No matter. I'm sure I'm a much better choice. My light magic will help to illuminate dark areas of the woods. Demon infused swords guarding you are hardly something that makes one feel safe sleeping. A holy man, a divine angel. I shall keep us safe."
  7. Psych

    The Assassins Guild

    I already revealed my role. And well...we all know how I suck at fake claiming. Plus....uh...whatever. >_>
  8. Pary: Pary heard Kelas and Esphyr talking. He stopped to speak. "No worries. I shall go. I'm sure you will all feel much safer with me around. I know how you all must feel not having a trained healer on watch. And I'm sure bandits are just roaming the woods or maybe this very campsite. Those ruffians are just waiting to cut us down. I'm sure I can set you all at ease. I shall calm your nerves and go." Pary wandered off to collect firewood for the watch that night.
  9. Psych

    Thief HNH

    Julian-22 Ricardo-12 Deu-18 Patti-20 Daisy-16 Rifis-20 Pahn-21 Lara-22 Chad-20 Asthol-20 Cath-20 Matthew-22 Legault-21 Colm-20 Rennec-18 Sothe-2 Volke-23 Heather-23 Shouldn't Leila and Jaffar be included?
  10. Ha. I do better in class than Kai. And I'm a year ahead in Spanish and Math than him. :P
  12. ##Vote Luka? Nah, ##Unvote Luka But Lightning is my backup unless I think of something.
  13. ....Wouldn't it be easier to I don't know....make the thread a poll? >_>
  14. If you want to be an idiot and suspect me, then go right ahead. I already posted I'm on vacation in Assassin's. I'll be home Monday, but I didn't want to sub out since I still like this game idea.
  15. Mwahahah.... If you have Wifi-Shop, then Lena...Mage -> Falcon Knight. If not, then Athena...Archer -> Bishop. Or do both. XD
  16. Maybe have Wendy promote to the Great Knight. That could still make her useful, and a bit different. Course the triangle attack would go away if you promote her, but that might weigh the benefits of promoting her.
  17. Pary: Pary insulted Alf. Pary flirted with Viv. Pary was awesome. 8] Pary walked back to fill the pots with water, rubbing his neck. He started talking rather out loud to no one in particular. "You know, if anyone is to blame for Aiya dying, it's probably Alferis. I mean, he did attack her and push her out a window. She almost died for god's sake."
  18. Psych

    The Assassins Guild

    *Psych is currently on vacation, and can not do much more than sheep. We apologize for this inconvenience, but all find ALS a bit more suspicious now. That is all.* ##FOS ALS ##Vote Spy
  19. 1 18.25 ounce package chocolate cake mix. 1 can prepared coconut pecan frosting. 3/4 cup vegetable oil. 4 large eggs. 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips. 3/4 cups butter or margarine. 1&2/3 cups granulated sugar. 2 cups all purpose flour. Don't forget garnishes such as: Fish shaped crackers. Fish shaped candies. Fish shaped solid waste, Fish shaped dirt. Fish shaped ethyl benzene. Pull and peel licorice.. Fish shaped volatile organic compounds and sediment shaped sediment. Candy coated peanut butter pieces, Shaped like fish. 1 cup lemon juice. Alpha resins. Unsaturated polyester resin. Fiberglass surface resins. And volatile malted milk impoundments. 9 large egg yolks. 12 medium geosynthetic membranes. 1 cup granulated sugar. An entry called 'how to kill someone with your bare hands'. 2 cups rhubarb, sliced. 2/3 cups granulated rhubarb. 1 tablespoon all-purpose rhubarb. 1 teaspoon grated orange rhubarb. 3 tablespoons rhubarb, on fire. 1 large rhubarb. 1 cross borehole electro-magnetic imaging rhubarb. 2 tablespoons rhubarb juice. Adjustable aluminum head positioner. Slaughter electric needle injector. Cordless electric needle injector. Injector needle driver. Injector needle gun. Cranial caps. Cake
  20. Pary: "I am being payed for general healing and medicinal duties. If my assistants are currently taking care of others, I have no place at the bedside. I would simply get in the way. You wouldn't know that however. You can't heal or save people. Now, our reserves seem to be low in proteins and fresh fruit. You and Reika need to go scavenge for fruits in the forest. Wouldn't want someone to catch scurvy. I'm sorry, that was rude of me. Scurvy is a disease that occurs from not eating fresh fruit. You probably have it. I can tell your diet is very poor. Oh, there I go again. A disease is a type of sickness. Sickness makes people weak and unable to fight. You must understand that. It's all you think about." Pary stood, with a cast Iron pot in his hands. He walked over to go fill it with water.
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