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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Oh, he is. But I'd prefer to pass down as much as possible, since the sons all suck. And the daughters will already be maxed out, not to mention what they start with.
  2. Because Lachesis has the Wind Sword and Life Ring now. Nanna will need it to take Lenster by herself until I get there. >_> And Sigurd doesn't really have much to pass down. I'm giving the Light Sword to Leen as a matter of fact. ^_^
  3. Sigurd is strangely good with the Earth Sword. >_>
  4. Psych

    The Assassins Guild

    ....That sounds less like a role blocker and more a witch type or that thing where you couldn't say the letter F. >_>
  5. Mad -> Sil *Seize* Diadora is a bad mother. I mean, who would leave their child with a 14 year old? And she gets kidnapped! Holyn reaches home and promotes, and moves to the edge Eltoshan's range. Lachesis and Fury and husbands sit in the forests, and Sylvia and Lex and the Pallies in the middle of the road. Lachesis ends up having to go around the church and have Sylvia dance for her, but I get the Earth Sword. Some cavs go for Holyn, but he guards the castle, breaking the Hero sword. Ayra, Levin, Dew, and Aideen wait for the bridge/future wives/Wind Swords. I forgot to mention, Lachesis grabbed the +3 STR village. Holyn moves back towards the 4 squad, while the others head for the castle. Unfortunatly, I drew in the wyverns wrong due to the group at the bridge, so they retreat, and hopefully send the wyverns after the group force. My plan needs Lachesis with the Life Ring, and I could have her buy it, but it's always good to save money. I place Ethlin wrong, and the Wyverns attack at the same time as the armours. Fuck. A well placed dance earns Lachesis the Life Bracelet and most of the wyverns dead, but a lot of my guys are hurt kinda bad... Fury is left with 9 HP and Ethlin with 16, but everyone makes it. I suddenly realize I wanted Ayra to grab the Silver Blade >_> But she definitely has enough cash to buy it. Sylvia grabs the Defense Village, Fury grabs the Silver Blade. Sil -> Orgahil Lachesis starts Returning the Sil group, and Fury flies to help Claude and Tiltyu. I check love standings of the girls that didn't just show up. >_> Ayra: You and Dew are bound to each other. Aideen: You're fond of Jamka. Sylvia: You're in love with Lex. Fury: You're fond of Noish. Lachesis: You're in love with Azel. Close! Aideen just needs to spend the rest of the Chapter with Claude probably. And gotta start HolynxBriggid and LevinxTiltyu. Ayra gives Dew her money, and then to Aideen. She's hurting a bit in funds, and needs like 40k for staves. Cuan gets the Gae-Bolg! Rush to team back up, Briggid takes some nasty hits. >_> Tiltyu in Wrath range~ Yum! Holyn grabs the Leg Ring though. >_> And with the generous donation from Dew, Aideen only needs the Recover, Reserve, and Rescue staff and she's set with inheritance. I'm going to have to sell Relive and Thunder, but I'm gonna have to think of what to drop. Having only one person able to inherit B and A rank staves isn't fun. But on the other hand, I am getting Rescue and Reserve extremely early. Probably Sleep. Silence may be more necessary for Ishtar, Ishtor or Blume. Lachesis, Noish, Cuan, and Lex skirt around the forests up north and make it to Mad. Briggid reachs Tiltyu and Claude for backup, and Claude heals them up. Fury reaches them to grab a few kills. Ethlin goes to sell her things, since I doubt she's gonna be fighting anymore. Sigurd and Holyn go kill the boss, and Holyn grabs the Power Ring. Azel falls in love with Lachesis, Sylvia with Lex. Aideen gives Briggid the Ichival, and warps her and Tiltyu to Mad to go through the arena. Dew goes to get the Wind Sword, I wait a little to build up love. Lachesis spams Return since she's close to promo and I seize. Character LVL HP STR MAG SKL SP LCK DEF RES Sigurd 22 52 23 0 19 19 14 17 8 Barrier!Ring Cuan Bargain!Ring Ethlin Aideen 26 45 6 25 16 18 22 7 12 Ayra 21 43 21 1 35 34 6 11 4 Skill!Ring, Speed!Ring Lachesis 18 38 20 8 12 16 12 13 10 Life!Ring Sylvia 8 31 4 1 4 12 10 7 8 Shield!Ring, Knight!Ring Fury 17 39 16 1 13 22 10 10 10 Return!Ring Holyn 23 51 26 4 27 22 2 14 4 Power!Ring, Leg!Ring Briggid 20 46 22 2 23 22 14 14 9 Tiltyu 7 29 2 13 17 11 9 2 9 53 Turns Forget to mark down Cuan and Ethlin's stats. :/
  6. I know. I meant even with the Rings it still wouldn't work. You should give Briggid's husband a Return ring for quick Balmung + Hero Sword. And uh....get Shannan a magic sword too.
  7. Crap. Sety would need capped magic and both rings to be equal to him....Hmmm....
  8. I thought this was a Shannan Bias run. Plus, you can like....Pair Aideen with Claude or something, or use Sety and just like...Silence him. Load Levin!Sety with both magic rings.
  9. HP is nothing. Sylvia is getting the Leg Ring anyway. I was just sending Ayra so she can have Dew fall in love with her quicker. I have to promote Lachesis too. >_>
  10. Psych

    The Assassins Guild

    No! Everyone knows to vote Bizz's mum.
  11. DewxAyra! DewxAyra! And do I leave Dew, Aideen, Ayra, and Levin at Mad to meet their spouses/Wind Sword, or do I use them to fight off Eltoshan? Cause otherwise I only have Ethlin, Cuan, Sigurd, Holyn, Lach, and Fury. Lol Sylvia's combat.
  12. Psych

    The Assassins Guild

    ##Unvote Bal ((I have nothing more to add than the picture))
  13. Agusty -> Mad ~Pre-Battle~ *: Ayra, Holyn 7: Cuan, Fury 6: Sigurd, Ethlin 3: Sylvia, Lachesis, Diadora Lex gives Ayra the Hero Sword, before Holyn goes to buy it back. Fury buys the Return Ring, Lachesis sells the Knight Ring, Ethlin sells her staves to prep for next chapter. Aideen promotes real quick and goes into the arena. She gets to the Dark Mage. Fury, Noish, and Cuan head towards the right, the rest move up, except Ethlin, who moves out towards those pirates near the Fire Mages. Levin comes with to meet his wife, and Diadora stays at home. >_> Holyn, Ayra, and Sigurd take care of the wave of Armours and Bow Knights from the north. Aideen gets some lucky dodges and takes care of the Lance Knights coming at Sylvia. Ayra draws the main guard, and Holyn grabs the Thunder Sword before heading home to promote. Everyone starts going back, and Sigurd seizes.
  14. Lumi, you need the naked Seth in your avi. Duh. And why is Holyn stuck at arena 4? >_>
  15. The whole point of Female only is no Fin and Alec. Holyn and Cuan are only being used, since they are the prime contributor to their daughter. Aideen has been spamming Return and Warp too. Plus, she was healing more than Ethlin since Ethlin had to take some combat. I would, if Lachesis had the money. I just sold the Knight Ring, so she's only like 20 short. I might toss her a village or too, since Aideen can fight now and try and clear the arena.
  16. Psych

    The Assassins Guild

    ^ I can only clear up things that have been already mentioned. My role is just to better understand things. Though, I know Raymond was a vanilla townie, and Spike was a hunter. So, I can only really go along and clear up confusing info.
  17. Make a palette with red-ish armor. >_>
  18. Heath. Uh...go with all three. >_>
  19. Psych

    The Assassins Guild

    I'm an easy body, so if we need someone to lynch, I suppose I can be it. My role is the Y/N question asker, but I can only get answers to things I could find out myself, IE: Things Tables has said in this thread. I can use it both at day, and night. Due to some resalts I got, I trust Ether and Weapons. I know there is a possibility they are lying, but the circumstances would have to be quiet large. Currently, because I would require some info on a dead body to understand something better, I'm pretty useless. I'm trusting Weapons enough to go with him Village Leader style, even if others aren't. Should I find something to contradict my opinions, or should I feel someone else is more guilty than Weapon's choice, yes, I may vote for them. But until then I'm following Weapons since I have no other info objectifying someone, and you know how well I scum hunt. >_>
  20. My hair is already "black" but in bright sun light it looks dark brown. I was gonna bleach parts, then dye those parts white. And done with chapter 2! Woo! Plus 3 promos before the first castle in 3~
  21. Evans -> Nod -> Her Pre-Battle~ Sigurd gets Holyn. Ayra also clears. Holyn gets to 7. Cuan to 6. Dia to 4. Ethlin to 2. Repairs~ Ayra gets the Steel Blade and Speed Ring. Holyn has the Iron Blade for now, but I'm giving it to Lachesis later, once he gets the Hero Sword and Prayer Sword, or Thunder Sword. Diadora sells the Silence staff and Aideen gets it. Set out, but I have Lex and Azel come with to meet their wives, and Noish guard the castle. Fin comes to get Fury's Hero Lance. Ardan for the Ring. Dew to talk to Lachesis. Eve gets close to death, but Cuan and Sigurd make it in time to kill most of the stuff and Ethlin heals him. Cuan nabs the Silver Lance. I place Cuan out of Balista Rang, and he gets a few hits in on the armors, and draws the others in. Ethlin takes a nice chuck out of Philip, and Lachesis and Aideen heal the pallies. Ayra grabs the Return Ring though. >_> I rush, and Sigurd grabs the Barrier Ring, but I wanted him to so.... Her -> Amph Sylvia dances, and Levin rushes to the Bargain Ring village. Yeah, I used him to kill a Bandit or too. >_> Sylvia mops up the other three, and grabs the villages. Lachesis grabs the Thief Sword and hits the Arena, but I need to break the Prayer Sword, so that's her weapon of choice for now. Fin grabs the Hero Lance, and sells it. >_> And she reaches number 3. Great. Levin gets the village with one turn left. Cuan can get it later, since Altenna doesn't really have much other than the Gae-Bolg. :/ Ayra, Sigurd, and Holyn wall the merc's attack, and Ayra gets the Elite Ring. >_> She has to send an Iron Sword to Storage. But, it might actually be good for her to promote early. Ardan finally gets the Pursuit Ring on turn 20. >_> People kills stuff. We seize. Holyn gets the Shield Ring. Lachesis and Beowulf talk. Amph -> Mckil Aideen and Ethlin warp people home, and Ethlin is left to make the long trek back. I decide to check love standings! Ayra: Dew is on your mind. Aideen: You're fond of Jamka. Lachesis: You currently don't have feelings for anyone. Sylvia: Levin is on your mind. So....basically what I expected. Fury appears, and gets ready to attack. I leave Holyn, Levin, and Noish at home to take care of her. Everyone moves towards the castle, and Sigurd and Cuan intercept the squad of Lance Knights. Ethlin and Lachesis Guard meet up, and we move to attack the castle. Ayra, Eva, and Cuan get hit by Sleep, and I grab Fury. She clears the Arena up to 6 and grabs some stuff. Lachesis grabs the Boss kill and Sigurd seizes. Mckil -> Agusty Need to do some repairs. Some people try the arena again. Healing. Ethlin, Aideen and Ayra are close to promo, so that's good. I'd like Aideen to be able to kill some stuff next chapter. She needs money, and still has a bunch of stuff to buy, though Diadora is actually doing good damage with the Magic Ring, but... And I angered the swarm. >_> Caun grabs the Slayer while the Pallies decide to suicide. *Sigh* Killing, Killing, Ayra grabbing Libro. Fury, Noish, and Holyn head towards us, Aideen gets in a few last heals. Seize. Character LVL HP STR MAG SKL SP LCK DEF RES Sigurd 20 50 21 0 17 19 13 17 8 Barrier!Ring Cuan 18 49 22 0 16 14 6 17 3 Bargain!Ring Ethlin 20 33 12 10 18 17 13 8 9 Aideen 19 41 6 18 11 15 21 5 11 Ayra 18 42 16 1 30 27 5 9 1 Skill!Ring, Speed!Ring Diadora 5 28 1 25 15 13 8 4 22 Magic!Ring Lachesis 8 30 12 8 11 14 7 10 9 Knight!Ring Sylvia 5 29 3 1 4 12 8 6 7 Shield!Ring Fury 8 32 12 1 12 18 7 9 10 Holyn 17 45 15 0 21 18 1 12 1 51 Turns
  22. Though for some strange reason, everyone thinks I wear eyeliner. My eyelashes are just really long and dark. >_>
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