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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Vera and Rosy: As they lay there, the bodies slowly dissolved, like sand, before a wisp of purple-ish smoke rose from them. Flying into Reika's face, various cackling could be heard, before the carriage's windows were illuminated and it flew off down the road. As the others were watching, the bodies slowly melted, burning the ground around them like acid.
  2. Pary: "Quadruple. And that's my final offer. Take Reika with you if you have to. I need this letter delivered ASAP." ------- Vera and Rosy: The two soldiers crowded around Reika, lances at the ready. Rosy took her bow, poised to shoot at Reika's chest. "Alright boys. Take her away." The soldiers bound her arms, before throwing her inside the chest. Vera quickly locked it, before ordering the men to take it away.
  3. Pary: "I'll double your pay. And I doubt it. We don't need more hands collecting firewood or water or something useless like that." -------- Vera and Rosy: Vera and Rosy stood by the trunks, the carriage drivers coming over. "Miss! Is something the matter?" "No, nothing." Vera turned towards the girl accosting them. "Yesssss?"
  4. Pary: Pary laughed to himself. "Seth is an old friend of mine. He runs an inn. We can stay at the town for free, I was just donating something to him. I'm certain he'll give you a free bed for the night. Would you prefer a bed over the hard ground? He have food. Go...have a party or something. Take him the letter, and tell him you know me. You'll be fine."
  5. Pary: "I need you to take a message to someone. I'll pay you 5 gold now, and double once you get back." He took the letter from under his robes, before handing a small leather pouch to the man as well. "I know exactly how much is in there. 185 pieces. It's also in the letter. Follow the road until you get to a fork, and take the right path. There will be signs when you get to the town. You should be back around high noon if you walk all night. Ask for a man named Seth at the inn." He handed him his payment, before turning and walking back towards the campfire.
  6. I've been to Queens. It's like the Jersey of New York. It's there, but you don't talk about it. >_>
  7. Vera and Rosy: "I believe you are all mistaken. No such thing will be taking place. After all, Halton is prepared to strike at a moments notice." Vera stood, walking outside. She passed Reika and Aiya, and stood over near Rosy, who had unloaded the chests with the help of the two carriage drivers. They stood waiting. ------- Pary: Pary had finished his tea, before taking out some parchment. He wrote a quick letter, before walking over to the other tents. "Oi, Alferis. May I speak to your for a moment? I need to hire someone."
  8. Mini Guinever should have been there instead of Brunya. >_>
  9. I sent them in. And I'm so getting Australia.
  10. Vera: Vera laughed quietly to herself. This man obviously did not know what Halton was planning. "Casualties are inevitable. Septimus is falling. Jerdon has lost long ago. Elysimia is not necessary, only an aid. Our spies are already in position. Currently, you can accept aid from Halton, and whomever else to crush Jace quickly, or decide to handle it yourselves and have Halton clean up your mess and throw away the keys. I believe I know your answer."
  11. Vera and Rosy: "However, should we decide to ally ourselves with Elysimia or someone in someway and take back Jerdon, it will significantly cut down Jace's forces and supplies. Halton will then be in a much more favorable position to retake Septimus from him with fewer casualties. Though, unfortunately, one thing is certain. Regardless of wether we take Jerdon, go after Jace, or fight these demons, it all leads to one thing. The total annihilation of Septimus as we know it." Rosy strolled into the tent, behind Tristan and Aiya. "I found them both Vera. See, my plan to bring the prince here was excellent, and Lieutenant Aiya is here as well!" Rosy headed back outside, to stand guard to the tent. Vera turned towards the girl. "Ah, Lieutenant. Before I was given my leave, my last job were to go over yours and Klein's reports. However, it seems they never made them back to my desk. Can you tell me why?"
  12. Vera: "I'm afraid the situation is a bit more grim than that. Halton is aiming to invade as soon as possible, and well, with the recent events, we may be facing all out war by dawn. If 2 of the big 3 are ablaze with war, Elsyimia will follow suit, only naturally. It will be one big land grab, with the small countries out in the open." She turned to Morgan. "I simply stated the problem. Should we follow that plan, we could either have a distracting force on the Jerdonian Capital, or attacking the demons. I doubt they are unaffected by something this big." ----- Rosy: "This way!" As Rosy led them to the tent, they passed by Tristan. "Um, excuse me....have you seen a big tent around? I'm a bit lost."
  13. Vera: "I'm afraid a few of us are weary to key military secrets, some of which could cause a state of war between the countries. This is not for all ears." As the Septimian soldier spoke, she turned to him. "This map," She gestured before her. "Shows the current location of us here. These other pins show crucial outposts along the Halton-Septimus border. Now, Jace has turned his base of operations from the capital of Jerdon to Septimus' capital. While it will still be under heavy guard, we should exploit his weakness. Attack while he is away, hopefully with backup from Elysimia if Conrad would be so kind to ask for help, rally the people with the princess, and strike back with added aid from Halton, taking back Septimus, and eliminating Jace's wrath. It is simply snatching what he has left unguarded, and then he's surrounded. He'll be helpless, especially with our group having so many connections. I suppose we could ask for help from the Ivankian Mercenaries if we required."
  14. Vera: "Hmm? Who are all these people?" Vera noticed the collection of people stumbling inside the tent, trying to be inconspicuous. She turned to the woman in druid clothing. "I've heard you are the leader of this group? This is an important meeting for the various generals of the armies. However, I welcome you as you seem to have this group's best interests. I heard the princess of Jerdon was with you. Would you be able to bring her here? The rest of you will have to leave. This is a private meeting." ------- Rosy: Rosy picked herself up, and dusted herself off. "Is that any way to talk to your superior Lieutenant? You are Klein's woman are you not? You and him must report to a meeting being held by Major General Tyrell! I was sent to come get you!" ------- Pary: Warming his hands, Pary set to making a fire, before filing a kettle with some of the rain water and making himself a cup of tea. He sat on a log, trying to stay warm.
  15. Um...that might be that Patty and Faval are Briggid's children. Not Aideen's.
  16. Well, besides the grinding which could just be done on the double exp mode and a turbo button, it's honestly not all that bad. It's a decent way to kill an hour I suppose. Um....go....do a story playthrough like the other people.
  17. You're both wrong. Kiryn lives in the woods in a house made of gingerbread, but eats children, because her house makes her fat.
  18. ....Make a new draft? I don't think people have tried 2, 3, or 5 to draft from.
  19. I meant the checkerboard pattern was off. D: OCD....
  20. It's not about the sprites. But that tome that looks like Thunder, the background is green when it should be grey. :P
  21. Rosy: As Rosy was walking through the camp, she happened upon Aiya's purple armor. She hefted her up, and started to limp them back to the tent. On her way, she passed by a man that seemed to be giving orders. "Excuse me sir. Are you the leader of this group? Could you please come with me? I've been sent to collect the various leaders and military generals. There's a meeting in the large tent over yonder." ------ Vera: Vera placed the map on the table, taking several pins in her hands. As she laid them out, she noticed Conrad and Viveka still standing in the door way. "Come sit down. Do you happen to know the leader of this group? I haven't met many of your companions yet."
  22. Pary: Pary sat up, his head aching. His arms were cut with long slashes up them, but they didn't seem to be bleeding. He wrapped them, and used his teeth to tie them. He stood carefully, using his staff to balance him. He walked over towards Morgan, aiming to discuss something with her. "I presume after today we've hit a bit of a snag? Jace had gotten in our way, at least if not directly, but now....I know a nearby town I can take us to to rest at. It's not much, but it's better than sleeping out in the cold rain. I can wipe our fees with the innkeeper. He's a friend of mine. It's probably only half a day's walk from here." -------------- Vera: Vera helped by going to her trunks. She opened one, and reached inside, before feeling something moving inside. ".....Rosy. What are you doing?" "I was scared." "Well get out and help me set them up." Vera and Rosy removed the large tarp from the trunk. Rosy began unfolding it, while Vera reached inside for her tent. Requiring Rosy's assistance, it took them several minutes to set it up, but the tent was about the size of a small room. Rosy placed the tarp on top, before going to search for Aiya. Vera called for Conrad and Viveka. "Uncle! I've set up our tent. You and Veronica may want to come inside. I was going to prepare some maps."
  23. Oh dear god, I may have just made Pary a jerkass woobie for what I'm planning. >_>
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