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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Vera: "I'm afraid that is not an option. I am looking for a General Conrad Jackson. He was supposed to be here. I'm afraid I'll have to go in anyway." Vera reached down to her hip, feeling her bow. She needed to be prepared. Back at the carriage, with Rosy noticing the fighting, she reloaded the carriage, getting ready to leave in case of emergency.
  2. Pary: As Pary watched Viveka and Derek fight, he quickly reached for his staff. "Watch out!" He called out. He looked over towards the bandit, noticing him fight a soldier. Link Soldier #2 KO! "Sorry, were you two fighting?"
  4. Oh hey....I should finish Case 4 of AAI >_>
  5. And I was screwing town over good too! >_> We had a perfect plan.
  6. BORING OLD PARY WITH NO BARRIER: ((Nothing to see here)) Pary had gathered his items from towning, before returning and walking over to Viveka and Derek. "Are we getting ready to go?"
  7. Vera: The carriage rolling along, it wasn't long before it slowed down and rolled through the gate, passing several people fleeing on the way, and noticing large fires as well. "How are we going to find him Vera? What's going on?" "I don't know. I've foretold the palace of our arrival. They were supposed to help us find him." As the carriage pulled over to the gates, the drivers hurried over, opening the door. Vera stepped out, looking out of the door. Her trunks were unloaded onto the ground, before Rosy sat down on top of it. "Can you look a little more enthusiastic? Septimus isn't so bad." "But...it's got Septimians." As the girls stood, waiting for an idea of what to do next, Vera took her General's insignia out of her pocket. She walked over to some soldiers. "Excuse me, I am Major General Vera Tyrell. I am here in regards to a General Conrad Jackson of Elysimia. It is very urgent news. Do you know where he is? What is going on here?"
  8. Psych

    Diplomacy Game Thread

    Yes, but I never got orders from Iced. By the way! I claim Switzerland! Fear my knives and banks!
  9. Um....well, I know Damian is important, but he's not half the group. Lightning, get in the channel.
  10. Oh my god, I just realized I'm helping develop Conrad too: "Oh, well...." Rosalind made her way back into the carriage, looking out the window. Vera put her armor down, before signaling the carriage to go again. "I've told you several times not to let your guard down. Even a child could do something. And now that someone knows two Halton Commanders are roaming around Septimus, well that can't be good." "I know, I know. I'm sorry Vera. But he was all alone. I hate children being like that." "Well, your intentions were honorable." They both sat in silence a while, the horses hooves outside, and the wheels clacking the only sound. "Say, Vera. What is your uncle like?" "Well, it's been a while since I've seen him. I think when I was 16. But he was always very noble, and level headed. I joined the army because of him. And he was always talking about this up-and-coming new recruit that he was fond of. I think he saw a lot in her." "He sounds very nice. I can't wait to see him." "Hehehe. Don't worry. He's hard to miss. He towers over everyone with his armor, and his presence is quite something too."
  11. Psych

    Diplomacy Game Thread

    I need 4 more orders and you have 7 hours. Also, if I'm late giving them to Life, it might be because I'm going to the State Fair today. So...:/
  12. Jaigen. Though you can still see him fight Boah was the only one to actually die.
  13. Two Girls, One Priest: "Vera?" "Yes, yes, make it quick." Rosy hurried over towards him, stopping him. "Oh, well....We can give you a ride. I'm sure we'll help you reach your destination much faster. And a little kid shouldn't be out a night all alone. Don't worry! We're big tough Halton Generals. We'll protect you." Vera stood on the sidelines, looking over her armor. She went back inside the carriage to wait, and took off her breastplate, polishing it.
  14. I call her Vera: As the carriage rode along, Vera looked out across the plain. They were making good time, and would arrive at the capital by nightfall. Vera went back to trying to nap, the sounds of the horses' feet running along. "Oh my gosh! Look Vera! There's a kid out there!" Vera's friend Rosy shook her awake. "What is it? We don't have time to stop if we want to be there by night time. I'm not sleeping outside again tonight." "But he looks really young, and all alone." "Fine. You can see if he needs a ride or something." Vera knocked on the back wall of the carriage, before they slowed to a stop. The young boy seemed to be carrying a staff, walking alone. Rosalind hopped out, running over to the boy. "Hi! We noticed you looked kinda lonely. You're really young to be out all alone. What's your name?" "Rosalind! What have I said? You're supposed to keep your guard up." "Oh...right, right." Rosy puffed out her chest, before saluting. "Major Rosalind Scheffer at your service!" "*sigh* I am Major General Vera Tyrell. Can we be of service?"
  15. Well, since you asked..... Sure.
  16. Oh, whoops, yeah. Also, the personalized bonus weapons like Ogma's sword, each weapon type gets three of them except Staves, which only gets Wry's, and Tomes which only gets Merric's and Katarina's. Though the axes has Bord'n'Cord. So it might have 4.
  17. Nyna uses the reclass system in this game. Twice in fact. The first time in the Download chapters she's a Bishop, in SD she becomes a Bishop, and back at End Game she becomes a Bishop again.
  18. Her father isn't related to Conrad, so after her mother married, she went to live in Halton with him, and had Vera. Bam.
  19. Cess and Rita: "Are you Cess?" "Yes?" A messenger reached into his bag, pulling out a letter. Cess quickly opened it, reading though several times. He stood, tears in his eyes, before heading inside and retrieving Rita. After explaining, they headed towards the city gates.
  20. Vera Level 2 HP 4 STR 4 MAG 0 SKL 3 SPD 3 LUK 2 DEF 6 RES 1 Speedy Strike Thunder 22 Conrad's niece, a general in the Haltonian army. After her mother fell ill, she was given leave to go and visit her uncle. Having word that he had traipsed off to a ball in Septimus, she set after him.
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