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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Hey! Hey! Hey guys! Guys! Guys! Hi! So, I'm a townie....
  2. Rita: "I'm not interested in sparing with you. You do not understand the way of the sword. A true master must learn to fight many different styles, and that's what I am trying to do. But Eric is never around, and he's much too rude, and Esphyr just sits around all day. I fought Derek yesterday. It's Aiya's turn." Rita drew her blade, swinging it in front of Altion to demonstrate. "Aiya's sword is much heavier compared to the rest of us. Her strikes have more power behind them, but are much easier to dodge because of it. A swordsman must learn to notice the differences in styles and how to fight them. And besides, I thought it would cheer her up since Damian has left."
  3. Rita: "Hmph. I'll go see for myself, thank you very much." Rita limped away from the man, insistent of stoping her.
  4. Rita: "Esphyr has no pride in the way of the sword. She does not have the drive or focus, and sees it as a burden. She harms true swordsmen's reputations like a 5 year old girl. And second," Rita kicked Altion in the stomach. "You shouldn't insult women. Hmph." Rita walked out of the doors, into the courtyard.
  5. RIta: "Oh, no argument. Just a little advice. You'll have to excuse me, I'm looking for someone." Rita quickly hurried out the door, looking for Aiya.
  6. "Err...no, but I'm sure we will find it. One always does. It's getting quite dark. If there's nothing close by, maybe we should set up camp?" Sara looked out on the desert, the winds sweeping up the sands. This was not some place she wanted to be for long. Not even many animals could survive out here.
  7. Maybe you have mold that can kill you! D: Or like.....someone is trying to kill you! D: Oh, and Merca thinks you're a Moltres now.
  8. Rita: "Well it's not my fault you found something you just had to steal. Though some jewelry would probably make Alferis fall all over, just like you want. Anyway, I forgot Esphyr has no pride in her sword! You shame people who call themselves true swordsmen. I'm going to go see if I can find Aiya. Or Derek." Rita walked out of the room, and down the stairs.
  9. Rita: "I don't know, I was bathing. I bet your boyfriend would think you'd be prettier if you bathed once in a while too. I should go look for some jasmine flowers at the market.....Oh, anyway, can you clean this glass up Reika? Everyone else is busy and sleeping, and we don't want someone getting hurt." Rita turned towards Esphyr, hold her blade out. "Esphyr! I challenge you! You must defend your honor! This is what being a swordsman is all about!"
  10. ........ or would it be more of a........ Intrigue.
  11. Rita: As Rita left the baths, she headed back to the room with the others. She headed over to where she had left her swords, before drawing one and looking at it. It didn't seem to have the same sparkle as it usually had, so she took a cloth and began polishing it. She stood, looking around the room. "Does anybody know where Aiya went? I had wanted to spar...." Rita noticed the broken window. "What happened here?"
  12. Yeah, I'd prefer it myself not to be caught up in the whole retaking the fort thing myself. >_> I suppose I can run into Kieru. I was just gonna wonder ahead to the next town, but whatever.
  13. Hey Tables....why isn't my name on the list? I already signed up.
  14. >_> Because band wagoning your king is a great idea. I understand like 2,3 votes, but no....let's go all 5/6.
  15. He's so violent. How could he....I'm not sure about this. And a criminal?"Oh, I'm just.....looking for something. These two here saved me when these men were attacking. I guess they're coming along. I certainly don't want any trouble. You can just lead us somewhere, and we can turn a blind eye...."
  16. Should we kill him while he's not here? :D
  17. I wanted the victory knowing I killed Kiryn! D:<
  18. [spoiler=Hurt Kiryn, Heal.....Bal! D:]Fireman 17 Narga_Rocks 18 Nightmare 16 Red Fox of Fire 21 Raven 10 Kiryn 2 Bianchi 11 -Cynthia- 10 Phoenix 10 Soul 8 Tyranel M 10 Meteor 10 Mekkah 10 SlayerX 10 Ether 9 Musashi 8 Phoenix Wright 10 Cyber Blue 8 Lightning 10 TheEnd 10 Princess Kilvas 5 Doom_103 4 JB25 9 Camtech075 10 Dio 13 Furetchen 12 Balcerzak 15 Integrity 15 Shaquille O'Neal 8 Ike-Mike 10 Chalis 10 Esau of Isaac 10 Proto 10 Luminescent Blade 31 Freohr Datia 13 Generic Officer 11 Cymbeline 10 Wist 15 Dark Legend Vampire 40 Songbird 12 whase 6 Ayanami 11 Hero 11 Amelia 9 El Rey Leon 20 I Like My Cake Iced 4 Tangerine 22 DAGRON 11 Lux Aeterna 16 Popo 25 Piemanmj 11 Pride 10 NTG 9 Pahn 10 SmartRutter7 6 Marthur 12 Soluna 28 Karina_Martell 18 Rhythm 21 6669 10
  19. Because you thought I should. >_> And um.....yeah. Where's Camtech?
  20. Why was I not included? D: ....Wait, you'd all just kill me first.
  21. "Somewhere towards the center of the desert. That seems like the best idea. Do you know of any towns that have some historical importance or old legends about them?" Sara pondered a moment. She wondered if these men were truly a good idea to bring with her. She didn't want anyone else getting hurt, but she couldn't just do things herself.
  22. Let me see if I can get a post up without Camtech then. Also, for time's sake, since otherwise it would take forever for your character to reach us, you probably sailed around and landed near the border of Lyria.
  23. Don't blame me. I don't like Utah. Wait, is that the one with the salt lake? I don't like Oklahoma.
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