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Everything posted by Psych

  1. You mean genius cancer? Why yes, yes it is.
  2. Amelia wore a pant suit, and had a rebound with Lumi. Kai became an alcoholic. ERL became a stripper. Astra became a school teacher for blind underprivileged orphans. Proto found out he had cancer! D:>
  3. Proto adopted a little Russian baby, and Lumi now has become the local Mayor. Astra had an abortion. D:] Kai cheated on Amelia, and got divorced. Furet got raped in jail.... ERL moved to Hawaii.
  4. Swaying. Flowing. Turn here. Step here. Wave to the crowd. Dancing was almost robotic for her, but with a subtle air of fluidity and emotion no other could capture. Her home was the stage. Well, when having no parents and simply traveling, could you really call anywhere home? She spun like a top, easily attracting the on-lookers and married husbands standing with the groceries for dinner. Some targets were just so easy. And the children too. They always loved to have fun. Some day maybe she'd be a mother. As the performance drew to a close, she looked onward, towards the harbor. Where should she go next? Find out more about this necklace? Maybe look for a library in the kingdom for some sort of research. No, that was probably useless. All the books she had read gave no mention. Like they seemed to have disappeared in the flood. She collected the money at her feet, thinking of dinner. Maybe some fish. Try the local special. She stood, thinking. Walking North along the roads, the merchants stared at her. Her clothes stood out, deep blues and greens amongst the pale browns and greys. She turned down an alley, hoping to take a quick short cut back to the inn, before noticing a shadow flit amongst the wall. She reached for the dagger at her waist. She recently was attacked at a performance, so she had taken steps to defend herself when her speed but not be as useful. "Is someone there?" (OOC: It shouldn't be one of your characters. This was just establishing. Conflict in next post.))
  5. Cool. Furet has now gone to jail for corruption, and Lumi got Astra pregnant. Those crazy kids. Proto got married too.
  6. That's fine for now. I'll start the OP soon.
  7. Because the other's evil twin babies sex mystery eyepatch rivals already happened.
  8. I know. I just didn't expect it.
  9. And Kai just lost his left eye and is wearing an eye patch, and Soluna is now in a coma. Just basic soap opera stuff.
  10. Mage...fighter? >_> I'd prefer to keep magic separate from weapons just for simplicity.
  11. We need more soap opera twists. Like how Lumi is pregnant with Amelia's baby. Or how Proto's evil twin is back and slept with Astra.
  12. Furet must have this problem. A song tells the story.
  13. Kinky. I like it. Where's that whip....
  14. Sure. And family is annoying. Also, dragon people don't exist in this RP. So unless you want to breed with a 50 foot fire breathing lizard.....
  15. Yes Furet! I can hide it no longer! I truly have feelings for......Astra! We can't be together! *dramatic soap opera music*
  16. Technically, that part is the first OP, but since I sorta need someone first..... The reason why it's vague, is that it hasn't happened.
  17. @Kanami What did you ask me again? >_> What did I answer weakly? >_> @Uhai What do you think needs refinement? Starting out, 1. After the first few chapters, probably 3, you can start to add, but probably just 3.
  18. In the fact that it's been like 3 hours should worry me?
  19. So are you saying people can't join more than one at the same time?
  20. His promotion time hurts him a bit since he'll start fading late game. Maybe move him down half a point.
  21. Well you can at least tell me what I can change and things like that. Elements correspond to which spirit has the strongest hold over them. Realistically, they currently mean nothing, but as the spirits are awoken, minor changes will happen, such as you feeling more energized, or other things.
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