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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Psych

    Mafia HQ

    Vote for you. >_> Literally. Once it was like 5 people left, I would announce "SOMEONE IS BACK FROM THE DEAD" and as Tables best put it, "Lovers who die together and win by being the last two left is stupid". Simple logic in picking which role is weakest, and would most likely come back. Also, it would obviously be a threat. Since, if all town was left, and the game hadn't ended.
  2. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    Also, I had something with people all having Eyepatches. And did I say you couldn't vote for a dead person? >_> You're listening to things I did say. Start looking for things I didn't.
  3. Psych

    Mafia HQ

    And Lightning's just mad that Weapons tricked him. CURSE WEAPONS. Cult made me and Fayt lose too. >_>
  4. inb4 Psych is the assassin and we all kill him? >_>
  5. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    I love how they thought I wouldn't put in a vigil role, and that Snike was mafia. Though, admittedly, watching all these animes to know the characters, would have help A LOT. Specially since Astra and Hemlock's characters come back to life in Season 2. >_>
  6. Should I open claim King Day 1? >_> Lightning's still mad he lost, even with his fancy items.
  7. Psych

    Mafia HQ

    >_> But they did! D:
  8. Psych

    Mafia HQ

    They were secret. And came back to life.
  9. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    Yeah. Astra's double vote, and JB and Weapon's votes on Slayer just.....and then Snike suicided so....
  10. Psych

    Mafia HQ

    Mine is over. Lovers (Astra and Hemlock) and Mafia (JB and Weapons and Raymond) won. >_>
  11. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    You all had items, action stoppers, an oracle to reveal roles, AN UNLYNCHABLE FRIENDLY TOWNIE WHO YOU COULD HAVE LEAD, and death take overs, and you still lost. Why didn't you have Bizz lead and doc/BG her? >_> I'm sorry, but this was clearly town oriented and they still lost.
  12. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    And the true lover role! Hemlock and Astra:
  13. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    Mafia was JB, Weapons, and Raymond. Lightning: Bizz: Slayer:
  14. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    Well, actually Ether came in second. Here's the standings. 1st - Lovers and Mafia 2nd - Ether 3rd - Town All the roles revealed have been true, except for Hemlock's and Astra's. There never was a spy. Lightning, Ether, and whoever else would have tried to send in their actions would have been fine. Mafia just killed Ether the same night he tried to disprove that. Other roles are coming up soon.
  15. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    That ended the next day? >_>
  16. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    >_> It is now Day 5. You know what? Since the mafia kills tonight, Town just lost. Thank you Snike. >_> I'll make a "TOWN ARE IDIOTS" endgame thread in a couple hours. To show you your stupidness.
  17. *coughTristancough* Haha male Pegasus. :P Appearently, there was this thing called a Water tome. And it was super powerful and important, but we forgot about it. And the HM wanted us to protect us from Helenos, who hasn't even sent people after us since the swamp. >_>
  18. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    Oh right. But Slayer has majority. Hmmmm. What to do, what to do. RNG TIME! Snike died. >_> Town sucks. I thought it would be too hard for mafia, and now they're just shitstomping you. NO ONE SAY MY INCORRECT USAGE OF THEIR/THERE/THEY"RE! D:
  19. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    Yeah. Now if Lightning votes on the other hand, then it's modkill. Also. I'm so gonna laugh. Cause once it gets down to four people, it won't even matter what I reveal, cause you'll have lost. And here I thought I put this game too town sided. >_>
  20. Which hey, they were losing evil-ness! Verry would have basically been neutral, maybe followed us by now. >_> I told you it was happening quickly. @Kanami Eh. Appearently she knows these two random people, and is stuck at the top of a tower right now. >_>
  21. A phrase also meaning "Snike needs to finish up his day phase in my thread"
  22. I should have just gotten Kamilla. Then I an do evil stuff, and you can't get mad at me. >_>
  23. You all keep saying there's no way to get him out, cause you don't want him out. Why do you think I wouldn't want your help? >_>
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