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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Psych

    Mafia HQ

    Spoon has had roles that came back after death in his games. This is just Lightning whining about his own ineptitude over not thinking clearly. I gave the town items, PMs, easy ways of recognizing other towns, AN UNLYNCHABLE FRIENDLY TOWNIE, and a bunch of other stuff. Bizz might have been given a bit too much weight, but did a Follow the Leader Strategy never occur to you? tl;dr Lightning is mad
  2. Psych

    Mafia HQ

    My last game went off without a hitch from how I planned it. Some people just fluttered off after a while, but Lightning's just pissed that he didn't read the rules. I'm not planning any more come back from the death roles for a while.
  3. I knew it! I wondered why Bizz gave me up to Tables after I tried to have her help me kill Life. They were in cahoots! D: Well, I had too much mistrust in Furet to follow him, so I ignored his orders, and just messed with Amelia and Ether. It's strange that I got mafia members while still ignoring Furet. >_>
  4. Just checked, and that's cause 2 people have a team of 10 instead of 11. >_> I say you could just drop Arran, Samson, and like.....someone else. Or just leave the last three people not drafted out.
  5. Ah. I didn't realize I took all the actions. I thought it was whichever she did first.
  6. Wait. How did Ice Beam kill me? I thought it just said it blocks Night Actions. Which also confuses me on how my action went though when it should be canceled, but only only be canceled if it went though.
  7. The only thing that would need opening before having a thief would be Rickard's cell, and you get a key last chapter. All the chapter 6 chests get looted by thieves, and after chapter 6 Marth has the emblem. Though I'm interested in how not having Frey and Norne will do to character count.
  8. Yeah, see, I have trust issues. And never listened to a word Furet said. I think Amelia killed me when I sent her to Viridian City.
  9. Psych

    Mafia HQ

    So....Nyquil and Tacos makes for weird dreams, yet fabulous mafia ideas. 4 teamed mafia. 2 towns. 2 Mafia. Maybe some other stuff.
  10. Hey. Mine was made for laughs. And she's turning back into stabby! WIth a little fire mage worship on the side. >_> And Rita doesn't really even have a counterpart.
  11. Normally, I would agree. But this is a good idea! :D You'd just have to import the Ewan animations, and the Mage Knight animations.
  12. Oh, don't worry. I just got a free spot opening up. But, Bizz totally should have kept the binder. I mean, free binder!
  13. Do you guys have Farina's spot open? D: I had an idea.
  14. Well the hack does sound cool >_>
  15. I'm in spanish 2 a year early. I like spanish. >_> I'm taking Spanish 3 next year, and it would put me in AP Spanish senior year if I take it all four years. And I'm taking French. Double languages. Wooh!
  16. You make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Tables must be the assassin! Trying to give us strategy, helping us. He's totally gonna murder us all. Er, one of us that is.
  17. It only went badly because people gave up and didn't expect things. I'm still shocked they'd expect me to put in an amnesiac, but not a vigil.
  18. Cause I mean, you and Weapons were gone forever, and you fake claimed Driver. And Lightning was like Sure!
  19. Psych That reminds me.....I should get working on our "plan" Tables.
  20. I feel funny. :D But it's all warm, and fuzzy, and I love you guys~ Really! D: Don't leave me! ;_; Who wants some french fires? Cause I gotta see some penguins! Like, right now!
  21. ] Iris isn't Brock. >_> Iris is the new Misty. Dento is the new Brock.
  22. Weeee~ Psych Yay. Something easy. >_> Drunkdrunkdrunkdrunk
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