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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Elements mean nothing. >_> Just some stuff for me to keep track of much much later.
  2. Eh. You get the point. So, now for criticism, opinions, and joining.
  3. >_> It works. Maps don't have to be super detailed. Besides, we're making up the world in the thing sort of. >_> In this, Earth = Dirt, Rocks, Sand Nature = Plants, Animals
  4. >_> Technicalities, technicalities. It's for a spirit. There's a spirit of nature, so thus, it's also an element. D:
  5. ~Countries~ Lyria: (Purple) Mainly a desert region, most people live on the coast, making a living either by fishing or farming the little arable land left. A few very small oasis settlements can be found further inland, but recently, Nomadic tribes had been hunting unsuspecting travelers in the areas. Denton: (Orange) The last remaining monarchy, lead by Queen Liza. Having no sons, her eldest daughter is set to marry next spring. Many who live here are merchants, artists, or farmers. The largest country and army, this country is neutral, mainly solving other's problems. Viole: (Green) The 4th largest country, this country is home to large swamps coving most of the lands. The southern part of the peninsula however, is largely inhabited by scholars and the large magic school, with many learning of the world's mysteries. Ruuton: (Red) Home to many tropical forests, the tropical nation is much like Lyria, home to fishers and pirates who patrol the island. Many animals are also found only here, such as rare Tuca-Tuca birds, and Giant Elekta Crabs. Many Sea Wyverns can also be found on the cliffs of the beaches. Buroron: (Cyan) Home to one of the few large forests, most towns are found on the tree tops, built specially with wooden houses and rope bridges. Large groups of wild pegasi roam free here, but the deep Monster Lake found in the center is said to be home to vicious Eel and Shark like monsters. Many people here are lumberjacks and wood cutters. Genta: (Yellow) A northern nation recently established in the last 60 years, it broke off of Denton after believing that the long line of matriarchs did not put enough weight in the male gender. All women are forbidden to walk this country unaccompanied without a man, and are also unable to own property or establishments. Shorrfan: (Gray) Separated from the main land, this country holds much weight in the dark artes and army training. Every citizen is expected to be able to defend in the event of attack, and some main landers have heard rumors that select cults have lately been worshipping demons. Porlanor: (Pink) The tall mountainous region to the north, Porlanor is home to many wyverns and bandits. Those who do live here in peace, typically live at the lower altitudes, minding their own business. Recently, a lone bandit has risen, and taken over leading a large army of brutes and cutthroats.
  6. Long ago, there was a great kingdom. Known across the land for it's large accomplishments in magic and the arts, this kingdom had long been in control of much of the land. This kingdom's several temples also held many priests and worshipers of the gods. These priests would pray, hoping to bless the lands with good fortune. Now, present day has seen many changes since this great kingdom. The start of what is known as the New Age was marked when a great flood destroyed much of the habitable land, even separating much of the old regions from the main land. As well, major weather changes occurred, leading to many large, hot deserts, and cold, icy mountains. Very few forests and swamps are left, but those that are, are quiet large. Since then, the old temples and gods have been forgotten, and many have sunk below the swirling sands and falling snows as well. And lately, many demons and troubles have befallen the new world. Civilians and priests alike have prayed, looking to the scripture for gods of old who had saved them before in times of trouble, but nothing has helped. However, one girl, an orphaned trainee-archaeologist has found an old relic, and hoping to set out on a journey across the world to find the ancient kingdom, she has searched for the different god's homes, knowing that they must be in challenging locations, she needs friends to be able to help her. Yes, this is an RP. Don't worry, stupidness is cut down. It doesn't have stats, since this RP is actually giered more towards cooperation and problem solving. Battles will not be the main focus, but yes, occasionally there will be some. All you need for sign ups is this: Name: Appearence: Age: Element: Fire, Ice, Water, Wind, Thunder, Earth, Light, Dark, Nature Class: Background: My character by the way: Name: Sara Appearence: Age: 22 Element: Ice Class: Dancer Background: Orphaned, Sara travelled the lands, searching for a purpose and her hopes of finding a great archaeological find. One day, she ended up in the alleys of Icathia, the capital of Viole. A few men attacked her, but a masked man saved her. Having saved her life, she had to thank him, but she ran after him, only to see him get on a boat and leave. She went back to the market place, and bought a strange relic from an old crow, but it seemed to have some connection to the mythical world. She made up her mind, and boarded a boat headed for who knows where, determined to find him, the meaning of the relic, and the lost world.
  7. Well it still would have been 4-4. And JB if he had voted himself, it would have been painfully obvious I was King.
  8. Don't worry, this one is shota too! Birds of a feather. It's either them, or angsters.
  9. Idiots. >_> I thought Tables was assassin for so obviously pushing me.
  10. ##Vote JB Just so I don't kill myself. >_>
  11. No Mankey/Nidoran from 22?
  12. I found the Barrier formula. But Pary still hasn't used it, since WE NEVER FIGHT MAGES. >_> (1/2*Mag +1 +1/2*Roll, Rounded down) You might want that.
  13. Oh. My. God. I think the Mountain Pass bull may have a way of revenge. Nice going Reika. >_> And her characters are the youngest now. Arrin is now not the youngest mage.
  14. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    ....Or if you had watched the anime. Seriously, I was like, what is Mike talking about?
  15. IIRC it was by chapters, and not by battles. For every chapter which we miss combat before level 2, we gained 5 exp.
  16. Pary: "I have a meeting with Lady Charlotte's prime advisor, I'm practically her right hand. Look, I'll show you." Pary brought the man up stairs, before walking over to Morgan. "This man seems to be content with throwing me in jail. You may want to explain the situation." ------------- Rita: Noticing the others heading to the same room, Rita tried to stand. Her vision blurred, and starting to sway, Rita balanced herself against a wall. She shuffled her feet slowly across the floor, before falling on Viveka, trying to get her footing. "Help...my head." Rita closed her eyes, starting to sink to the floor. ------------- Cess: "I'll go take a look around. I can't sleep." Standing, Cess took a quick walk around the camp, trying to get Rita to respond to his doll. "That's weird. There's no response. We're....along for tonight."
  17. He's at......Level 1, EXP 95. >_> But if I were you, I'd just wait a chapter, and you can join at level 2 and you get three more stat points. Pary can finally make a friend.
  18. Guys, how did you not see Bizz's mom was mafia? D: And nooooooo Gerik died! By death was in vain!
  19. Well, we all do except the assassin. >_>
  20. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    @Tables I know! Got to keep you guys on your feet. @JB Okay, so in K-ON!!, one of the band members is named Azu-nyan. Like a cat. And since Lightning and Mike's characters had an affinity for cats, if you named the right person, I would have told you one of their roles.
  21. Huh? I meant they follow Kiryn's silly idea of Mother Earth, and move around a lot. But otherwise...
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