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Everything posted by Psych

  1. So they're just nomads? It seems fine.
  2. I'm on the verge of how do you not realize this? >_>
  3. LUMI He can support my character. D:
  4. But she starts unpromoted as an "Archmage".
  5. But I want to write character, and I need info. >_>
  6. Just give me what chapter she comes in, her recruitment, and her supports and I can start writing character details. Can she promote to Valkryie? Cause the female sage sprite is weird. >_>
  7. Hey! She fits the "310 growths" and the Bases, plus 15, plus three per level. See, she's level 19 unpromoted.
  8. "Stats" I like. You might want Intellegence as well as Magic, just because you can have an idiot magic user. *coughHelioscough* But do have a nation that worships women, or at least places them higher! D: It sounds great for plot ideas, and just seems cool.
  9. So, I have her stats and growths, and she still fits the "Archsage" class by having all magics. But she's unpromoted, and on promo gains staves. [spoiler=Stats] ~Character~ Portrait: Name: Liona Class: Archmage Affinity: Thunder ~Stats~ Level: 19 HP: 16 + 13 Str: 1 + 16 Skl: 3 + 9 Spd: 2 + 14 Lck: 0 + 1 Def: 2 + 4 Res: 4 + 3 Con: 3 +5 Mov: 5 + 2 ~Growth~ HP: 45 Str: 55 Skl: 35 Spd: 55 Lck: 25 Def: 30 Res: 45 Weapon Levels: Dark A, Anima A, Light A Preferred Weapon: Fimbulvetr, Luna, Eclipse
  10. I'll just do stats, and stuff and worry about the important things later.
  11. She doesn't. >_> The caps are different too.
  12. You have Mages, Archsages, Shamans, Troubadours, and a Monk, but no "Clerics".
  13. .........You realize you have no clerics? And any class can be an "Archsage" if you just give them all the magics?
  14. .........WHere's the link? Your sig doesn't link to it. >_>
  15. Mage Knight and Pupil are totally different though. .......What do I need to do? D:>
  16. THEN WHAT? D:> Just....give me who she's replacing, and what they act like/class they are. I'll write up everything and do things. >_>
  17. The "Me wanting Female Mage Knight and maybe Pupil animation put it" is a go? Sweet.
  18. Dude, really? Let it go. >_> But this does seem cool, and I'd certain like to see how Kanami functions better as a GM then Snowy. I'd be in. Regardless of stats. I'd just think classes would be good to have, if only to help label things. I like labels.
  19. Really? Well I could use the female Sage, or Valkyie. It was just cooler and different. >_> Whatever. Could I have a list of the support options or who's slot she's taking so I can work out what her character is like?
  20. D:> But I'd have to make a whole new female Archsage animation. Wouldn't it be easier to just dump the Mage Knight animation, give it all weapons and just call it an Archsage?
  21. >_> You don't know what she is. In my hack, her mug is for the dancer. In this hack, the mug can be for a mage. It works!
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