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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    JB has been Modkilled! He was.....annoying me. >_> Send in your actions! D:< He's still playing >_>
  2. Incest: Fun for the whole family! Bizz~ I shall avenge her! ;_;
  3. HE HAS MARISA! D:< I'm guessing Furet is vigil...>_> Something like that. Maybe BG.
  4. Cess: As the woman stared deep into the crystal ball, Cess was laughing to himself. Can everyone really think she's real? Finally, she spoke. "You were destined to come to this shop!" Of course. With all the crowds around the shop anyone would come look. "A man of your wealth is looking for something important!" Because of my diamonds. As well as a generic response. "And you are missing someone! Someone dear to you!" And I'm holding Rita's bag. Of course I'd be traveling with someone. Cess pushed his chair out, almost knocking it over. "That's it. You owe these people a refund. It's people like you who give fortune tellers a bad name! You just stare at tiny details! And make huge generalizations about people! A true fortune teller wouldn't stoop to such low tricks."
  5. Nooo....he's speaking Polish. He's a Nazi. D:
  6. Sweet. So um.....the questions I asked about my characters? >_> And their relations, and all that stuff? And might I ask when you are going to start this? Or show us your character?
  7. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    And the o >_> Anyway, Uhai is back.
  8. Minor blooded people are also good. >_> Holsety gives the speed growth I though. >_> And the weapons cost fortunes to repair. So....
  9. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    Si. And besides, it's Night 2. >_> Actions again please!
  10. And Lumi can attest to Lachke, but she gives her the cheap Major Odo. >_> And also, *coughBlaggicough* Not all are great. Plus your class needed to be able to use the weapon. So like, you can't have a thief blasting things with FalaFlame.
  11. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    Okie dokie. You decided to kill Raymond, the Controller. Some girl stopped cutting the wall on the roof. >_> It is now Night 2. Quickest. Day Phase. Ever.
  12. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    YES SIR. ELIMINATE THE NON BELIEVERS! ALL THE TOWN HAS DIED. RAYMOND WINS! .......wait a sec, you can only Geass someone once. Nevermind
  13. It is certainly a difference, but it shouldn't be game breaking. >_> Most of the time..... Also, I think Fala had red hai, Holsety green, Blaggi was blonde/brownish. And Hezul was blonde too. @Astra I didn't give personality. :P But he certainly would be a bit tempered. I have a scene thought up that I could certainly prove a few things.
  14. In the games it was Physically impossible. I suppose they'd just have a higher proficiency in that weapons, much like the games. So, do you mean like cousins or something? Cause I said my characters had siblings, so I guess someone could be her long lost brother, but otherwise, I'd prefer if my characters weren't immediately related to someone. I know that say, Tiltyu, Tinny, Arthur, or Sety's kids would be related, but that would probably be quite distant.
  15. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    Heads up, regarding priorities, yes Ether. It would have gone through.
  16. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    Alrighty then. Once the Day phase is up, you'll all be getting your own info in a while. Just give me a sec. You all wake up, and head outside. Apparently, people aren't found of you stealing their 40 cakes. I Eat Tables has shown up dead, covered in frosting. Yum, frosting!~ Suddenly, memories come flooding back to all of you! "Hey! I knew the last customer! It was....." Raymond! Also, it appears as if Snike has returned! Only, now Uhai is missing! D:
  17. Wouldn't it make sense that none of our characters know each other yet? Unless of course something like mine in which they're engaged/coming together. Something like that? >_>
  18. Psych

    Mafia HQ

    Sign me up for a Highschool Mini Mafia.
  19. It was an edit. I had already started posting.
  20. Can I make a preemptive strike? Name: Mikeal Class: Sage Blood: Major Tordo Gender: Male Descendant: Ishtar Age: 23 Appearence: Short blonde hair, a crest on his hand from his blood, commonly wearing a yellow cape. Green eyes. Background: A Tordo descendant, his father is the current weilder of Thor Hammer. Set to inherit it after his father's death, his two sisters minor blood also places them in influential positions. He met his fiance, Emily, at a ball a few years ago, and since then he has been set with holding the court position every since his father fell ill 6 months back. Name: Emily Class: Mage Fighter Blood: Minor Holsety Descendant: Fee Gender: Female Age: 22 Appearance: Soft green eyes and blonde hair, she commonly wears a necklace from her late mother. Backstory: A young noble from Silesia. She was the daughter of a Throve Baron. Her brother ran away at a young age when she was just 4, she has always wanted to find him. Having schooled in the capital, she is very knowledgable for her age. When she first met Mikeal, she fell madly in love with him. Hoping that Mikeal would help find her brother, as well as her attraction to him, led her to accept his marrige proposal. Yeah, I made two. >_> But she only has minor Holsety so it should be fine. Well...I have the blood for later. Everything else should be fine.
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