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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    Astra has been kidnapped! He seems to have gone to the same place as Snike, but he can't communicate with you, except by PM! It looks like he'll return tomorrow. Yeah, so Astra is safe today? >_> Also, the people who've gone missing's votes don't count either. So, have fun.
  2. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    Did I mention? >_> Snike and Slayer are immune from being Lynched. Votes for them don't count. Expect that for all people who go missing.
  3. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    Whoops there Slayer. No more posting in the thread for you. SlayerX has been kidnapped! He seems to have gone to the same place as Snike, but he can't communicate with you, except by PM! It looks like he'll return tomorrow.
  4. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    Arion? >_> I did not kidnap Bizz's daughter! You're nailing it too by the way Slayer.
  5. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    Again, And almost all of Bizz's post have the tilde~ Maybe I should also limit her to no <3's....>_>
  6. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    Well played Lightning. Well played. >_>
  7. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    I like this plan already. And Weapons found a loophole. >_> Dammmit.
  8. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    So, I feeling like stirring things up. No saying Rule 8, was awesome. Limitations! Tables: All posts must be in this color Hemlock: Must say the first rule of Fight Club in each post Lightning: Can'tspacehissentances Slayer: Like, totally has to speak like an uggo valley girl! No way! Raymond: HAS TO BE IN ALL CAPS Darros: Has to type with a british accent old chap Weapons: Has to sing the Pokemon theme song in his posts Ether: Has to use at least 4 smilies in his posts Levity: Can't use the tilde~ JB: Mst nt spk wth vwls. Snike: Not here, but will have to end all his sentences in roger, roger. Mike: All posts must include the word Indubitably Astra: Has to have all his text to the right Failures result in a kidnap like Snike!
  9. Pary: Pary walked over towards Ixion and Stephenie. "Why hello there sister. Do you happen to know Lev? You seemed to be talking to him. I was wondering if I could help you."
  10. Rita and Cess: Downtrodden, Rita closed the door, her depression obvious on her face. She walked down the hall, quickly bathed and changed, and headed outside. Walking past her door, she saw Cess, fully dressed and holding his head. "Something wrong?" "No...just a headache. And I didn't drink last night. Eh." The two of them walked outside, past the others standing there. Rita noticed some woman in a red cloak. "I really like that cloak. See if they have one in a shop around here. I'll try and find you for lunch or something." Rita split off down an alley, towards a large open field. She unsheathed her sword, and starting thinking about what to do. ------------ Pary: Having followed the nomad and fire mage out here, he stared at the scene. "Um.....I'll go see if Lev could use a hand." I though she was dead.
  11. ##Vote Bal ....What are you talking about Obviam? >_>
  12. Psych

    The Resistance

    I have to kill Arion. He has figured out my plan. >_>
  13. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    8 votes on Ether. If majority holds till 6 EST, I'll end the Day early.
  14. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    It is now Day 1! You all notice Snike is missing. But you don't think he's dead. He'll return.....maybe.
  15. Rita: "Whoops! Sorry." Rita slowly backed out of the room, before heading deeper into the castle. As she entered the other bath rooms, this time she saw Viveka staring straight at her. "Oh there you two are. I keep getting lost."
  16. Rita and Cess: "Whoops. Wrong room. I forgot we were down a door." Rita walked to the next door and pulled it open. Tossing Cess on the bed, she left him to sleep a little longer. She took her bag and her clothes from last night before folding them up. She took a new tunic, and headed towards the showers, noticing Viveka and Jasmine already soaking. "S'cuse me."
  17. Wrong! We killed Turner. Tana is still alive.
  18. Rita and Cess: Rita noticed her shoe was untied, so she quickly bent over and tied it. Behind her, Cess was laying on the floor. "Come on silly. Get up. *yawn*" She lifted him over her shoulders and carried him to their room.
  19. Rita and Cess: "Mr. Nomad must not be a *yawn* morning person." Rita rubbed her eyes, before taking the juice from Cess. She took a sip before heading towards the baths. "Time to practice." "I'm going to go shopping. Meet me in town later. I'll watch you train with Eric or Esphyr or someone."
  20. Psych

    The Resistance

    Ishtar go! Yurius killed by his own father? But he took me'. ;_;
  21. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    Weapons! I am disappoint!
  22. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    Probably. Most everything is from some obscure anime I watch. Also, we just need a few more orders. Day 1 might be able to start by tonight.
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