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Everything posted by Psych

  1. @Astra We could vote? But NannaxLeaf, LeenxAless, and (I thought) ArthurxFee were at least cannon.
  2. I also like this idea. It's just some qualms about the timing maybe being a bit too far. I'd have prefered to maybe at least have some of the characters still alive, or children of them, but.... I don't know. I'm still interested. I claim Freege! D:
  3. ##Vote Pride um....not too sure about this. >_> But I'd rather just get something done.
  4. ......like.....12? So no one would be around. >_> Ever.
  5. A better idea, no offense, would probably be only like 50 years after. Something involving Celice's reign? Or the Dark Select.
  6. Would it have been smarter to hook Lightning and kill me? I can let the doc heal two people, the cop search two people, and anyone do two somethings. I'm probably more important that I die sooner.
  7. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    Soon as he shows up though, it's gonna move to Day phase.
  8. The reason Fayt didn't die last night was cause of me. >_> I helped Lightning out by dancing for him, letting him save two people. He saved me and Fayt. And we still have the mysterious doc around here somewhere.
  9. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    So, someone still has to give an action. And 12 hours are left.....Weapons~ >_>
  10. More of, we have no idea what to do next, and everyone's trying to tell everyone what to do with their own agenda. I mean, did anyone remember the HM has a Water Tome? >_>
  11. Pary: "I'm willing to find the tome. But Kailleen is someone I'd prefer not to find. Goddess knows if she'll just try to recruit us into her religion. Make us start worshipping the moon. Although, Charlotte or I could probably use the Warp staff. Tessa?" ------------- Rita: Standing, Rita starting to practice. Slashing the air, she preformed her basic training techniques a few times. She looked around. "Hmm....no waterfalls to stand under around here." She was drenched in sweat, but noticed a large tree in the distance. At least a good 30 feet tall. She walked over and started climbing. (((I'll finish Cess later. >_> I have to go and don't want to rush)))
  12. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    I meant final as in, you can't change once you send them. Just...Weapons and Lightning. >_> So, you're gonna have to wait till 4 when I get back unless you want me to skip them. Technically, there's still time due to the rules.
  13. She kills stuff and got Midnight back. She's totally helpful. In fact, she's the only one to get a CW back, since Miranda gave it to us.
  14. Lightning can't heal anymore. That was the original plan though. Hmm. Alright. Doc on me, Me on Fayt. Rest of you....don't bother us.
  15. Idea: We get Ivanko and HM, and have them do everything. I mean, why is HM with us again? >_>
  16. So, should the doc protect me? Or Fayt? Cause I'd say I'm more useful to keep around, only because I can help everyone, and Ether/Something/Night phases might get us evidence, rather than using the cop.
  17. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    Oh, night actions are final.
  18. Still, Conrad and Arrin have semi reasons, if only for CW's. Viveka, Tessa, all of my characters, Snike's, Charlotte, and Alf basically have no reason. But we need the numbers. >_>
  19. You're all wasting like half your actions, protecting mafia, who would have died anyway, and getting useless info. It's hilarious. XD
  20. Pary: "I'm willing to believe that, but how would she be back? If she was obviously dead....And what is with that Dark Druid still following us? He was at the ball. Does he work with Lev or whatever you call it? What are his motives? If he can raise the dead...." I wonder if that can be imbued onto a staff. ---------- Cess: Cess sat at the table. A fake fortune teller was just a scam for civilians. "Give me a try." He plopped the bag of diamonds down, some spilling onto the table. "Oh, a big spender! You certainly have a vast fortune." Cess smirked. "Just get on with it."
  21. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    ~ ~ Just like....4 more actions left. If you guys can get it during the night, I can go ahead and post before I leave for school so you all can chat and stuff.
  22. Yes, true. But this time, you all caused it yourself! Mafia's gonna have a heart-attack, and Town's gonna regret it.
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