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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    No parties! Orders! Oh, and Mike has replaced Kai.
  2. Rita and Cess: "Zzzzz. Mr. Nomad! Where are you! I had the worst nightmare that you were a woman! I guess I drank too much." Rita rolled off the table and fell asleep in Iso's lap. Cess walked back over and began sipping his juice.
  3. Anything I need to do? >_> PSSSST! MIKE! I NEED YOU FOR A SUB!
  4. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    Talking.....sure. Just no dead people talking. Si, por el segundo. And you need to give me your orders.
  5. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    This thread will do fine. Please send in your orders Uhai. Hopefully the phase will end soon.
  6. Ether, whatever you do, do not aim for me, Lightning, or Fayt. If my plan works, us three should make it to the morning. Kill Mike Aim for....Draco. ##Unvote Lux ##Vote Iced
  7. Psych

    The Resistance

    ##Vote Yes Let's get this over with and shift focus to my game!
  8. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    THE GAME IS AFOOT! AND ALSO A HAND! NIGHT 0! BEGIN! *No killing. All other powers with your role may be activated.
  9. Psych

    The Resistance

    I also realized that due to the fact I'm clear, Bal probably is too. If he had sabotaged the first mission, I doubt anyone would have wasted a second thinking I was a Spy. That would have been perfect cover for them.
  10. I thought we had the plan. >_> I've danced for Lightning so he can save me and Fayt. Doc saves Lightning. That should keep at least 3 people around for tomorrow and give us another clear or guilty from Fayt. Provided Ether does as he's told.
  11. I just noticed he has one red eye and one blue eye. >_>
  12. Pary: "You know, that's probably not tea. Tea is not nearly that disgusting." Pary walked up behind Kelas and Iso, before taking a seat and some toast. He had already bathed and been into town, before coming back. "It's amazing how many people are sick from last night." ------------------------- Cess and Rita: Rita woke slowly, the sun flowing in from the large Victorian windows. "Owwww. Too bright." Turning over, she just fell off of the lounge, and knocked Cess off. "Zzzzzz. Ow! Hey-what's going on? Rita?" "I think we fell asleep. We're still wearing our ball clothes." Stifling a yawn, they began to walk towards the door. "That chair was surprisingly comfy though. Anyway, let's go find the others. Over there I think." Rita went over to Kelas and Iso, taking a seat between them, and laying her head on the tables. Cess got two cups of juice for them.
  13. Cape = Myrm Big Sword = Merc Maybe he's just compensating.
  14. Another catch a predator reference? >_> That makes 2.
  15. I claimed to both Tables and Astra. You should have it on the sheet, and can just cross reference with Astra.
  16. Psych

    The Resistance

    We just have to decide between Hemlock, Furet, Proto, Lightning, or Bal. We only need two people.
  17. Psych

    The Resistance

    I want Lightning in this. And I'd prefer not taking Proto, so it's down to Bal and Furet for me. Bal seems to be more mafia-esqu lately.
  18. Psych

    The Resistance

    So..... JB25, Psych, Uhai and Weapons I say exact same as last time, add Lightning and Furet.
  19. Psych

    The Resistance

    I can start now! Lightning! JB! Uhai! Hemlock! Weapons! We're out of here!
  20. Psych

    The Resistance

    ##Vote Approve Fine. Partially cause I want this over so I can start, and partially cause LIghtning is probably gonna send himself, and I doubt him more then Uhai.
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