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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Psych

    OTP HnH

    Tangerine X Red Fox of Fire 124 Nightmare x Narga 37 Proto x Rhythm 16 Pahn x Karina 52 Integrity x Kiryn 14 Oh hey Ether, go join the channel.
  2. Psych

    Mafia HQ

    Remove those bolded games for me. I say 1 per each queue. And I'm gonna keep the Lovey thing in since...well, Tables knows.
  3. Yeah, Lightning. >_> I quit too.
  4. Psych

    Mafia HQ

    Mine have been planned for a while, but I foresee one or two small issues. If we need someone to approve our games, how would we do so without giving things away if all the "approved mods" are in the game?
  5. Priests have 6 skill instead of 4, 6 resistance instead of 4, 4 speed, and 3 HP. I thought of making them stronger or faster to make up for the lack of staves, but less bulky so Priests are entirely obsolete.
  6. Current Priest Caps HP 3 MAG 4 SKL 6 SPD 4 DEF 2 RES 6 Proposed Light Mage Caps HP 4 MAG 5 SKL 4 SPD 5 DEF 2 RES 4 *sigh* Can we just vote on these?
  7. Can this start soon? >_> God this is going to be boring. But then again, Lightning is the host. He's boring, and I'm insane. And he still lost in my game. For not thinking ahead.
  8. Well, I don't think we can just copy the Thunder Mage caps and call it a day. >_> I came up with some, but....
  9. Ah, I said. Can't Carry Story/Not 3 Dimensional Not Villain Love Interest Get Together Not Only Interested Committed Relationship Supports Decisions Passive Oppressed Housewife Huh
  10. ....I got Oppressed Housewife. Did I do something wrong? >_>
  11. >_> Um...explain how the sign ups say I am playing? And no....it's something else. ;D
  12. Oh hey Lightning....I have some bad news. D:
  13. Rita: "I'd love to chat, but I have to go bring Cess some water. I'll see you all later. Toodles~" Rita bounded off towards Cess, handing him the canteen. He sat up to drank from it, trying not to put any weight on his left arm.
  14. Rita: Rita took the canteen in her hands, walking past Kelas and Altion. "Hey Mr. Nomad. Artisan man."
  15. Rita and Cess: "*sniff* Just wait here. I'll get you some water." "Alright. I'll try not to move much." Rita walked over towards some of the things, passing by Kelas and Altion. She quickly grabbed a canteen. -------------- Pary: "I suppose so. But Isotov said he's dealt with Ixion his whole life and he's just as.....uncouth I suppose. Here," Pary handed her another cup of tea. "Relax, I'll go try and find something for a head ache. You haven't really sat down in a while."
  16. Pary: "Well, do we know if he is our ally? He only helped us with warping, and even Stephenie did it. Though Irina and her uncle may have told him to help us. I'm not sure Morgan even trusts him. She's probably just using him, like he is with us. We should probably just settle our debts and let it be."
  17. Pary: "Is everything okay? You seem distracted." ------------ Cess and Rita: As Rita kneeled over Cess, she looked at him carefully. "Wake up. Just wake up." Cess was having trouble moving his arm, before slowly opening his eyes to the bright light. "Owww....Ri-rita?" He tried moving his left hand. "Ow...I think something's wrong." "Well at least you're okay. I should have gone instead. It was too dangerous." "Which is why I went instead of you."
  18. Pary: Pary had started a small fire, before boiling some water for tea. He started making some bread, before steeping the leaves in the water, and setting some cups out. He carried over the cups to Viveka, as well as some of the bread with honey on it, before sipping for himself. "Would you like some tea?" He handed the bread to Jasmine. "Here you go. THere's more left if you want. And I think Lev is free now if you want to go talk to him."
  19. I thought Weapons was guiltier anyway. Save yourself! Vote with me! D:
  20. >_> Spanish 2 here. Freshman taking a sophomore class. >_>
  21. Psych

    OTP HnH

    Hey! Hey Lightning! Hey! Fuck you! THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR HURTING ME AND ASTRA!
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