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Everything posted by Psych

  1. I don't think he's playing. >_> Just modding.
  2. If you're going to make two games if they get enough, then move me to sign ups.
  3. So...this is like War? I'm good at that.... Um...for now put me in the sub list.
  4. Pary: After all of the commotion in the yard, Pary was having a hard time trying to fall asleep. He heard that bandit yelling. About stupid demons too. He got up, passing them and heading outside, before stopping to say something. "Save a life? You saw what those demons did. You'll get us all killed. And I'm not cleaning up your messes. I wonder how Aiya would feel about this plan. Let me go ask her. And where is Morgan? She'll want to find a suitable replacement before Reika passes away." Pary continued out the archway, headed for market.
  5. Psych

    Mafia HQ

    Can I send my thing for Vesperia mafia to Fayt? It may be hard to get 25, so I'm going to have to keep Tables and Life open just in case.
  6. Rita: "Very good! But, a true sword fighter wouldn't be so careless." Rita took her arm, swinging Kelas onto the ground, knocking her on her back. "You have good basics, but close combat flips and other moves of the sort are still alluding you."
  7. Rita: "You just need a viable threat. The adrenaline will fuel your skills!" Rita ran up, slashing at Kelas' quiver, dropping it to the ground.
  8. Rita: "Which is why I must train you!" Rita ran up to her, grabbing Kelas' hand. "I've always wanted a pupil! And Derek is never around, Aiya is busy, Eric is rude, and Esphyr is boring and lazy! You are the one I need!" Rita backflipped to her stance, staring at Kelas. "Now, hold your sword like mine, then come at me, with a quick slash."
  9. Rita: "You're just worried a man like you would be beaten by a woman." Rita pouted, turning away from Kelas.
  10. Rita: "Well, then you must attack me! En garde!" Rita backflipped into a defensive stance, watching Kelas closely.
  11. Rita and Cess: "Why, that you can wield a sword of course! And that means.....we must duel! I must fight every sword wielder alive, of course. En garde!" Rita drew her blade, holding it at Kelas. "I'll be over here, not getting blood on me." Cess walked over and sat on a bench.
  12. Rita and Cess: Cess wrapped his arm in his cape as a make shift sling, before walking with Rita down the hall. He was having trouble moving his arm, but it wasn't extremely painful. The warp was a bit disorienting, and both of them were feeling a bit dizzy. Rita tripped, before picking herself up and running over to Kelas. "So! I have discovered your secret Kelas!" "*Sigh*" ------------------- Pary: Pary took his leave of Viveka, before wondering down the hall, and outside to the courtyard, where he sat under the tree and laid down for a nap.
  13. I'll help by thinking up some idea for dungeons or items or whatever, but one thing I can not stress enough.... NO JABU-JABU WATER LEVER DUNGEONS PLEASE. Dear god...
  14. Oh well. I'll just give him an Iron Axe. No one can take it in 2nd Gen anyway. Though that just takes up a spot for another weapon. Why is it that when Ethlin gives Cuan the Gae-Bolg that he recieves Fala Flame, like how I wanted then?
  15. At least it was completed without screw ups.
  16. I really don't want to gloat...... Oh hell, I do, but I'll be cordial to Lightning in this case.
  17. Psych


    >_> Was this because of your role as Nurse in my game?
  18. So, I have a little project I'm working on, and some things like custom classes and animations I got, I just figured out though map sprites and class names are holding me up, though I think I understand map sprites. Anyway, to the point. I'm making Lex a Priest, and if I use the player weapon editor to turn an Iron Axe to a Warp staff and give it to Lex, why isn't it giving Lex a Yotsmungand (What I replaced the Hero Axe with)?
  19. Psych

    Mafia HQ

    Cut my mafia, but keep the TOV one. It should be up soon-ish, since apparently I just have to wait. I started writing PMs last week. Move the Lovey-Dovey one down to the bottom of everyone. That can hold out since I still have that in the planning stage, but it has a good 3-4 months.
  20. That sounds really cool, and I loved the games, so if there was anything like them I would love them. But on that note, I feel to remain some integrity to the other two, the menus, the essences, and other things should at least stay so it feels like a third game. The Lens of Truth sounds like a good idea, but the transformation masks only really sound good for Majora's, since that whole story was about masks. I remember something somewhere, where the maps flipped between day and night with something, so puzzles changed that way, but I can't remember. I know it was just an April Fool's day joke, but it seemed quite interesting with that. It would probably be hacked off of Ages, since the two distinct worlds makes more sense, even though the Rod of Seasons would probably change time easier. Edit: Found it. Looks quite interesting too. Legend of Zelda, Oracle of Hours
  21. Psych

    Mafia HQ

    And I honestly only put in 3. I think Tables duplicated something. And I think Mini should be separated from the main list.
  22. He didn't look evil. It's like Lyon, then corrupted Lyon. D:
  23. Okay.....So I have some things to say. The main reason I disagree with Wind Mage caps, is now Monks hit everything. Light removing luck from the avoid means they can literally hit everything, since Thieves with capped speed and luck is only 6 avoid. Which Monks hit straight out. 2. Gaining staves on promo, means they are now clearly better than priests. That's why I suggest 4 str, 4 skl, 5 speed, and 4 resistance. They're more suited to combat, but their resistance makes them less bulkier as well, so Priests won't longer cease to exist. EDIT Okay, this. Monks = No nerf, no staves Priests = Nerf, staves Bishop = No nerf, staves Monks use...some caps somewhere. *cough* HP 4 MAG 5 SKL 4 SPD 5 DEF 2 RES 4
  24. He has to make Evil Yurius now.
  25. Psych

    Mafia HQ

    I cut some, and I'm fine with presenting things to people, one of which is being co-modded. I suppose I can just send things to Fayt when Tables and Life are off doing whatever or in my game. Though I only have to host one more.....and it's next, after Table's game/Bizz.
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