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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Do something with his head. It seems boring in comparison. Like....add a crown. Or a hat.
  2. Well that's good. Because I don't wear eyeliner, write crappy poetry, I'm Italian, and I can't play guitar for shit.
  3. So...I should dye my hair. Only Black instead of Blue. Y/N
  4. But, you get a super awesome Sword. And Astra sleeps with his half brother!
  5. AstraxLumi OTP It's like Sigurd and Diadora. D: Only, Lumi isn't going to leave you and sleep with her brother, and create something that could take over the world. And she's more Sigurd anyway. >_>
  6. Astra knows the name of his future wife? OH COME ON! WE KNOW IT"S GONNA HAPPEN!
  7. You sir, have my entire stance on the music industry. That is why I only listen to Alternative, Retro, and Obscure bands no one knows about. >_>
  8. Mar -> Ver Dew gets to Arena 3. >_> Slow forest movement. With Aideen at the back. Ayra mopping up things for exp. Recruit Jamka, Aideen warps him home. Oh, hey Diadora. Better than nothing. Probably giving her the Magic Ring, since Tiltyu, well. And Ethlin I doubt can kill the guy. Lex runs to get the Hero Axe, then gets Warped back. Ayra breaks the Iron Blade. >_> And we get out of the first part of the forest. Everyone follows the beach. Ayra tries to kill some stuff, but I forget to switch her to another weapon, so...broken sword isn't so effective. *Silence* *Murder* *Diadora misses the boss* >_> Sigurd hurts him, and Diadora nabs the ring. Aideen and Ethlin warp everyone home for some exp, and seize. 48 turns Character LVL HP STR MAG SKL SP LCK DEF RES Sigurd 15 46 18 0 15 19 10 13 3 Speed!Ring Cuan 14 45 22 0 15 19 10 16 3 Ethlin 11 33 8 10 15 14 10 5 8 Aideen 9 34 2 14 9 12 15 3 11 Ayra 12 38 13 1 26 19 3 8 1 Skill!Ring Diadora 5 28 0 20 11 12 6 3 17 Magic!Ring Sigurd rapes. Cuan rapes the bodies Sigurd leaves behind, if there is a body. Ethlin...finally has a chance at combat next chapter. Aideen's doing fine. Ayra could have better defense. Diadora has the durability of wet paper. >_>
  9. Evans -> Gen Pre-Battle~ Sigurd and Cuan clear. Ethlin gets to the Wind Mage, and I'm happy with that, since I expected less. Cuan gets and iron Lance. Ethlin gets Noish's Steel Sword. Sigurd gets and Iron Sword and a Javelin, even though I probably just need the Silver, Range would be nice. Repairs~ Lex moves out, staying in the corner behind the others, so he can get the Hero Axe. Fin talks with Cuan, and moves back to the castle, since I'm still skeptical about Nanna's ability to Defend Lenster in Chapter 7 all by herself. Fin's gonna try to clear arenas and not steal exp. Fail safe is Nanna using the Wind Sword, and plan B is her using the Return ring, letting Fin die and Leaf run towards some safe point. Aideen and Dew~ Dew saves the Village while Aideen runs, and gives her his money. She'll need it, with all the staves she has to buy and pass down. >_> Dew takes some hits on the Enemy phase. Oh well. More money for Aideen. And some exp too. Kinbois runs to get more exp reinforcements, but I figure I ought to kill him, since grabbing Ayra, fighting reinforcements, and the group Dew brought with him might be tough with just 3 people and Aideen. Sigurd grabs the village. Cuan moves to bait Ayra. Ethlin and Aideen start healing. Ethlin grabs the Return staff. Lex gets some enemy phases. >_> Grr. Gen -> Mar Dew grabs more money. The guy Eltoshan kills shows up. Ayra is one square away from being recruited. Double Grr. Elto rapes. Ayra buys stuff and clears the Arena. Dew runs to meet his future wife. Aideen takes some hits and Ethlin fixes her up. I lose that South-West Village. >_> Cuan and Ayra speak, Aideen gets Warp. Ayra tries to kill the majority of the castle guard. She nabs the boss kill so she doesn't have to buy the Skill Ring.
  10. I said I was doing this. >_> [spoiler=~Pairings~]Aideen x Claude Briggid x Holyn Ayra x Dew Lachesis x Azel Sylvia x Lex Tiltyu x Levin Fury x Noish Chal -> Jung Sigurd! Go solo until Ethlin gets here! The three castle guards go to sell their stuff, and Lex and Azel save a village so a bandit doesn't get it, but Lex attacks on the counter. :/ Lex keeps his axe, since Lachesis with a Hero Axe is very lulz. Ethlin and Cuan arrive! Oh yeah, Cuan gets to kill stuff, only cause I doubt Ethlin and Sigurd can clear until I get Ayra, and plus he's the direct contributor for Altenna. Same is gonna happen with Holyn!Patty. Fin goes to sell stuff. What...Cuan, Sigurd and Ethlin are too far to guard the castle, so Lex has to get a kill. >_> Whatevs. And Sigurd gets the Speed Ring for now. And I fail at getting that North-West Village too. I hate that North West Village. Oh god! Swarm of bandits! Ethlin, heal us! D: She gets like, 2 shotted by them anyway. >_> Jung -> Evans Midir looks like a girl. Midir runs home to sell things. Even though I will have no girls that use bows except Lachesis and Briggid. >_> And I can't pass them down either. Oh hey, Alvis, go cut down that swarm. Ethlin can heal us. And even there..... Seriously, I mean, I've played FE4 before. I know the insane HP. But without like, Cuan and Sigurd weakening stuff, she can't kill anything. And Sigurd just kills things. He doesn't know the meaning of weaken. What! No! Alvis! Ethlin was gonna kill that archer. >_> Oh well. We grab the sword of manly manliness and make our way to Evans. Good thing too. Steel sword had 8 more uses. And Ethlin can't get the boss kill. >_> Oh well, more healing. 34 turns. Shut up. You know I use Meg. You know I don't go for turn counts. >_> Character LVL HP STR MAG SKL SP LCK DEF RES LOVE Sigurd 11 41 17 0 14 18 8 11 3 >_> Speed!Ring Cuan 8 38 18 0 13 12 6 13 3 Ethlin Ethlin 5 30 6 8 13 13 9 4 7 Cuan
  11. ...I am forgetting that. >_> But, with Patty, Lakche, Tinny, and Altenna, and Leen dancing, I'll still kill him. It might just take a while. I always train the Lord even during Female runs. >_>
  12. Or, you know. Tornado!Tinny, or Brave Sword!Patty or, Hero Lance!Critical!Fee. Patty has a chance to promote with Holyn. And I'm giving her the Prayer Sword, and Elite Ring. And a Power Ring. >_> She'll be awesome. Pursuit on Promo, Luna.... Lex!Leen = Elite Dancer with Prayer and sometimes Ambush. Elite!
  13. But then Sylvia has to take Claude, and screw up Leen, and Aideen and Rana. >__> Dew!Lakche and a good team can over come God!Lakche. Plus! Patty!Holyn and Brave Sword.
  14. Midir - 22 Selphina - 69 Neimi - 37 Astrid - 74
  15. But the whole point of Female only is no Shannan! D: So.... Aideen x Claude Lachesis x Azel Sylvia x Lex Briggid x Holyn Tiltyu x Levin Fury x Noish Ayra x Dew
  16. Actually, Screw the Balmung. >_> Holyn can go with Briggid now and boost up Patty, and Dew can take his spot with Ayra. Though this does make Ishtar a bit harder..... Yuria can still Narga bomb Yurius, so I'm good there.
  17. Yeah, but subs would still give me Shannan, Hannibal, Aless, Oifey, and other decent people. I only get the daughters, mothers, Sigurd, Celice, and Beowulf and Caun since they are the ones that pass things to daughters. Also I miss out on Ichival and Holsety. Oh...shit. I just realized I have to move things around. >_> Stupid forcing Claude to be paired with Fury or Sylvia so Lackhe can get Balmung
  18. ....Okay, so purely for Nanna and Rana... Do I go AideenxClaude and LachesisxAzel, giving Rana A rank staves before promo and Rescue and Nanna a higher magic growth... Or do I go AideenxAzel and LachesisxClaude, giving Rana higher magic and Nanna B rank staves so she can actually use them. >_> Don't worry about skills. The one not with Azel gets the Pursuit Ring, and Pfft Charisma. Other pairings include: AyraxHolyn LevinxTiltyu FuryxNoish BeowulfxBriggid SylviaxLex Female only playthrough~ Woooo
  19. http://www.politicalcompass.org/printablegraph?ec=-5.00&soc=-1.38 ....So, yeah.
  20. .....Well, we can see where your resources went. >_> SKA AND LACKHE CAN MAGIC SWORD SHIT
  21. But, but....Then Patty kinda sucks. >_> She'd like B rank swords and better growths before promo. >_> You could pair Ayra with anyone, it won't matter. She's just there so someone doesn't die childless.
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