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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Shinon is only mediocre in 9. In 10 he's arguably the best archer.
  2. Her crotch guard protected her.
  3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beard_(companion) You know Furet...you and Lumi...
  4. Lumi! I just realized something! If you give what's his face a beard, that'd open up a whole new section of jokes we can make
  5. ...is it the tears of orphans? Cause that shit gets expensive after awhile.
  6. ...kinky. A manly beard seems to befit him quiet nicely. Don't make it pink or something though.
  7. ....Does Lumi have a secret giant emerald powering the base?
  8. MMMM, dough and noodles. You hang onto this one Lumi.
  9. It was so weird to see these posts back to back.
  10. Is it bad if I realize Lumi is the seme in her an Furet's OTP?
  11. NO! NO! YOU CAN ALL SHUT UP! I WIN! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mfyCI82lWM
  12. ...What. I have to have more than that.
  13. I wonder how many posts I have...
  14. I meant writing it. I sounds like I want to murder puppies. Oh wait! They'll do it themselves.
  15. Ugh. I hate this paper. It's due Monday and I have no idea how to even start it. It's hard to be peppy and semi-cheery. Especially when the topic is suicide and depression. Hey, Lumi! Did you know someone commits suicide everyone 100 minutes? I do.
  16. Theme or battle theme cause they're both quiet awesome.
  17. Psych

    Mafia HQ 2.0

    It sounds....very confusing. But it probably would be more action packed and things like you mentioned.
  18. He can also grab Cath's Chapter 6 Lockpick should the need be.
  19. Psych

    L4D2 Mafia

    Since the only one currently going on is Abyss, and they're both on different places, this one will probably start around when it ends or is close to wrapping up. I should probably put this in the sign up, but it's actually Zombies vs Survivors with the survivors as the mafia.
  20. ...That...that was kinda mean. ;_; I thought Bizz was leaving forever. ;_;
  21. Psych

    L4D2 Mafia

    *Warning, spoilers for The Sacrifice campaign may be present* "Bill? Bill! Francis, we have to go back!" "Zoey, you know as well as I do there's nothing we can do. We have to take the boat and leave. Louis is hurt." "How can you say that! We have to do something!" The three survivors crowd around the top of the bridge. A car drives up to them. Some people get out, yelling at them. "Excuse me? Can you lower the bridge?" "I, I'm sorry. We lost someone...and had some trouble getting it up. You're gonna have to get around another way." "Come on sweetie, lower it for us?" "Go to hell Colonel Sanders! Fine, we'll help. If you get rid of all those stinking zombies for us. We want revenge!" I suck at flavour. [spoiler=Rules]1. It will be an NOC game. 2. Day phases will be 48 hours, while Night phases will be 60 hours. 3. "Normal" gameplay. "Day" phases are lynchings. "Night" phases are actions. Flavour-wise however, nights will be called days, and days will be called nights. 4. Vote using the usual ## (double pound) method. 5. Since this will be held on another thread, you will not need to edit posts. Please try to abstain, but I'll be lenient here. 6. Dead players may give one final post as a big F U, then unless other circumstances happen, they will be gone for the rest of the game. While knowledge of the game is not needed at all, knowing some things may help with understanding why some infected have the powers they have, and other knowledge of items such as Pills or Molotovs. [spoiler=~Sign Ups~]1. WeaponsofMassConstruction 2. Radiant Dragon 3. Mikethefc 4. Eclipse 5. Kevin 6. Kaoz 7. BK 8. Flint Echo 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.
  22. You know, this just seems like you want people to want people to claim to them, making them targets for you. >_>
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