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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Cookies or frosting? It's up to you.
  2. In that case put 0 just in case.
  3. I also need Amalda so I can't really do that. >_> Technically, I suppose you could. I'm leaving those that aren't drafted behind, I know that. Is that 14x before or after the 20 turn buffer/penalties?
  4. Why does ERL's avatar make me think LightningxERL OTP?
  5. Someone wanna sprite me? >_> Seph gogogo
  6. God damn. I mean, I had a chance of second, but then...>_> Tina and Safy ugh.... And he stole Salem too. 3rd's okay right? If Iris ever posts here.
  7. Whatwhatwhat. Since when can we talk about me when I'm not here? >_>
  8. I love how Lumi gets top billing in the OTP.
  9. That still isn't more than 3-4 penalties per map. Some of them would be able to keep your turns down by enough to make it look good.
  10. Also, 5 turns for a Holy Weapon user doesn't seem like enough. I could give Arthur Holsety and the Leg Ring, solo chapter 7 almost, and only take like...15 turns.
  11. I would add Oifey to the list of free people. Just in case. But otherwise it seems like a good idea.
  12. Cause Olwen is better man! D;

  13. That's why New Mystery would be more fair. They just give a few points. And you'd get Marth and MU to help for free, so less chance of sucking as well as reclassing. Reverse Lunatic anyone? Gaiden can be Alm soloed basically so you don't really need much but him, Celica, Norma, and the Jaigen dude.
  14. Since I only have a few chapters left in my draft run of Thracia... Is anyone sadistic enough to draft Gaiden with me? I'd do 3, but I'd rather wait for New Mystery since my computer sucks when it comes to DS emulators, and 3 is just...
  15. He quoted Marcia and Zihark. Mia isn't in this at all. I don't see her relevance.
  16. Man, I love using Marcia without having her....
  17. I'd be willing to argue something. Any game but PoR or RD though...
  18. Watch this. It's scary as shit, but she's british. So it's funny. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhfTnxG7lLY
  19. You know who does have Eda Soul? I should go do 13...BUT PENUMBRA!
  20. 8D What is your total Soul? Now that I dropped those 11 turns I forgot to do, I really actually am doing pretty good. I'm on 13 now. But Selphina having to get Tania's bow....>_>
  21. Penalties. And Lots of them. Have Karin/Dean/Eda ferry him?
  22. Life, you take the "the" out of psychotherapist.
  23. .....>_> *Stabs Kai in the eyes*
  24. 12's villages are from the 11x children. The village Mareeta comes out of gives you a Magic Ring if Olwen visits. I got the Heim Scroll fine though. @Soul I'm pretty sure all green units can attack you, it's just till that chapter, the only ones you see are unarmed civilians who's AI say escape.
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