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Posts posted by Psych

  1. If you want an Oracle game I'd honestly just get both. They're really good and my favorite of the series. Otherwise if you really only get one, I'd get Ages. There's something about it that feels deeper. Seasons is very similar to the original Legend of Zelda in terms of overworld.

    You also miss out on their main gimmick of the passwords and the connecting games if you only get one. You can play them in either order but I'd probably recommend Ages -> Seasons because you get some closure on a side story that while minor is pretty nice.

  2. If the castle is green and gets captured (Manster, Nodion, Lenster, Isaac or that other one) the green units just disappear and it becomes enemy controlled. You can reseize it but I don't think it affects anything except the amount of money your units receive between chapters because you seized one more castle.

    Not sure about Hannibal's.

  3. You got a RL chuckle out of me. Thanks for making my day~!

    I assume that there's other meaningful interactions that happen off-screen (COUGHLACHESISANDDEWCOUGH), but the point of the story isn't how Sigurd and Deidre got married. Thus, even if I don't like how awkwardly rushed it feels, I can see why it was handled that way.

    Well there's actually passage of time between chapters. I think it's like 2 years between 2 and 3 and 1 year between 1 and 2 and then maybe a year between 3 and 4?

    I'm not sure of the time passage in gen 2 though.

  4. Fair and I don't really like GoT that much but remember Nintendo did publish No more Heroes 1 & 2 and Bayonetta 2

    Bayonetta 2 was still rated M which Genealogy would have to be rated since I highly doubt it could get away with a T.

    And if you're currently riding the Fire Emblem train why take a risk on a game rated like that which could lose you money.

    Also while you only have Diadora/Alvis confirmed and Lachesis/Eltoshan implied, you can still pair Sylvia/Claude who are implied siblings or Holyn/Ayra and then Lakche/Shakasher, or Lex/Ayra and Lakche/Jo Bro. There's the fact you can pair Brigid and Aideen's kids who would be half siblings due to their mothers being twins. And I feel like a 4 remake would somehow include a 5 remake too and Nanna/Leaf were basically raised like siblings or you could do Nanna/Aless who are cousins.

    Like there's so many possible incestuous pairings you can't really do the Lucina/Owain thing and just slightly rename it I feel.

  5. Yeah I'll agree Midir > Fury. Realistically Fury only shows up to fight Zyne's group and maybe the armors around Agusty and is probably the best person to visit all the villages due to them being so far out of the way. So she probably won't see much combat besides the arena in Chapter 2.

    In 3, we'll probably have promoted Fin and want to give her the Brave Lance but there's not a lot we'll have her fight. Maybe the Fire mages or the Lance Knights to the west. She can nab a couple of Dragon Knights or Pirates if we send her to help Claude and Tiltyu but Midir can keep up with out main forces much better and much better exposure to combat. I'd give chapter 4 and 5 to Fury due to terrain and being a better promoted then he is generally and actually having an enemy phase, but otherwise he outclasses her.

  6. Yeah but he doesn't need it. There's no point where Beowulf doesn't already kill something with a half decent weapon that he won't over kill with charge. And if he does activate charge it's probably on something he won't kill anyway, like generals or the barons.

    Also I dare to say Azel and Tilityu might want some Elite Ring time. I'm not sure who we're really giving civilians to. Dew, Tilityu, Ardan and potentially Azel are probably the best targets and Ardan and Azel are possible to be promoted by then depending on how many kills and arenas they get through.

    Typically I can get away with like Dew 4 /TIlityu 2 civilians and then as long as Tilityu clears the 3, 4, and 5 arenas she promotes at the start of 5.

  7. I agree with Holyn > Ayra > Briggid but I think Jamka is better or equal to her. He's around longer and does comparatively more than what Briggid does while she's around. Plus Ichivial isn't really doing anything. Like Briggid is still gonna kill chapter 4 pegasus knights cause she's a sniper. At most it might help if we have her fight any bosses but we likely won't be having her fight Langobart or Reptor anyway.

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