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Posts posted by Psych

  1. if he inherits/buys the magic ring he suddenly ORKO's all enemies he doubles in chapter 7

    I still don't think it's the best pairing for Lachesis, but if you give him the tools he needs to be effective he does his job

    I'm not sure if he'll ORKO mages or dark mages, but then we also have to choose between him and Lex Arthur if we're doing that pairing. Who's more deserving of the magic ring? I guess Delmud cause horse but idk

    Who else would want the magic ring? Maybe Tinny, maybe Julia.

  2. basically my plan is to shoot whoever efforts the most

    since whoever is efforting is probably scum trying to look good

    but having a plan in and of itself is pretty effort-y so i would say it is actually you paperbad who is efforting to look good and is actually scum

  3. Did you give Delmud a magic ring? He does pretty well with it. This being said, my Delmud is also extremely magic blessed so my opinion might be null and void. I'm also at chapter 8 and he's like this which is totally ridiculous:


    I do agree with the general statement that he's ok when he doesn't have to do enemy phase stuff though.


    That's my Delmud. Including the Oifey conversation in 7, he's -3 in HP, -1.5 in Strength, +2 in magic, -2 in skill, -3 in speed, -1 in luck, +2 in defense, and -3 in resistance. So wow actually not doing great.

    But this goes to reinforce my point of if he was average and had 8 magic, that's only like 20 damage with a magic sword? Not the best when enemies have well above 40 HP. He's not going to kill anything we want him to. I think he's too high and I'd probably put him at the top of mid.

  4. Most enemies have HP that prevent Arthur from one shotting them. So then he either dodges forever or eats a hit. I've had to reload states a couple of times because of this. And Nanna can use Relive so she could always heal proficiently.

    Sure this is personal experience at the moment, but it's still going to be the same problems people have. Azel Delmud has a 40% growth for magic and a 3 base, that's not exactly great, and even then it's what, 7-8 points above what he would have? And that's average, my Delmud is pretty blessed and it's not doing me any favors.

    Julia also has B staves, letting her use stuff like Warp, Libro and the Status staves, plus Resire is REALLY good. She should be at least at Lana's level if not above due to actually being able to get money from arenas. And yeah, we can use the Hel mage, but it requires so much RNG manipulation it's not really a good idea.

  5. Now I don't play for turncounts ever so really all that does is probably accentuate my issues, but I'm currently doing a playthrough to test a few pairings and I feel these points can still stand.

    Aideen Claude

    Dew Aira

    Sylvia Levin

    Tiltyu Lex

    Fury Noish

    Azel Lachesis

    Brigid Holyn

    So while I've done a few of these before, it was more to test Sylvia Levin, Tiltyu Lex, and Azel Lachesis. I'm on chapter 8 so far, and I'm not super impressed.

    Delmud has been okay. I'm liking him when he doesn't have to eat a counter, but his magic isn't spectacular so his damage isn't as great as I would like. Nanna I'm not really having any issues with, but I chose to give her the Light Sword and just pass Leaf the chapter 3 silver. I think Leaf is hurting for it and I'm having to feed him children but Nanna's combat is pretty good compared to normal which I suppose isn't saying a lot actually.

    Arthur is thoroughly disappointing. He's already promoted but besides that not the greatest. I suppose I am a bit paranoid about leaving him in Wrath range, but outside of it he's awful an in it I don't want to rely on his dodging since he has trouble one shotting a lot of things. Maybe now that he can use Thoron that could change. I'm actually more impressed with Tinny. I typically do Levin Tiltyu and it's more of the Arthur show, but Lex is actually making me favor Tinny more this runthrough. She's basically level 18 or so and I'm at Manster and that's been just a handful of enemies and clearing 7+8 arenas. She's got a lot out of Wrath Ambush when typically her combat isn't great. Though I suppose she could start with Elwind with Levin as her father, the crits are a lot more useful.

    Leen's still a dancer with inheritance so not much to say even if her combat is awful. I had Levin pass down Bargain so I will probably grind Corple to promo in 9 with the Elite ring which I realize others probably wouldn't have time or money to do. Otherwise nothing to really say here.

    I usually do Dew Ayra and Brigid Holyn so I don't really see anything different here. I did mix up inheritences a bit and gave Shakasher the Shield Ring, Defender, and Earth Sword, so between those and Sol he was really tanky. Lakche didn't get much inheritence besides the Cutter since I remembered having issues with the Armors early in Gen 2. I probably could have given her the Hero Sword instead of Patty, but Lakche is just there for me at the moment and not really standing out.

    Lester got the Pursuit Ring and the Strength Ring in an effort for me to make Claude Lester not just take up a spot warming the bench in the home castle. He's doing okay and I'm actually surprised how well he's doing all things considered. I think giving him the Hero Bow now should make him a lot better but otherwise I'm surprised how well he's doing for so little up till now. And I could go on and on about Claude Lana but I think I already have in the thread. Still, the amount of sticky situations I've gotten out of with Reserve to heal my whole team if I want to fight something like Johan's whole battalion, or Liza's is impressive. And Rescue has been saving turns and making sure people keep up with the group rather than get left behind for visiting a village has been really useful.

    All in all:

    • Claude Lester actually hasn't been as bad as I thought with just the Pursuit and Strength Rings
    • Lex Arthur has been a letdown without Pursuit actually, and his strength is higher than his magic? So Thunder Sword time I guess?
    • Lex Tinny actually been doing a lot better than Levin Tinny?
    • Azel Delmud nice, but could be better in Arenas and against people who can counter at range
  6. Days of Ruin is kind of the black sheep of the series. It does away with a lot of the usual aspects of the series and I would probably call it harder but I don't think I ever finished it either.

  7. 6) I WAS TRAINED BY PSYCH idunno I just think creative roles are more likely to be paid attention to than plain ol roles. I feel like people are more likely to believe something out of the box compared to just like "Oh Tracker" or whatever.



    like legit i think even when i'm mafia i usually get away with claiming my own role just as town

    oh also what do you think of the psych master how good is he at mafia

  8. I don't really see you post a lot outside of mafia, so how did you first join SF? What's your favorite FE game and why?

    Which is your favorite game with me and why?

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