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Posts posted by Psych

  1. If I might add, the reason for this is that Luna is a skill exclusive to swords and Briggid's son is an archer. Same thing for Sol and Astra, although since Ayra is the only one with the skill, it's guaranteed it will end up with kids who can actually use it.


    Although I am still a great fan of BriggidxHolyn since Bows aren't the most accurate weapons in this game, so Faval greatly benefits from Holyn's Odo blood. And the Ishival deals even more damage then any of the other physical holy weapons, so it's not like he actually needs Luna as long as his arrows can hit.

    It's not exclusive to swords, it's exclusive to non-mounted sword classes. It's why pairing Holyn or Dew with Lachesis won't give her children Sol/Luna even though they can use swords. I think Leen can learn Sol/Luna as a matter of fact too.

    The Odo blood boosting Patty's sword rank also greatly helps train her since she's kind of a chore to train but she can her the Hero Sword before promo with it, when she usually can't.

  2. Thank you for the helpful answers. You really know your stuff when it comes to fe4 eh?

    So I won't be seeing Finn for quite a while then, with Ethlyn and Cuan having parmanently gone? Well that sucks.

    Won't there be any new characters from this point on? If so, then I should be able to pair them until the 4th chapter ends if I'm lucky. So when I start chapter 5 I should give away all good items to parents...okay.

    A passive bonus? The first time I've heard of that. And yes, I did initially let Sylvia and Levin pair themselves for...20 turns? But by the time Fury showed up I reconsidered. She and Levin stayed together the entire 3rd chapter and Levin still kicked her, what a douche.

    As a replacement I thought of father Cloude for Fury. Noish and Alec ended up....extremely unsatisfying with their growths so I never considere them for anyone. Tiltyu and Azel are what I'm going for, both being mages...and stuff. Azel was also impressive enough in his last few level ups so he earned it apparently.

    I haven't considered Lex for anyone. He's level 19 now and more than 10 of his levelups were hp +1...not exactly the stat growth you want anyone to inherit, I'd say.

    Eh, Finn and Aira should be fine. Finns stat growths are amazing and any class their children will be will definitely benefit from a high growth everywhere. And Aira's astra is so broken in FE4 that I really think it impossible to screw up her children. I'd have gone for Holyn for her, but he joined when the two were already married, so....yea.

    Briggid is very strong, especially those base stats. Dew is still borderline level 10, with many hp+1 along the way, so I wouldn't pair those two up. My initial thought was Holyn. If her children(archers maybe?) can inherit Luna it would be quite sick.

    Hm thats unfortunate, but Finn is such a god that an Iron lance should suffice for him as he easily surpassed Sigurd in terms of stats everywhere.

    You stop getting characters after Chapter 3 for Gen 1, and Chapter 9 for Gen 2.

    I should have said a passive love growth. You gain so many points per turn, but you get a bonus if they are next too each other in order to grow quickly. Also most of the time you can ignore stats for parents and focus more on skills and inheritance. Claude is fine for Fury, it's down to Claude/Noish depending on if you want her Pegasus daughter or her Sage son to have more focus. I personally like Dew Ayra but that's just me. Briggid's daughter inherits Luna but not her son.

  3. Anything Diadora has when she leaves goes with her, but as long as it's something that can show up in Gen 2, it will.

    Fin comes back in Chapter 7 with everything he has, Leaf and Altenna inherit Ethlin and Cuan's things respectively.

    The First Generation ends after Chapter 5. I recommend you pair everyone by about the end of Chapter 4. Try giving all your items to people who are parents, as they pass things down to their kids. Gen 2 wipes the store clean otherwise.

    There's a passive love bonus and you may have had Levin/Sylvia at a higher point than Levin/Fury. It's not that much worse off so you should be fine. I recommend Noish Fury then, but you won't have many items for her son, though that shouldn't be a problem since he's good even without them. Pair Tiltyu with Azel if this is your first playthrough, or Lex if you want to try something different, though Tiltyu Lex is pretty hard for first timers to use properly. Fin Ayra isn't that great normally, I would recommend something like Holyn Ayra or Lex Ayra for your next playthrough but it should be okay otherwise. And I would say pair Briggid with either Dew or Holyn, depending if you want her daughter to be more utility like Dew or have better combat with Holyn. Her daughter is a thief but if Briggid is paired with Holyn, he can pass down things like the Brave Sword.

  4. FE1 didn't give convoy access on the prep screen. FE6 didn't give convoy access every chapter unless you deployed a useless character. Could be worse, especially since FE5 let people carry a generous amount of items.

    They didn't have weapons break but still exist in your inventory

  5. azBMYUO.png

    "Magnus wake up." You hear Therin above you, and are gently nudged awake by him. It seems that you fell asleep after the events at the Academy. You wake up in some sort of shack that feels a bit cramped with 4 people in it. The girl from earlier is here too.

    "Is he up? We really must get going." The woman near the door booms. Her entire being seems to fill the room with a sense of dread, as if something just isn't right.


    "Okay granny, I think he's up." The girl says, as you hop out of bed.

    "Very good, then I shall begin." She starts. "Hello Magnus, I am Elaine, the Witch of the Woods. My granddaughter here is just my apprentice at the moment. Your friend has been filling me in on what happened to you, and it seems I will need to explain the situation. I think I'll start from the beginning."


    "Long ago, magic still existed in the world. Mages were treasured and applauded for their achievements. But magic was used for more than academia. Mages worked side by side with soldiers. Powerful mages could wipe out whole armies with the wave of their hand. In time, wars were fought over mages and their power. Storms raged and fires devastated battlefields. Eventually, people realized they didn't need mages in order to use the power magic held."


    "Weapons were built to use magic. But these weapons drained the natural magic of the earth. Crops failed, soil turned barren, and the sky grew darker. These weapons were draining life from the planet, and we knew it must be stopped, before magic destroyed us all. My allies and I were some of the strongest mages in the world, and so we took it upon ourselves to fix this travesty."


    "Nimue, Siren of the Sea.....Clarissant, the Forgemistress.....Nantres, King of the Skies.....Tryamon, Faerie of the Sands"


    "Hoel, the Stormcaller.....Isolde, the Hoarfrost Regent.....Brandelis, Lord of the Swamp.....and I, Elaine, the Witch of the Woods."

    "It was the eight of us who took this burden upon ourselves. We sealed magic away thousands of years ago. In fact, we eight are the only true mages left alive. Our magic is what has kept us alive for so long. We stand watching, making sure no one dare attempt to to relive the destruction magic had wrought."


    "But the Queen has other intentions. You see, she is not what she appears. In the days before we sealed magic away, she was there, as our enemy. She has powers much like ours, but Avalon is not human. She is....something different. I believe that she seeks to bring magic back to the world, for her own intentions this time. We had thought she had disappeared as we had not felt her presence in some time, but it appears she had come back some years ago in disguise, when the King was remarried. Much like us, she can change her appearance, so be wary. I am sure she has cast some spell in order to hold control over her knights and the King."


    "I'm afraid you three will have to stop her. While magic may be sealed, we eight are able to enchant trinkets and objects of the like. When someone else posses a trinket, they are given the ability to use magic. It is how my granddaughter is so capable at her age. But I need you three to seek out my companions. I am not sure how, but I fear Avalon has discovered our secret. Hoel oversaw the Flames of Knowledge. These flames are kept forever burning by our lifeforce. While we do not die from aging, if one of us was to die, the flame would extinguish and weaken our seal on magic, and I fear that is Avalon's goal. Her powers are unlike those we have seen. They appear almost celestial, and seem to warp the fabric of time.

    "While your adventure may be exciting it is not without risk. My spell on these woods should keep me hidden from Avalon, but I sense another who has one of our trinkets. You must speak to the princess before you leave to see the sages."

    Elaine looks at her granddaughter. "Now dear, you must go with these two. I knew something like this would come, and I've prepared you the best I can." She turns to the two boys. "Do you two have any questions before I send you out?"

  6. YMGYuNv.png

    Therin leads you to the Royal Research Academy, the premier school of all things arcane and obscure. It is here where the best and brightest minds of the kingdom gather to blah blah blah. You start tuning Therin out on his tour, but continue following him inside nonetheless.


    The main vestibule seems busy with students and teachers alike, and Therin asks to take a quick moment to check his old bed in the dormitory to the right, before continuing on.


    You wait near the entrance while Therin heads over to his bed. He pulls out a book and quickly skims through it.


    It appears Therin has learned the Growth spell. This should allow him to grow vines and brambles to attack enemies. It should also allow him to summon vines to scale walls and cliffs in a more utilitarian use.


    Therin leads you deeper into the academy. He mentions his tutor Professor Hoel can usually be found in the Grand Library. He seems nervous about meeting him, but insists his discovery is very important. You ask him what's up the stairs, but he doesn't give you a straight answer. "That's the Restricted section. Only Elder professors are allowed up there, and only the Head Professor is allowed on the level above that.


    Inside the library you find Professor Hoel, though it seems empty for a Grand Library. "Ah Therin, I was expecting your return. I presume you're here about your research." Hoel says, noticing the two of you enter.

    "Ah, I...uh, yes."

    "I do believe you were instructed not to continue that line of research, and you went against Academy orders, did you not?" Hoel's tone is not a pleasant one, though he does not appear upset for some reason.

    You wonder what he's talking about. "What does he mean Therin?"

    "You see, my experiment....was actually forbidden. All my research, all that time....I was doing it in secret." He solemnly tells you.

    "That's right. But I knew you would succeed. I knew you did as a matter of fact. Come, it's time I reveal something to you." Hoel says, exiting the library with the two of you in tow.


    Hoel leads you two up the stairs into the Restricted section, and continues up to the top floor. 8 torches of different colors are arranged in the room and Hoel stands in the center before he addresses you. "You see my boy, what you've discovered, was due to me."

    "What do you mean Professor? I did magic! Our school is devoted to research and theory, and all we do is study magical artifacts. No one knows the slightest bit of practice!" Therin exclaims, not understanding.

    "That is what we say. But it is not the truth. You see, there are still those who were alive before magic disappeared."

    Hoel's sentence is cut off by the sound of some explosion. An ominous voice fills your head, deafening even your own thoughts. "Hoel, I knew you were too bold to act against me directly. But I suppose I will be the one to make the first move."


    The room fills with a blue light beneath Hoel. It appears as if he is almost dissolving, as though he was flowing sand. Before he disappears, he looks straight into Therin's eyes. "Find the Witch!"

    A blinding flash fills the room, and when you regain vision it is just the two of you in the room.


    "Fire!" You hear a scream. "Fire! There's a fire!" The girl behind you shouts at you to leave the school, and Therin grabs your arm and leads you down the stairs, but you think you see tears in your eyes.

    The pink flame has gone out.


    You run downstairs, the room filled with flame and heat. Therin doesn't say anything, but you can see his emotions in his eyes. "All the research here, gone." He whispers, not thinking you hear him, but you do.


    Outside, the Academy has gone up in flames. You're still in shock over all that's happened. "Soldiers?!" Therin yells, snapping you out of it. "And that's the Queen! What's she doing here?"

    "So you're the troublemaker. Or should I be thanking you. It doesn't matter. Guards, get them!" She commands, point at you. The guards advance. With the school in flames, there isn't anywhere to run, till you hear a shout from the sky. "Grab on, unless you two have somewhere better to be!" The witch grabs the two of you onto her broom, lifting you out of here and flying back towards the woods.

  7. It's because Bioware has been infected by the EA virus. Their games used to be both long and exciting with a lot of good, fun side quests and interesting characters. Nowadays, the side quests in the new Bioware games are just filler. You dont even need to play all of them to get the maximum level. ME3 is barely longer than 5 hours if you just ignore the god damn filler side quests and I was playing on hard mode. If it was easy mode, I bet I can stroll through the god damn boring game in less than 5 hours.

    If you gonna play Dragon Age 2, I will just say this: DA2 took the repeating aspect up to eleven, it's even more boring than DA:I.

    Eh my issue with the Dragon Age series is it seems like they basically wanted to take a DnD style of combat and somehow make it real time and not question whether this would be fun. Like I could pay attention to all these stats and different resistance types and whatever or I can literally just dump stats into strength/magic and use abilities off cooldown till everything is dead.

    Like they have a good handle on the rest of the game, but Origins and Inquisition really don't make me think "I want to play this because I had a fun time just mashing buttons"

    I'll admit I'm playing on Easy mode, but that's just because I want to rush things as fast as possible since what strategy do they really have here? It's not like there's skills with situational use, I have my warriors spam taunt, my rogues spam everything, and mages occasionally do something other than cooldown rotations. Plus their way of letting you switch between party members doesn't really do a lot for me. If the game somehow had combat like the Tales system, I'd probably have much fewer complaints of the series.

    I have other problems with EA too though, but it's not really about Dragon Age.

  8. I think a game shouldn't be too short, but on the other hand, can't be too long.

    I recently got into the Dragon Age series, and played about half of Inquisition before my friend gave me the discs for the other games. I have 40 hours in Inquisition and am maybe 2/3 of the way through the plot and barely half way through other content like quests and combat. It just drags on and on and it's combat isn't the most thrilling, leading to a heavy plot based and character developement driven game. And that's fine if that's what you're into. I'll admit I like the game, but due to its length, I get fatigued and can't bring myself to really lock down a lot of time to try and complete it.

    And then if I'm going to want to finish the other 2 and a half games in the series, it'll probably take me around 70 hours. So this is an example of where making a longer game doesn't necessarily make it better.

  9. irOacwu.png

    It appears that by mashing THE A BUTTON, you seemed to have bugged the game. You skip the fight which ends about a month in the future, and see the End of Battle screen. Therin and Magnus have leveled up, but it doesn't seem like anyone has learned any new abilities or found any items.


    The party continues through the woods until they come upon a ruined house. It seems old a decrepit, and has probably seen better days, with weeds growing out front and parts of the roof cracked and falling in. An ominous dread fills the air, and Therin remarks that the house feels almost magical. With no other plans, the two step inside.


    While a bit dusty, it is an otherwise normal house. Though a bit dark, Therin takes a look around, noting that it seems someone has been here recently. He remarks that voices seem to be coming from downstairs to the left, and you head that way.


    At the bottom of the stairs, you and Therin step into a dark basement. Flames flicker and lick the walls with shadows reaching everywhere. A long girl is chanting something strange, and jumps when she notices you.

    "Who are you? What are you doing here?" Therin steps forward, talking very quickly. "You! You're doing magic! How is that possible?"

    "What? How the-? Whatever, fine. Yes, I am. I'm a Witch of the Woods! Or at least an apprentice. My granny is the real Witch, I'm just learning from her for now. I live here and I was just finishing something before going to see her. What are you people doing here? No one ever comes this far into the woods."

    Therin explains his quest, and desire to meet her grandmother and learn more about magic, but she scoffs at him, before getting a look on her face that worries the two boys. "Granny won't meet with just anyone. We live way out in these dark woods to hide our magic after all....But maybe I'll take you to her."


    "Granny lives way out in the woods, in an old tree. Her house is shrouded in a strange magic, preventing people from seeing it unless you've already been there. So I'll take you to her and explain your situation if you help me. See, I need to bring her a Spring Cherry for a special potion, but I can't find any in the woods, and Granny is very particular about me going into town. She worries about people finding out about our magic. I need you to get me one. But don't try anything funny! Granny's magic is very powerful! She can curse you, or turn you into a frog, or put you to sleep for a thousand years!....or at least that's what all the stories say."


    You remark that she hasn't told you her name yet, and then introduce yourself and Therin. The girl says she can't tell them her name, as it's the source of her magic, and if one was to know it, it could potentially turn her magic against her. She says even for an apprentice, she knows a lot of spells, like Tractor Beam, Explosion, Polymorph, Leaf Storm, and Vamp Drain. She seems to have a Vile magic affinity, which is effective on Holy enemies.


    You agree to the deal, and set off out of the woods, towards town. The witch explains that she will wait here while the boys find the Spring Cherry. She mentions that if there aren't any in the Shop, to try the Castle. A large festival is planned for the Princess' birthday tomorrow, and they might have some somewhere.


    In town, it appears as busy as ever, with plans under way for the Princess' birthday. Several stores are still open, included the General Shop, the Inn, and the Jeweler. A soldier is standing guard in front of the walkway to the palace, and it seems he won't let anyone through for now.


    Heading into the Shop, you take a look at the items on sale. Bananas, a Pineapple, an Angel's Kiss, a Mana Potion, a Lantern, a Wind Barrette, a Love Charm, a Pretty Ribon, and a Bone are all on sale, but no, no Cherries. Wondering what to do, you step back outside, as you here a large commotion.


    It appears the Princess and the Queen have made an appearance in town. The Princess waves at the citizens and smiles at some children. She seems very happy, and the whole crowd seems to take notice of her. It feels as if she's looking straight at Magnus. The queen on the other hand appears very busy, and holds her sleeve to her face as if she is smelling something foul. Before long, the Queen ushers the guards out, and the Princess heads back to the castle, looking a bit dejected. Therin sees them leave, and makes a remark. "There's something off about the Queen." The soldier that had previously blocked off the way to the Castle seems to have left.

    With the store out of stock and no other plans, you aren't quite sure of your next plan of action. Therin says he could go check in at his Academy, or they could look around at the other stores. It seems you do have some money on you if you wanted to spend it. Or is there something else you might want to do?

  10. About time someone put up this thread. I actually have had Smite since the open beta, but I never got around to maxing an account or playing much since other games always got in the way. Which is funny considering how up to date I am on it actually.

  11. Indeed. It's rarely seen though, sadly. Most people just build ap/cdr/tank, delete things with Q and R, and staying alive to cause disruption in teamfights. He's actually pretty versatile.

    well with lich bane he has a 2.5 ratio combo

    it's easier to burst someone than deal sustained damage and trying to survive with mana barrier

  12. Also people seemed to severely underestimate AD Blitzcrank. The double physical damage on E is nothing to scoff at, and the AS boost from his W was helpful in wrecking towers just that bit faster, as well as its MS boost helping stick to fleeing enemies that much better. I love AD Blitz.

    Well he was originally designed as a bruiser so it makes sense he's not that bad

  13. honestly the only fe games i'd say not to run blind would be FE5 and FE6, due to FE5's difficulty and strange mechanics you won't expect like having 2 party members after chapter 3 and losing people that don't escape before leaf, and FE6 due to all the gaiden requirements for the good ending

    FE4 might fit due to all the little nuances and conversations, but as long as you know to marry people and get yourself children, it's hard to screw yourself over so much that you can't do anything

  14. also do not give morde or zilean to them either like wtf these guys are good, just immobile

    they have damage for days and can bully you hard


    you know those 4v5 games where the other team gets both the carries really fed and annie has a 20 stack mejai and they can’t end and even though they get all your turrets and inhibs they can’t kill the nexus

    and so they bm in the fountain when the nexus has like 100 health and they talk shit all game and eventually you guys pull it together and outlast them and kill their nexus and it’s the most rewarding feeling ever after an hour long game

    man who gives a fuck about my kda

    not featured: we literally had zero dragons, they had 5, and like 2 or 3 barons


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