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Posts posted by Psych

  1. I've been taking forever and been lazy the past two days. My team is Combusken and Metang and I'm at the Trick House right now around level 22. I also have a Cut slave Vigoroth that has somehow reached level 18.

    Final team is planned to be Blaziken, Metagross, Roserade, Froslass, Sharpedo, Latias though.

    Granite Cave being gone was kind of disappointing, as it the fact you now have to beat Brawly before you can go to Slateport. I liked the sequence breaking where you could actually fight him as the fourth gym leader. You could also get an early Sableye too but now I have to wait for the bike and I prefer Acro anyway. :/

  2. We could also cheap the fuck out and just make horses lose 3 movement indoors instead of actually implementing dismounting. Heck, making them only have 4 movement indoors would be an interesting tradeoff as your foot units would have 1 more movement than the usually faster horses.

    I mean I'm no coding expert but I figured something like that was what we were doing. Fake dismounting so to speak

  3. Well just earlier or something. Leaf's late promotion really hurts. You could probably rewrite 9 when he meets Dorias since that's supposed to be a big moment, or 15 when he talks to the priest in the church. 9 is probably too early for a promotion though.

    I could probably help write scripts now that I think about it, supports or just general ones since we'd probably want to change them for character or something.

  4. "Only"? This game has 12 chapters. That's almost half of the chapters.

    2,3,4 where you have return staves and rings and large stretches of roads for sigurd to move faster

    7 where you really only have to send aless and celice and you get a dancer after to move celice along faster

    9, where you really only backtrack with corple but I guess you can send celice or some others

    10, where you backtrack barely just to get to the gate to miletos

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