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Posts posted by Psych

  1. pay lumi for progress


    have a slightly younger Igrene with brand new design

    no I'm not going to shade the parts outside of the hackbox but i did want to palette the rest of the design so

    her face looks very masculine for some reason

  2. 903abdae6864db27bcbbccfc1a2270ab.png





    five pictures tell the story of half an hour of building after half an hour of searching and an hour of grinding to get the perfect shoulders

    sf blog, have you ever become completely wrapped up in the cosmetic aspect of a game, totally irrespective of the other elements? i swear the only reason i still play guild wars 2 is to collect skins and make outfits for my elementalist.

    omg integ you play gw2 now that account i never used has some purpose

  3. well shit

    First thing I suppose should be focused is BotRK, particularly if the enemy is a tanky laner, for that % HP damage. Then some boots. Into Tiamat if you're ahead, or a relevant defensive item if even or behind. A Tiamat can be picked up later to help with the splitpushing. Then full ar/mr.

    @Eclipse: I read something on Reddit about changing your machine's MAC address when you're experiencing huge ping spikes. Something to do with packet loss caused by your ISP, and that changing the MAC address of affected machines can temporarily fix this problem. It might not affect you but it's worth a try, and harmless even if it fails.

    yup pretty much

    trundle can go for a second offensive item due to his ult's steriod in fights

    between that, the resets from hydra, the shred from bork, and all that life steal, healing, and attack speed from his W and stuff, he's really scary to duel

    also get spirit visage cause it's so good with W and all this life steal

    like yeah you should always build differently according to the game, but sometimes you have a build that is just really good and I would only ever shuffle the item order

    Merc Treads



    Spirit Visage


    and then you have a 6th slot that's situational but this gives trundle everything he wants and makes him a real menace

  4. I think I had learned that lesson the hard way by the time Mundo game rolled around.

    Agreed. Should focus harder on CS for the golds. That's one of the important things I'll be working on, next to dying less.

    I personally see nothing wrong with a Hydra on Trundle, against certain matchups at least. It was very helpful when we were a full team of 5 and I was splitpushing hard. What are your reasons for disliking it?

    didn't see this till now whoops

    Hydra isn't bad on trundle, and with Q he gets like 2 auto resets basically so he can do a lot of damage, but I prefer Bork. It's up to preference since Hydra can help with clear, but Bork is better for dueling with Trundle which he already is good at with his kit so it makes it harder to be fought. It makes him even harder to escape too.

    Honestly I'd probably get both or something and then the rest would be defensive items.

    bork synergizes well with his attack speed boost for more procs too

  5. Nothing like a townie just sacrificing themselves to maintain numbers since Cult was weird with recruitment rates and such, Psych had no way of knowing the long term impact of claiming otherwise. I sure as heck wouldn't have, because the way I see it, I'm a townie who can die by both antitown factions, rather than just one.

    yeah i don't think we've ever had this type of cult recruitment and it's taken me a rereading or two to realize just how it works, but even then I'd assume it would have killed me the way paper said

    so yeah i don't think i played my claim poorly

    could have done other stuff but eh, i've never been one to carry town

  6. i think we win (or at least have a very good shot)

    psych is cult meaning barring unforeseen bullshit hydra or beli is last mafia - i'm very paranoid about whether my results are accurate but i can't see a scenario where it's wrong

    psych flips cult, mafia nk has to be me and then it's beli vs hydra which imo i think belisarius has been more consistent but considering both have iffy claims it's basically a toss up, so i guess that's refa's call

    ##vote psych

    and when I don't flip cult, the town loses

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