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Posts posted by Psych

  1. Iris has like 2 posts today with basically no content. She also seems to mostly post just if she's reading and about her shoddy activity, BFOTD, but it's not sitting well with me and reads as lurking yet people seem to be excusing her and she's flying under the radar

    Eury I thought you said you weren't going to do those anymore.

    Agreed, 100%. IDK how I feel about the BBM roleclaim and outing his target because roleblockers and so many things could go wrong?? Just saying. BBM pretty much summarized how I feel about Elie's claim.

    From a quick skim read, Mitsuki's new posts seem to be pretty meh and Elieson's are improving, but I need to reread them before (or if) I change my stance on anything.

    Beli makes me want to :facepalm: but would not lynch, since bad logic =/= scum. He reminds me of FFM in that regard.

    this post also stuck out to me but now I can't put my finger on why

  2. I think Elieson's explanation of himself is actually good enough for me, but I don't really know who we should lynch instead of him since I don't understand where these eclipse votes are coming from.

    vote bizz guys

    you know I haven't heard from Iris in a while and it feels like she's slipping into the background, and ##unvote, vote Iris

    Idk guys I really don't like turbo lynches and I'd rather lynch elite or blitz (except not anymore since that role claim )

    I'll consolidate though but if you guys want to lynch elie instead I'll switch again

    ##vote: marth

    I'm on phone and at dinner will check in an hour

    she also seemed to jump on marth pretty easy but I might need to check her iso for mitsuki interactions

  3. I feel like people are waffling a lot for no reason and I don't really get why

    I kind of forget my read on boron, but I like eclipse and lean town on her, though bizz is leaning more scum if I didn't think she'd be cult over scum

    I feel like refa might be cult or at least is going to end up cult but right now I'm okay with an elieson lynch ##vote elieson

  4. ughhhhh. right. whatever

    I think it was easy to forget with Psych's whole "WAIT I MIGHT BE A VANILLA AND CULT MIGHT NOT EXIST" which I still don't understand either but it made me assume that maybe there just isn't a cult and Psych just misread his role I mean why else would Eclipse be playing /shot (THIS IS A JOKE I PROMISE)

    i didn't misread my role, but i took a leap of logic and assumed there may or may not be a cult

    but regardless of that i can not be recruited

  5. The FE4 class section has the Thief Staff icon from FE3 instead of an actual picture of a Thief.

    and this isn't really relevant, but could you add pictures of female classes to the FE4 section? Some don't appear at all in game but I do know they exist and idk i feel like it would be a nice addition. others do, like Tinny as a female mage

  6. I don't really know what that means, but maybe. For some reason I can open the Battle Animation module in 2.0 but not 1.0, but the changes I make in 2.0 won't affect the game.

    Which sucks cause it means I can't do things like add staves to Male Mage Fighters or axes to Heroes.

  7. I'm going to bed in like 20 minutes so ask me stuff now

    i'm kind of too tired to give opinions and I feel like all my reads are out the window and at neutral but I don't like elieson any more especially after he lied and bizz is messing with my gut but I can't tell why

    i'm leaning town on eclipse though I kind of forget who she replaced

  8. I feel like they might VU shen before they give him new art. IIRC, they didn't like how his tank-ness wasn't that apparent and how it didn't fit a Ninja. They might TU Kennen and give him a new splash though, he isn't that bad.


  9. Also I just realized now that "trying to hide power roles" is probably pointless because Mitsuki presumably also got the same information as I did and gave it to her team already. So unless we are still seriously concerned about a cult (which is still a resonable option I guess), if nobody has objections I'll out that soon. Elieson visiting Psych makes absolutely no sense in that case unless he was told "there are no roles that are explicitly cultproof" or something and Psych just misinterpreted, I dunno.

    I can not be recruited by cult, I know that

  10. Psych, what?

    I shall post again in a bit with content; taking my daughter swimming


    Marth was Haze. Haze one time faked a cult being in a game. I am eclipse. eclipse hates 3rd parties, especially cults.

    I assumed there was potentially no cult and I was being punked, but paper says my rolepm wouldn't lie but I still don't believe this.

  11. Okay first of all I want to preface this by saying sorry for not being around for deadline yesterday? I woke up late and assumed I had more time than I did but like woah turbolynch much

    I believe both claims though, now seeing Blitz and also the announce from Mitsuki. I literally didn't even realize Marth was playing though so i can't really give any more input on his lynch.


    I AM VERY CONCERNED (okay not really concerned, just paranoid) THAT I AM ACTUALLY VANILLA?

    Marth's role is Haze, and specifically mentions how one time he fooled the town into thinking he's cult, and how much eclipse hates him. My unrecruitable part and knowledge of the cult, comes from me being eclipse. She hates 3rd parties so much blah blah blah my role blah blah.

    I'm tempted to think this is paperblade pulling one over on us, and I'm just vanilla and i've tricked the whole town into thinking there's a cult

  12. Mine just gives a list of numbers in hex in the text document for the module.

    I wanted to see if downloading Nightmare would work instead of Nightmare 2.0 but I can't seem to find it.

    edit: i was able to get it to work with Nightmare 1.0 guess this thread is done

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