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Posts posted by Psych

  1. Preserving weapon proficiency when dismounted may be one change I might be willing to compromise on, but for that to work at all, two things are required:
    1. We would need to make an "indoor" map tile designation, so that no mounted user may proceed indoors (or if they did, they would proceed only on foot with whatever move they'd have left, 5 movement maximum) to make dismounting a thing at ALL, and
    2. To preserve balance, I may have to introduce an "Infantry" skill for all non-cavalry units that would give a statistic boost when indoors, (Indoor Fighter? It just might be), or conversely, a skill that debuffs cavalry when dismounted (hell, let's just call it "Dismount: Cavalry is mightiest upon the mount.")

    Giving mounts a mounted skill is probably easier. And the tileset thing doesn't sound too hard to figure out.

  2. I'm fine with dismounting, but I do wish you had more indoor lance users. Also, considering you can change this, making weapon ranks go up faster makes it so unmounted units are screwed over by D Swords all the time.

    Maybe have unmounted units keep their mounted weapons but still receive a movement and stat penalty? I'm pretty sure Dalsin and Xavier are the only lance users indoors otherwise.

  3. I now actually recall seeing a video or reading some interview that explained how the tilesets were 2.5d. Darn.

    yeah that's what i'm talking about

    i have no recollection of the actual thing or where I could find it but it was some interview around release that showed screenshots of them making a map

  4. There's nothing wrong with re-imagining a game. FE4 does have a lot of flaws, though, and I don't think splitting the chapters will do much to fix it. (Backtracking is a minor problem exacerbated by other factors, and removing it would just make every chapter a run to the throne like in Marth's games and FE6.)

    there's only maybe 5 chapters in the entire game where you have to backtrack with your lord

  5. Castle by Castle sounds good. If IS ever does a remake of FE4 and FE5, it could be like Radiant Dawn, split into Acts. Prologue to chapter 6 can be act 1, then in Act 2 we get Leif's story up to the defeat of Veld, then Act 3 would be crossing the yied desert up to meeting Sety. The Final Act would defeating Manfroy, Warlords, Ishtar and finally Julius

    this, but make act 2 up chapter 6-7 of gen 2, since honestly you could just replace veld with manfloy and not affect the plot at all and the later parts of fe5 aren't really that important plotwise

    so Part 1 is gen 1, Part 2 is thracia 776 up to chapter 19, then Part 3 is second generation

  6. I play on West as Evie but I haven't played in like 2 months. I had come back from about a year long drought in June, but since then raids only just got boring and I had finally gotten myself 70 gear so seeing the trek to 80 wasn't appealing.



    s2ep4 raids

    except Ulchas, he's cool

  7. It was really hard for me to get theming bonuses in places besides Museums. I only had about 3 places, the Louvre, Hermitage, and one other place. I had been making a couple other Wonders that have slots for works, but they kept getting taken out from under me by Arabia and Montezuma.

    And I didn't know other things like trade affected tourism. I only knew about the ideology thing.

  8. Yeah i was playing multiplayer with a friend against AI and while we only usually use Warlord or Prince, there were still parts it was hard. I was leading our team for most of it, till around maybe halfway through Classical/Medieval, but she took a lead from then on till around the Atomic Era when I had so much culture and science and gold. She was also taking most of the cities for us and we chose her religion for world religion so it wasn't till after a couple world congress things and when I had like 300 culture per turn and 900 science was I able to start feeling useful again.

    Cultural victory is just so hard in BNW though. We ended up winning diplomatically after we had eliminated 1/6 AI's and by me allying with a few city states. I had already purchased like half of them, so between that and having delegates from passing stuff like World Religion and Ideology we managed to get enough to win.

  9. The developers masked the real growth rates so they look like garbled numbers instead of the usual 1E = growth rate of 30%.

    These "garbled numbers" are read by an algorithm in the game which converts them to the actual growth rates. But we don't know what that algorithm is.

    Basically the developers know we hack the games, so they tried to prevent us from reading the most important data.

    In FE12, you could use the emulator debug tools to read the algorithm, but dunno if anybody is that proficient in 3DS hacking to do it for this game.

    What I do is use a work-around to convert the garbled numbers into less garbled numbers and then map them to real growths. But this involves knowing the mapping (we can map most of the numbers thanks to the guidebooks).

    No, BS Fire Emblem is the extra 5th game according to Nintendo (ever since FE12 came out).

    yeah couldn't you just assume our growths are correct, then use that to match values with the numbers?

  10. fe4 and 5 had the hero (or at least knockoffs with different names) as a myrmidon promotion option, so it makes sense that they would've at least considered restoring that at some point during development. what makes less sense is that it survived long enough for the personalised map sprites to exist; i'd have thought that was the sort of thing they would've held back on putting effort into until the class family structure was finalised

    it's a silly little musing, but suddenly i wonder if these sprites would be functional if one were to hack these characters into being heroes

    they likely wouldn't have models so that would cause an issue

    Hey, that's cool. I'm not very observant when it comes to the UI.

    Some minor findings before I leave for a bit.

    1. Walhart was called "Waltrud" at some point (can't find the Japanese equivalent at the moment; I've looked through too many files).

    2. Stahl, Lon'qu and Olivia have map sprites as Heroes, despite not having access to Fighter or Mercenary. Maybe Hero was a class option for Myrmidon? Say'ri too.

    3. There's a faction (I think) called "フェリア反乱軍" (Feroxi Rebels). Does this appear anywhere? Was Feroxi going to have a civil war at some point? Makes sense with the two Khans.


    Growth rates are ciphered like in FE12. There was some discussion about them in the first page or so.

    As it stands, most of the existing growths are accurate, but because of the cipher, extreme growths (anything other 70) or non-standard growths (not multiples of 5) are impossible to figure out.


    Here is the link to the character growths.

    Class growths are on hold as I need to generate data.

    what exactly does ciphered mean?

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