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Posts posted by Psych

  1. Okay, that worked, thanks so much. I had to just copy your spoiler into a renamed text file, and at first that didn't work, but then I moved FE4 Character Numbers.txt into the folder and got it!

  2. never mind I found it

    they prove you still have your role tho

    I think that's actually really important bizz

    since it'll mean he's not cult, maybe not mafia though

    so if me, bizz, jalmont, and beli aren't cult

    refa and weapons seem town

    iris seems to be cult

    that leaves FFM, SB, bearclaw and shinori, though refa or weapons could be cult but I have doubts about that

  3. If we lose after mislynching once, I'm going to be so mad. Anyways, Iris is probably the SK. I don't buy Psych's cultproof thing, and SB/kirsche are probably mafia because lol @ them not dying over Poly/Eurykins.

    if i'm alive i'm not in the cult

    also I'm kind of just done with Iris and she's now like super scum to me ##vote iris

    bearclaw- need a reread

    Belisarius- need a reread

    FFM- blehhhh

    Iris- scummy scum scum scum

    jalmont- need a re-read, not looking good

    kirsche/SB- ehhhhhhhhhh

    Psych- Cultproof Vanilla

    Refa- town

    Shinori- ehhhh

    Via- town

    Weapons- town

    I'd be okay with a kirsche/beli/ffm lynch if we don't want iris

  4. I just realized something ughh facepalms

    psych's role only says he can't be recruited. it doesn't say straight out that there's a CL, right? so what if there's not a CL but like an inquisitor (SK that cults the peopl it doesn't kill) or whatever? it would explain why there wasn't a second kill n1; maybe someone got saved or something. Who knows! I'm pretty positive about there probably being an SK in this game and it would therefore make a LOT more sense. again I hate rolespeccing but really.

    also psych suspects me every game it's nothing new

    I can't be recruited and I know there's a cult.

    The other day when I got confused was because of flavor I guess but it's still in the back of my mind. See, Marth was Haze who at one point fooled everyone in town there was a fake cult. I am eclipse who hates third parties and especially cults. This made me think the Haze thing was happening again because I had inadvertently told everyone there was a cult when there wasn't.

    I also got the cat thing between went I went to bed and when I woke up.

  5. Via - This is for cult and not scum and is entirely rolespec tier but the reason we're seeing no activity that suggests a cult could be because the CL got hooked forever? Wouldn't lynch over this but it's something to keep in mind.


    bizz i know u love cult but why u gotta do this to me

    especially when i can't be recruited :*(

    that asterisk was a typo but imma leave it

  6. Iris:

    Iris- I don't think Iris is actually mafia, but just her disappearing after D1 makes me feel like she got culted (I think she stood out too much on D1 to be CL).

    This. She stuck out to me a lot on Day 1, and then floats away into background.

    Shinori: A lot of his actions seem really questionable to me, and he felt like he was one foot in one foot out of the elie lynch so that he could go either way. whoops so was i

    also i don't think i can go two posts in his iso without seeing him mention bizz which just sticks out on me and questions why he's tunneling her so much. Admittedly a hooker has already flipped but...

    Polydeuces: scorri felt scummy to me and his iso seems to just be recycling people's points without coming up with new info. low contributions and seems to fade into the background as well

    bizz is cult leader calling it now

  7. Brave weapons are also not that great in FE9 (to my knowledge, anyways; they show up so late) and don't even exist in FE11. In FE12 you can only get them around the end of the game (like even after the holy weapons) so it makes sense that they're really good. Also I haven't beaten FE12, so I could be wrong about that one (I've just watched playthroughs).

    They're wifi shop exclusive, but they exist.

    Brave Weapons usually suck in the GBA games since you get them too late or enemies just suck compared to PCs. FE4 they're probably too strong because they're effectively unbreakable, and also because Pursuit is broken. So if you stack Pursuit and Continue and a Hero Weapon you just become insane.

  8. oh well in that case

    ##Vote Eclipse

    it kinda feels like the day's slowing down

    lurkers the eclipe lynch doesn't mean a free pass for you to lurk say something

    also kirsche's/sb's constant push on refa is rly rubbing me the wrong way

    It is a little, but we still have like between 24-48 hours since I can't count. I think we should keep discussing cult stuff maybe but I don't really know what else we could talk about then.

  9. There's 14 people left alive though. Considering 14/5/1 though, that means we have 8/3/3.

    Refa town in my eyes, as is Rein, but I feel like either one will be cult tonight or maybe was yesterday. Honestly, my scum reads are a little blank, as I've gone blank in regards to all the sub outs and the fact that so many people haven't been very active. I've been trying to read more for cult, but that's not really helping. I also don't really understand the eclipse lynch? Like she's too aggressive? Eclipse is always aggressive. I don't understand it but she does rub me the wrong way as there's something there in her tone that's not typical town eclipse though.

    I also notice rein is now dead. I'll vote eclipse but I don't feel comfortable doing it this soon since I think we should draw the day out more.

  10. I hate to double post, but I've been trying to look around for it myself and can't seem to figure it out. Is there a way you can make Seige tomes not halt movement in case I want to give one to the player?

    and you have a portrait tutorial can you make a mapping tutorial lamia

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